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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike


    That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be brought up and addressed. It is par the course of things happening and Morrison taking the credit while actually doing nothing. The point being is that they don’t care about the actual rules and if the popular idea was to let Novax in, they would. The people that are running the show are the exact same people as Djokovic, rich, entitled people that think the rules don’t apply to them. It is an absolute mess of a situation and he should have been turned away day one, but they have made a meal from it and let it get out of control.
  2. Spike


    Why won’t he just fuck off home
  3. Spike


    Not really my point.. that being the government are using this as a good PR spin
  4. Spike


    Then just say wanker. Those types aren’t exclusive to Australia
  5. Spike


    You’re right, it would have been a bad precedent to set, and by law how it is written. Still, I feel suspicious
  6. Spike


    I’m skeptical mate, just because I don’t trust any intention from this mob. I didn’t want him to be able enter for my own reasons but I feel this is something more sinister
  7. Spike


    Yes. They let him under a false pretense so they can deport him for the PR. Johnny Foreigner getting comeuppance is such an effective tool
  8. Spike


    Wouldn’t make a difference a hundred of him in the staff to replace him
  9. Spike


    Good thing you don’t vote in Australia because you’ve bouhgt into the story. Alex Hawke is typical liberal party scum https://www.openaustralia.org.au/mp/alex_hawke/mitchell
  10. Spike


    I saw a conspiracy theory that the only reason Djoko’s is getting denied is because he heavily criticised and has been campaigning against Rio Tinto in Serbia, and Rio Tinto is one of the backers of the LNP. No evidence but it is one of those things that probably is true to some degree. Rio Tinto so love raping the earth @Devil-Dick Willie @Toinho @Harry
  11. Spike


    I still don’t get what you mean by ‘Aussie’ and I never will
  12. Spike


    I like how he thinks it was the broadcaster that runs the video reviews. Kohli always had a holier than thou attitude
  13. Spike


    there is khawaja dropped from the side. australia looking like england atm
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    Of course but I wasn’t expecting 10%
  15. Spike


    it used to be footy and cricket
  16. Spike


    you see these kids domt undersntand thst just like me right niw they can sink a lot of beers with the biys playing and watching cricket
  17. Spike


    Yeah it is shame but it happens to everyone. I would love to see one or two years where he hits peak form again, just for old times sake. He remonds me of messi, bit a weird cunt but very good at what he does, probably autistic Shame that Marnus has been struggling wince he hit 1#, think maybe the pressure of performing has got to him, probably feels lile he has to score a ton a game and overdoes the aggressive shots
  18. Spike

    Off Topic

    I had two pints tonight and not much dinner and was feeling unusually heady. I checked the label and.. 10%. Explains a lot.
  19. Spike


    Absolutley nutty that Smith has an average 10 higher than the other three these days. I think Root’s plummeted this series.
  20. @Khan of TF365 a mate of mine told me that even Imran Khan (from what I am told is a populist) wouldn't come onto a televised match to spruik himself, and he fucking played the sport for thirty years. Is that true?
  21. I have been speaking to some of my mates about it and I've posted online on other places but I absolutely blew my fucking dacks when I saw the PM on the telly during the cricket. Has any other PM spruiked himself like that during a live sports event? Then leach off cricketer's dead wife and lecture women about breast cancer? Then having the gall to do so while cutting funding to medicare?
  22. Spike

    Work/Jobs Thread

    If I were single I would jump at working in Perth, always been a dream. And I actually know someone from my hometown that mines out there
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