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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Pretty sure I found @Stan’s account on a Leicester forum after I googled ‘Chaviest footballer’.

    65,000 posts too. What a  legend

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    2. football forums


      Purely coincidence. I would not have noticed if I didn’t recognise the avatar

    3. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      Who's the chaviest footballer though?

    4. football forums


      @Dr. Gonzo google threw me a curveball and the thread was more along the lines of 'footballers that should be punched'. There could probably be a venn diagram of the overlap on chavy footballers and needing a punch.

  2. I watched heaps in the last day Avengers End Game - It was fun 6/10 Spiderman (the one with all three spidermans) - It was fun but less fun than Avengers 6/10 Unforgiven - One of the best westerns ever 9/10 Westworld - Better than the TV show 7/10 Batman with R-Patz - It was too explainy because I hate movies that explain character motivation and plot points; and the Nirvana songs made me laugh but I liked it 7/10
  3. Domestic owners are probably for the best
  4. Different cultures define the continents differently. I know many South Americans are taught that America is one continent not two, but Asia and Europe are seperate.
  5. What a dreadful website
  6. Spike

    Off Topic

    Last day home and last week in Australia:(
  7. lmao all lies 1. Commit to winning once, then pull the rug out and use the good favour to turn the team into tourist destination we can use to make money indefinitely. 2. Move all Chelsea games onto Marquee Sports 3. We can’t afford contracts or new players. 4. However, Fulham will be renamed Rickettsham after we buy up all the land and develop it.
  8. NSW and QLD are the same but different and your lucky I don’t jump all over ya head fucking daawg cunt
  9. You went for English but got Queenslander instead
  10. Turns out Brexit means Brexit, lad. Simple as.
  11. Woody Johnson didnt turn turn an entire neighbourhood of Chicago into a shrine of himself.
  12. Spike


    Pak v Aus test is newrly unwatchabke withthe fucking vuvuzeulas. I hate them and every fan that uses one
  13. How corrupt is the Ukrainian goverment?
  14. Abramovic was one of the few oligarchs to survive the post-Yeltsin Russia. He threw his lot in with Putin to survive and he has done so to this day. The economic climate of Russia post USSR was a vacuum, state assets, and land was up for grab and swallowed by what was to become the oligarchs. In the early days the oligarch state was heavily supported by Boris Yeltsin and the USA but when Yeltsin was winding down and KGB supported Putin was gaining power there was a divide in the oligarchs, Abramovic was one that supported Putin, many of the others are dead or exiled, Khodorkovsky and Gusinky are exiled, while Berezovsky was assassinated in London with the assassination having ties to Abramovic. Saying these men or Abramovic having political influence or proximity isn’t simply conjecture, it is a fact and it has been available to see since the Yeltsin era. Abramovic was the very first to endorse Putin for crying out loud. Denying this sort of transparent influence is like denying that Rupert Murdoch controls the papers, or that Comcast doesn’t control the cable networks, or that Amazon doesn’t control the delivery infrastructure.
  15. Anybody excited or happy that a Russian oligarch is exiting for a Saudi oligarch is delusional. Sports clubs should be owned by communities and fans. Now they are tools and playthings by billionaires and regimes buying positive PR with western nations. Even American sports are more honest, they are just owned by people looking to make money, there is no smoke and mirrors, just revenue and that transparency is refreshing and honest.
  16. Saudi Media Group pretty much answer to the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. So yes, they are very representative of whatever human rights violations occur in that country. They are literally the propaganda arm of the government,. Guess what, they are infiltrating the British media, they already own the Independent, now they will sportswash with Chelsea. Are the British so weak they kowtow to the songs and pocket money of foreign powers? Why can a foreign investor even own a British football team? Brexiting right into Arabia. English football is a corpse.
  17. Spike


    Most people think that because they only ever watch the Superbowl. I also watched an atrocious game of soccer today, it was truly regretful. So it depends on the match
  18. My favourite is Devonshire accent, it sounds so country and relaxed.
  19. I love it. Makes it look and feel communal
  20. I love it. Makes it look and feel communal
  21. Spike

    Off Topic

    I wanted to do a brewery tour but the cunts are not doing em today
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