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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. I guess I have to actually read the books now, so I can wait for the new ones where Littlefinger and Varys pull the strings instead of standing in corners for a whole season.
  2. Na, he's not lucky. Jaime just has balls of steel!
  3. I knew exactly what happened when I saw that you quoted me this morning. Fucking bastard! But yea, as you said, for such a clever man, it was not a very clever way to die. All in all it was a fantastic episode. Great writing to be honest, considering there is no more source material, and that soundtrack has been on point all season.
  4. https://streamable.com/5g661 This guy is an absolute treasure
  5. Very harsh penalty IMO. Anyway, the race was boring. Vettel could never really attack Hamilton properly. The most exciting thing was the two Force Indias battling each other AGAIN. Perez is not exactly a clean driver to say the least.
  6. Exactly. Littlefinger has been the best player of the "Game of Thrones" so far, he's the most intelligent and cunning character of the series. It would be a shame if they let him die an undeserving and cheap-ish death.
  7. No idea. Looks like he's off to Juve now. Anyway, I'm off to another wedding (2nd this year). Starts at 10 am. I hope they bring out the alcohol soon enough.
  8. Just saw a leaked picture from the final episode of the final season
  9. Why are people so eager to spoil stuff for themselves? Just wait and watch the whole thing and you'll know.
  10. And I hope Littlefinger plays a part in it.
  11. Well, she once tried to out-Littlefinger Littlefinger, and it didn't go as planned.
  12. So who do you guys want to see on the Iron Throne? By now I'm hoping it's Littlefinger. That would be the ultimate fuck you to all the fan boys and girls. <3
  13. And people who start complaining about stupid writing etc. Start trying to finish a complicated ass story, that even the creator couldn't finish for YEARS.
  14. You're all a bunch of whinging cunts! Anyway, Arya is fucking stupid. "I'd die before serving a Lannister"
  15. Funny, but true and sad Hopefully Liberty Media keep their promise to bring back some of the more traditional tracks. I miss Imola!
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