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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. It also doesn’t have the mechanisms for internal change, so the US is stuck with hostile nations of its creation that will look to destabilise the world and support enemies of US allies.
  2. https://www.rtx.com/raytheon?gclid=Cj0KCQiAyKurBhD5ARIsALamXaE-3iK9rbbsN4dqLRqGkFUyPiXIz4e94ktvocl9Jj6S2EdXvjW3fM8aAqAmEALw_wcB It literally says Raytheon though. RTX has been their stock ticker for… as long as I’ve been investing. Looks like they just had a corporate restructure and created a holding company called RTX, but Raytheon the company still exists and they openly call themselves Raytheon.
  3. It’s tough to say. Didn’t they just remove the oil embargo because of Russia’s war though? Embargo’s and sanctions imo are not that effective. Look at Cuba and Iran. Both are still miserable dictatorships.
  4. He was actually expelled for violating campaign finance laws after an ethics committee investigation into him & 23 felony charges against him: 9 counts of wire fraud, 3 counts of money laundering, 2 counts of theft of public funds, 2 counts of making materially false statements to the house of representatives, 1 count of conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States, 1 count of making false statements to the FEC, 2 counts of falsifying a record or document, 2 counts of aggravated identity theft, and 1 count of unlawful monetary transactions over $10,000. It's beyond a politician lying - there's some careers that aren't even public servant jobs (like my own) where a single charge alleging fraud would mean I lose their job and depending on how damning the charges are (and the likelihood of conviction) probably their careers.. For public servants, especially, there should be a higher standard of scrutiny. That democratic senator from NY who's been indicted for bribery also should be removed with a vote across party lines. It is the common sense thing to do - even before conviction. If they are found to be innocent they should be allowed back in, but having legislators who have been charged for financial crimes and/or fraud is simply unacceptable. Regardless of political affiliation, every elected official in any democratic society should be under strict public scrutiny. And protecting taxpayers from being legislated by criminals who steal their money that should be spent to their benefit is of paramount importance.
  5. If that’s even his real name lol, who knows with the shit this guy’s said.
  6. The congressman that simply could not stop lying about everything was expelled from the house of representatives - has only happened 6 times before.
  7. Raytheon are still called Raytheon. Have you tried Google yet?
  8. “A’s for Gonzo throwing left wing tropes about LGBT around.” Nah I’m not throwing tropes around I’m mocking you calling “wokeness” a Nazi ideology. Imo “woke” or “wokenes” or “woke-ism” etc is just a meaningless term that’s now what people like you use to criticise anything that makes you uncomfortable.
  9. the translation subtitles aren't the best lol but it's a good song
  10. 12 days after releasing one of Iran's most popular musicians (after holding him for over a year and torturing him), they've decided they don't want him freely out in the world demanding human rights for Iran. And with the world distracted by the war their proxy is engaged in with Israel, they've snatched him back up.
  11. And that the mass murdering fuckhead got to die peacefully in his home.
  13. This is one the funniest things I think I've read on this forum. Also why the fuck would you care about "not wanting to live in a country where being English is seen as an issue?" Aren't you South African? Even if that were the case (spoiler alert - it isn't, hilarious claim though)... wouldn't you be fine in that situation? Seeing as you're not English? Also there's absolutely no debate on what it is fundamentally to be British - born in Britain or a British overseas territory or a citizen of a British country or British overseas territory? Ok then we all agree that you've got the fundamental aspects of being British. Not born in Britain or a British overseas territory or a citizen of these countries/territories? Ok, we all agree you've not got the fundamental aspects of being British. It's not some mysterious concept of Britishness - it's citizens of the UK, British Overseas Territories, and Crown dependencies.
  14. Positioning and movement is the most underrated trait in all of football, regardless of position. Some keepers get heralded as great for making incredible saves for TV cameras - but they're not all that great, they've got to make these incredible looking saves often because they don't have great positioning for a goalkeeper. A lot of really good goalkeepers make a lot of their work look almost routine by being aware of the right positions to be in and making shot stopping just much easier for themselves... as well as having the ability to pull off actual incredible saves. Everyone knows defender positioning is very important. Defenders out of position = a pourous defense. That's easy. With midfielders and attackers, positioning is important for defending and attacking. Taking the right positions when their side doesn't have the ball, taking up positions and making movement that's going to lead to better quality chances is vital for attacking. In modern football, where there's more emphasis on tactics, retaining possession, and physicality - we're seeing players dribble a lot less, we've basically seen the #10 role take a massive decline in popularity worldwide... and football's changed. But having a good understanding of possession and movement still remain incredibly valuable traits.
  15. Lol did someone forget to take their meds today?
  16. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord's_Resistance_Army lol have you ever tried googling for things?
  17. Go tell that to Cambodia. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  18. American culture is exported everywhere in the world, they're probably the largest exporters of their culture because they've gotten the good at getting everyone else to consume American media. The culture wars of the US are nothing different. This "culture war" shite is just coming from American news media, which is shit at providing news but exists mostly as a form of "informational entertainment" as well as peddling corporate interests. By consuming that particular type of American culture, getting enraged by the "culture wars" happening in a country you don't live in - you're only serving to make sure it filters worldwide. By getting worked up over these pretty minor societal issues in another country and worrying about how it filters to South Africa or whatever... you end up putting the culture wars on a pedestal. Actual issues to the US, South Africa, or any country, become less important once you're fully invested in the culture wars. If you're worried about corporate interests perverting US politics and that spreading worldwide, you probably shouldn't give a fuck about what corporate US media wants you to think about these minor issues. You're better off worrying about actual issues that impact your day-to-day life than worrying about an NFL team's name, whether a fan was wronged by some shit journalist at a fringe website, whether or not Bud Light is a gay beer, or if the next Marvel movie is going to be too "woke" etc... You're not supporting a strong and united America by having a vested interest in this culture war. The culture war exists to divide Americans and keep people thinking about politics like its a spectator sport where they've got a team to support and another team to hate. A strong unified America has people focused on the fundamental issues that impact almost everyone. The culture war just distracts people from these issues and tries to force people into backing politicians that will absolutely do nothing about these fundamental issues.
  19. The culture war is of such little importance and is only used to drive a wedge between people to force them onto either side of "liberal" or "conservative" even though both parties in the US are remarkably similar - and that's because at the end of the day both parties are slaves to the same corporate masters. Regardless, I don't think you can assume NAGA (the institution you're talking about) speaks for all natives in the US - https://news.berkeley.edu/2020/02/04/native-mascots-survey/#:~:text=Contrary to polls showing that relatively few Native,team’s 87-year-old moniker and Native mascots in general. it seems like there's basically a 50-50 split over whether they support the name being changed. Regardless of what you, I, or any other white person might think... the previous name is a racial slur. At the end of the day... who fucking cares? It's an NFL team that's changed it's name from something that might offend half the people in the community it was named after. Now they've got a name that will offend less people and people just want to be offended that the name has changed. Who gives a fuck? It's an American football team name. I don't know if you want to talk about no anti-Arab hatred in the US though considering 3 Palestinian kids were just shot for being Palestinian. America's clearly got a problem with antisemitism and anti-Muslim sentiment. Given the events that have transpired in Australia, the UK, France, Germany, Spain, etc... it doesn't appear to be isolated to the US either. I also don't know what you're expecting in the US to do with this rally in Scranton, PA. If you expect cops to break the rally up... why the hell would you expect that? It's the US, KKK members can advocate for killing every non-white, white supremacists can hold rallies and chant "Jews will not replace us," a large number of morons can even storm the US Capitol building and just get a slap on the wrist for trying to overthrow the government. They take freedom of speech more seriously than other countries, even when it's hateful speech that shouldn't be protected. Expecting the government to do anything about a protest in the US is wild. Even when it gets violent and unlawful, I doubt arrests would come after the protests - like they did with the rioters who stormed the US capitol. And even then, the charges they'll get would be... pitiful considering the offense. And from what I can tell, these riots didn't get violent. They just chanted repugnant things. But you, a non-American that doesn't live or work in America, getting worked up about the US culture wars makes no sense. @Spike and I are non-Americans living and working in the USA. I'm pretty sure both of us see the culture war as nothing more than a divisive distraction issue. @Coma's American and I'm fairly certain he feels the same way. It's just bizarre to care so much about America's culture wars. For most Americans these issues aren't even close to important. If people stopped focusing on culture wars and started focusing on why politicians in the US are so bad at doing anything other than pleasing corporate interests, the US would be a lot better off. It doesn't need people that are pretty unconnected from the US other than consuming their culture joining in on fighting the culture wars that the corporate interests are pushing. What you're doing is just proving to the Murdoch family that their investment in getting people to care more about these utterly stupid culture wars is something that can successfully be exported to other countries - so that people stop caring about what matters and start getting at other peoples throats over stupid shit like the names of NFL teams.
  20. I've never heard of this, but lol - Deadspin should fire the writer for sure. Still, I think that's a weird bit of American news to bring to the American politics thread. It's not really politics, other than some dickhead trying to fight a culture war and I'm sure the people most worked up about it are the ones most invested in this stupid culture war bullshit. Basically a total non-issue that if you're not a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs... it's not something that would be on most peoples radars in the US. It's not even anywhere close to the front page of the NFL subreddit. Seems like maybe this kid has a case for defamation, but that's not really political news is it? Some shit journalist for some fringe website being a shit journalist and getting himself in some legal trouble isn't really notable in the US tbh. It's the land of lawsuits.
  21. While the rest of the world is distracted by Israel v Palestine part 6billion - Iran's killing off loads of dissidents for having the nerve to demand basic human rights the government insists on denying them. https://www.iranintl.com/en/202311285181
  22. The irony in Hamas giving more care and attention to Israelis they've kidnapped than the people they're meant to be governing. Although the people of Gaza are just a convenient shield for them - whereas these hostages are a bargaining chip they can use to stay alive a bit longer.
  23. Tbf it wouldn't be the first time a player moves to Chelsea, looks underwhelming, goes elsewhere and gets another big English club interested in him. Granted, his goalscoring record in his second stint at Shit Beverage Leipzig FC doesn't really indicate that he's improved at all. Having said that, he's probably an upgrade on Martial (how is Martial still at United?) and/or Antony (who's hilariously shit tbh) even if he's not improved at all and is going to be as inconsistent as he was at Chelsea.
  24. What's up with the BBC? Between this and their tacit support of the IRI on BBC Persia, makes me really wonder what the fuck is going on with the BBC's middle eastern coverage.
  25. Dr. Gonzo


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