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Everything posted by Stan

  1. Probably good enough for a lower level PL club if I'm honest.
  2. We've been through all this a couple of weeks ago. Have said my piece on it and with all due respect, not going over it again.
  3. As if their racism wasn't brazen enough
  4. Wasn't Ben Woodburn quite highly rated from Liverpool once upon a time?
  5. Thanks for the updates John!
  6. Tweet isn't found/available but it is seriously worrying, even if I wasn't a person of colour, that they seem to be targeted anyone that isn't white. Ironically, they show their true colours with their behaviour in the last few days. There's that old phrase 'if someone shows you who they are, believe them'. So true right now when you see these far-right nutjobs acting like cunts. Because that's what they are. Utter lowlifes.
  7. Brain dead. As much use to society as the ones doing the looting and thieving.
  8. Last week they were in uproar because a female police officer had her nose broken. This week, though, it's now acceptable to boot a police officer in her back as they try and keep the peace. They're just utter stupid bellends at this rate.
  9. Stan

    Paris Olympics 2024

    Alfred smashes the women's 100m
  10. And invigorated by 'leaders' in some areas...
  11. AC Milan introduce innovative maternity policy This is brilliant
  12. @Michael if the players already made the move it can go in the specific sub forum
  13. The ironic thing is that the mosques and individuals within probably do more for society than those far-right wastes of oxygen do in their whole life. I read that one of the mosques attacked in Hartlepool today raised £25k once for Royal British Legion. Most mosques you also hear about offering free food to community and society in times of need like during lockdown, offering food and supplies to food banks etc. But yeah, attack them because a Christian stabbed three poor girls. Infuriating.
  14. They're that fucking dumb. Especially as they shout 'we want our country back'. Absolute thundercunts. This isn't even about the poor girls that were stabbed. In fact for these dickheads it never was. They just wanted an excuse. They've burnt a police station down in Sunderland too. Again, they're so fucking thick. Last week they got mad because a few twats attacked police at an airport. Now they've attacking them and burning down their place of work. Doesn't make sense. I'm ashamed for them. Just a bunch of racist knobheads being thugs that aren't welcome.
  15. Gutted and heartbroken. He was so pivotal in our most successful season. Before, during and after. That match against Sevilla in the Champions League will live long in the memory. So sad to hear he's gone. RIP Shakey
  16. Far right knobheads lost their shit at a guy with an 'Arab appearance' wielding a knife yesterday as police arrested him before all the chaos started. Turns out he's a guy called Jordan Davies, one of their own who was looking to cause trouble...
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