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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I really doubt the Witch King could easily kill Gandalf even without his staff while getting stabbed in the back by some cavalry. Gandalf kills the balrog with a sword before being reborn more powerful, and all it takes to incapacitate the witch king is a sword to the leg. That is because Aragon touches the palantir and sends Suaron a false message of him having the ring and reuniting Gondor, so even if Sauron stared directly at Frodo it wouldn’t matter because he was fixated on Aragon. It is also states that Sauron doesn’t even consider that they’d destroy the ring, he thinks it is an impossibility.
  2. Yeah you are probably right, I just remember being impressed with a lot of the scenes that were cut. Still the worst scenes will be better than this fucking amazon series anyway
  3. Well no that isn’t what I meant, I could swear there is a scene not with Eowyn where the king of rohan mentions that he knew aragon when he was young
  4. Because I remember being confused about it as a kid watching it on VHS and I’m sure those weren’t extended
  5. No I’m sure it is mentioned at the funeral of the King of Rohan’s son
  6. I think we are at an impasse with everyone unsure which scenes were added and always in the film
  7. Isn't that scene one of the ones added in the extended cuts?
  8. There are several scenes that mention Aragon’s being quite old, even the king of Rohan saying that he remembers him from when I was a boy and it is never explained unless you watch the extended or read the books. It is confusing because it is never even implied there is a race of super men. I believe it also expands on what happens to merry and pippin while that one orc is chasing them through the forest, as you said it adds tension What happens to Saruman is explained/seen otherwise all that happens is Gandalf says ‘trapped ip in his tower’. So ot makes no sense for them to find Saruman’s palantir just floating in the water
  9. none of them are any worse than the battle of pelanor with legolas doing matrix style kill combos of giant elephant things. the cut scenes can’t be criticised overly much when there is shit left in the movies that never should have never seen the light of day. the handling of denethor is atrocious as well. the movies have serious issues at times and non of them related to the added cut content but some of them related to the content.being cut. there are several scenes in the two towers that make no sense without the exposition of what aragon and the dunedain are
  10. Don’t remember any of those. Distinctly remember Aragon talking about the Dunedian and actually getting to see how Saruman dies
  11. Hidden Fortress - George Lucas took most of this movie to repurpose it as Star Wars. Kurosawa is so good
  12. Awful opinion. They extended scenes give context to otherwise unexplained events and concepts. the most cringe stuff is alrewdy in the thestricsl release, mainly the battle scenes with legolas and the increasing use of cgi
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    Uerige or something, From Dusseldorf
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    @Tommy thinking of you while I skol this alt beer
  15. Pretty sure the biggest selling game in Germany is Forklift simulator, so what you guys consider fun most consider work
  16. because it is unbearably obtuse, ugly, and unfun. i played enough of this shit a decade ago
  17. I don't know if I had posted this on here but I felt insulted when it came to Margueritte's story. I really felt like it was condescending and 'tell, don't show' when it said 'The Truth' as if I couldn't come to that conclusion on my own. It is a good movie but I don't know why that bothered me so much, it felt infantile compared to rest of the story and it's only on the screen for a second. I must just really hate it when film goes out of it's way to hand hold and explain things to the audience. I also hated the costumes and lighting of the movie. Dark, grey, brown, and shit coloured. I'm so tired of medieval movies being set in alternate reality where light and colour doesn't exist. There is a reason why nobles wore coloured clothes was to show off their wealth. Look at these medieval regional flags of France. 894 × 989
  18. Yojimbo - Kurosawa's Samurai dark comedy was remade by Sergio Leone as 'A Fistful of Dollars', that is all you need to know. Watch it.
  19. I hate Affleck in that movie. He was easily the hammiest actor. Damon and Driver played it straight and then Affleck comes into a scene like he is a Mel Brooks character.
  20. Played 20 mins of FM21 and uninstalled. Fuck FM.
  21. Spike


    Wrestling fans are weird that is true.
  22. Spike


    That isn't really cancel culture though, that's just a consequence of doing something stupid. Granted a decade ago is a long time but getting bitten on the arse for being stupid isn't really cancel culture. I think cancel culture would be more along the lines of 'I think XYZ is sexist/racist/bad' 'any proof?' 'no but he is obviously sexist/racist/bad'
  23. @RondónEFC except 8 paragraphs on the sign
  24. As a Simpsons meme aficionado the ‘Nobody loves Milhouse’ would have been better. My judgement is absolute.
  25. Spike


    If i can’t cay that then I hope they lose
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