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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Irresponsible Manc bastards, hopefully if anyone gets covid from their actions it’s just the two of them
  2. The disappointment comes from being league champions but then not really looking to strengthen now that they’re on top. Apparently they did the same thing with their rounders team after ending the Red Sox’s drought... before deciding they need to reinvest and then eventually won stuff again. So I’d have hoped they’d learn something from that.
  3. Rangers fans don’t seem to rate him very much. He’s not meant to be awful, but he’s apparently pretty inconsistent. Also got criticised for not putting in much effort. He’s got the raw talent to do well if he can apply himself and learn with experience. The decision making doesn’t really match up with what we (or Rangers) would really expect for a 23 year old - I’m honestly surprised he’s not making a permanent transfer away. Hopefully he does well on loan with you though.
  4. Dr. Gonzo


    Thanks! I pulled them out of the oven and they just looked totally wrong and then I looked at the recipe again and I apparently just autopiloted and did things a different way without realizing But it was tasty, despite me wondering “why the fuck does this look different?” One good thing about covid is I’ve been cooking more and I think I’m getting better at making things that taste good! Silver linings or some shite like that.
  5. Dr. Gonzo


    Similar concept, but not a real khachapuri. It’s a “breakfast pizza” with eggs and cheese, the bread’s croissant dough though. I don’t think that’s the case with khachapuri though.
  6. Dr. Gonzo


    Saw a recipe online, made it... did it wrong. Turned out great though (at least in taste, not appearance )
  7. Dr. Gonzo


    Here’s another one. It’s toast with ricotta cheese, roasted tomatoes & garlic with some walnuts and a balsamic glaze. Oh and Parmesan. Not bad
  8. Dr. Gonzo


    I made a cheese filled burger today
  9. I call this "dick nosing" - I imagine these were the same people that had a hard time coping once clothes were invented and walked around with their dicks out.
  10. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2020/08/26/tony-abbott-becomes-latest-shot-post-brexit-culture-war/?ocid=uxbndlbing https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/aug/26/tony-abbott-an-odd-uk-trade-champion-but-feted-by-the-british-right?ocid=uxbndlbing Having Tony Abbott as an advisor to our government is worrying because that man is a colossal dickhead.
  11. Nah there's no furlough - if you can't work from home and your work closed down... you're probably out of a job. A few small businesses got a bit of a "bailout" to protect their payroll to keep people employed - but those mostly went to bigger companies before going to smaller companies and then the government said "ooopsies our money ran out for protecting small business." A lot of states have put a moratorium on evictions because so many people can't pay rent - but once those moratoriums are lifted by the governors... there's expected to be a flood of evictions. This is America too, so for a lot of people their access to proper healthcare is tied to their employment. So a lot of people lost their ability to get affordable health coverage in the midst of a global pandemic. Looking at what's happened/happening/will happen to so many of the American working class during this covid crisis is the exact reason why the UK shouldn't follow in the US's footsteps and we should strengthen our social safety nets rather than weaken them so they provide essentially no safety net... like in America.
  12. I think a few weeks ago I wanted him to go out on loan. But I would like to see him given the same sort of time Origi got last season, I think he could do more with that time (although I’d like him more central).
  13. I think it’s normal to be anxious about wanting to get back to something resembling “normal” as soon as possible. Personally, I am dying for things to be closer to having my life back. Honestly, for me the whole pandemic has been a flood of anxious thoughts relating to how the west handles the virus. Can we open things up more and have more people back to work... or will to many people die? Or will they have long term health issues after infection? Can we keep things closed down without too many people losing their jobs? Having absolutely zero faith in the government to provide any guidance whatsoever sort of compounds the anxiety. Everything just seems so up in the air, it’s hard not to have anxiety about what the fuck we should do about covid
  14. RIP Riley Gale (the singer here)
  15. I agree with you on most points there, and I don’t understand the state of testing and contact tracing. I think a big part of the problem in the UK is this has proven to be a tough issue for even competent governments in Europe. We don’t have a competent government, we’ve got government by fumbling around and passing off blame to literally anyone but the people in charge. And yeah I think it’s a virus we’re going to be living with forever like the flu. And we’ll have some years with bad coronavirus strains like we’ve got with flus. Also I think your worry about a far right rising is legitimate, and tbh I don’t think we’ve been very far away, covid or not. We’ve seen a rise of right wing nationalists worldwide before the virus spread. But yeah, I’m sure the inevitable economic downturn won’t help on that front
  16. The thing is plenty of young and low-risk people live with people who are at risk. We also don’t really know about all the long term effects of this, as well as the fact that some people (even old people) can be a symptomatic carriers and others can get a debilitating illness from them. The shutdown/slowdown of society is something we’ve lived through before as a species, the response has been similar to the Spanish flu tbh. Mask mandates, closure of businesses, shit like that. It’s easy to say “we need to get things back up and running for the economy” - but really, the economy isn’t going to function normally as a highly infectious disease spreads and bodies keep piling up. It’s not an easy situation to deal with. Ultimately, no matter how you slice it, the impact of covid - regardless of policy - is going to hurt a lot of people either economically or just because it’s a public health crisis. And it’s going to disproportionately hit the working class the hardest.
  17. I don't think I have Nintendo online (when we've been visiting each others islands on Animal Crossing, we've been using the local connection instead of the internet)... but if there's a trial or anything, I'd be down to try. You'll probably murder me, I'm not the greatest at fighting games. The chaos of Smash Bros sort of gives me a better shot though with my button mashing.
  18. I think the biggest worry now is backup CB. Virgil's our most important player, and Gomez and Matip are both very good. But they're also both very injury prone & I'm not convinced our younger CBs are quite ready to fill in at the highest level. Hertha look set to sign Grujic as well, which should give us more funds. I think it's likely the club keep Shaqiri for at least another season, hoping he doesn't face the same constant injury struggles, so if he stays fit that's at least some depth for Salah/Mane (granted he's a different sort of wide player). It's not clear whether Brewster's going to get a shot next season or if he's going out on loan to someone like Leeds or back at Swansea again. If we're not keeping him, I think we've got to bring someone in to challenge Origi's status as our #1 backup to the front 3. Those areas are really where we need the most improvement. Honestly, getting Thiago's a bit of a luxury compared to the real needs of the club (although I think he'll give us a bit more creativity from midfield that'll open things up more against the sides that park the bus, which are our biggest weakness... so maybe not as much of a luxury). We've got a pretty solid squad, we just needed a bit more depth at LB (sorted), CB (now that Lovren's gone, and probably only because of how injury prone our 2nd/3rd choice CBs seem to be), and options for our front 3. I really hope we bring Thiago in though after watching Bayern in the CL though. He's world class and looks like he'd fit in with the way we play perfectly. But I also really hope we address those other areas, although if Klopp ends up trusting kids... I'll back that decision, he's been pretty decent at knowing when kids are ready so far.
  19. My wife and I just got Smash Bros on the Switch and we've been playing a lot of that lately. It's nice to play a fighting game that's easy as fuck, because usually they are very hard and I have to concentrate really hard and get all sweaty to even come close to winning (and I usually don't because for some reason my wife is absolutely incredible at Street Fighter & Mortal Kombat).
  20. Dr. Gonzo


    I looked for a recipe of these online and all the pictures looked way different. Then I learned about Peruvian tequenos using wanton dough... which would look just like yours. At some point I’m going to try making some, maybe in the Venezuelan style or maybe like yours. The Venezuelan style’s bread is much more like pastry... might be easier for me to do as I’ve got no experience at all with wanton dough.
  21. The tabby on the left is tiny in comparison to the grey kitty. And she’s got a Napoleon complex or something as a result
  22. Yeah the little one is a bit of a psychopath and you’ve basically described her. My other cat just wants to be pet and cuddled all the time.
  23. It’s been happening for a while, but there have been protests for weeks against the recent election results and some reports of what’s happening there are pretty fucking grim.
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