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Posts posted by Stan

  1. apparently only 22 people injured. No deaths being reported which is a good thing. Children reported as injured as well :(

    There must be CCTV of the person who has left the bag there so hopefully the absolute backward cunt of a human can be tracked down.

    At the risk of sounding insensitive, why are there no other pictures of damage to the carriage i.e. burning of it as eye-witness accounts state there was a fireball travelling down the carriage. Obviously I don't expect them to be whipping their phones out as they run in fear for safety. But in the aftermath there's always some photos or videos. So far all I've seen is that burning bucket? 

  2. 9 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

    Am I the only one that finds it pretty bizarre that we have members who only exist to log in and do the prediction leagues but never make a post anywhere else in the forum?

    I'm not complaining :ph34r: 

    Part of me thinks that they're multiple accounts of another person already predicting (so they get 2 bites at the cherry so to speak). 

  3. only just seen this and came in here to ask @Anton if he's going to the season opener next month (not sure if back from Japan).

    If Sydney can recreate their early defensive form it gives them a great platform to succeed again this upcoming season. I've noticed that Melbourne City have replaced Amor with another British manager in Warren Joyce. Interesting to see how he handles their kind of players because it'll be totally different to what he had at Wigan earlier this year where he failed miserably. 

    Ever since I started watching A-League, Castro stood out as a game-changer for Perth Glory and usually if he didn't play well or wasn't on fire, Perth would struggle. 

    Probably be between Newcastle, Wellington & Central Coast to finish last. Roy Krishna needs to move on from Wellington as he deserves to showcase his skills at a better club, one that will challenge higher up the table. 

    Victory signing Barbarouses is a good signing and will probably help them finish top 4. 

    As you say, winners tend to struggle the season after winning it and this is mainly due to participation in the AFC Champions League. None of the teams seem to have the depth in strength to cope with the demands of 2 competitions plus all the travelling. Maybe Sydney can buck that trend.

  4. 2 hours ago, Harry said:

    Is this linked to the Marvel Hell's Kitchen universe?

    I've just coming to the end of Daredevil Season 2, and just heard there are a bunch more shows connected to it like Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. I'd be interested if anyone has seen these and whether or not any of them stack up in comparison to daredevil...

    yeah it is. It takes in to account Daredevil, Cage, Jones & Iron Fist. I never got round to watching all of the Cage and Jones' series. 

    2 hours ago, Harry said:

    This is my Netflix backlog.



    Haha that is so very similar to mine.

    Out of those, I've got Shooter, Fargo, Peaky Blinders that I want to watch. Have already seen Designated Survivor, Prison Break, Stranger Things, Sons of Anarchy & House of Cards

    Power is on my list too.

  5. 11 minutes ago, JOSHBRFC said:

    Bought this last week for the first car.


    Paid on the day, and the car is mine. 

    Didnt want finance, despite certain companies obsessively throwing it at me. 9_9 One place I told them what I wanted to spend and he said... "I tell you what you should do... spend that as a deposit and get a better car for another 5k on finance" I said no mate i tell you what to do, and walked out. Can't stand some salesmen, horrible job xD The place and guy was alright in the end where I bought the car from. 

    literally bought the same kind of car last month. Corsa 1.4 5-door, 14 plate though. Comparing it to a 09 Fiesta Zetec I had, it is miles better. So much more efficient and comfortable to drive. 

    Thankfully went private though. I've worked in a car showroom place before and the salesman are ridiculous. It did make me wonder how many lies they tell their partners and get away with it because they certainly get away with so much crap they spout to customers xD 

  6. 15 minutes ago, 6666 said:

    Chamberlain and Walcott weren't even competing for the same spot and when they were, before the formation change, Chamberlain was rarely effective whereas Walcott while he doesn't look silky and impressive he still was a lot more effective than Chamberlain.

    As I said before though, two totally different players that were used differently. Chamberlain is a runner with the ball whereas Walcott is a goal threat.

    debatable :ph34r: 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

    Bluetooth headphones I imagine - complete bullshit though.

    more exploitation for the consumer. Like when Apple bought those wireless headphones out - another ridiculous price to pay them because it's the only thing that goes with the phone. The bluetooth headphones HTC will bring out will only function with that phone. 

  8. Just now, Burning Gold said:

    I do indeed. Thanks

    I was ready to buy an HTC U11 as soon as it came out (which I never do) until I found out it doesn't have a headphone jack. What a waste of time that is


    How you meant to listen to music?!

  9. Just now, Burning Gold said:

    Does it have expandable storage? I'm also looking for a new phone, although not particularly urgently

    I presume you mean space for an SD Card? In which case it does :)


  10. 7 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

    Thanks mate - is it the 32GB that you have?

    yep, got the black one. Picked up a few scratches but that's more down to me than the phone xD 

    It has on very few occasions got quite hot but then I have rinsed it watching Netflix or Sky Sports on it tbh.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Cannabis said:

    Right you shithouses, I need a bit of advice in relation to getting a new phone. Basically the options are either the Google Pixel XL or Huawei P10 Plus, I'm not a lover of Apple so the iPhones are out of the question and I'm not particularly interested in Samsung either. Does anyone have either of these phones that might be able to give a good recommendation?

    Something tells me that you had good words to say about your Pixel @Rab or was that just me having another dream about you?

    Pixel is amazing. Had mine for a couple of months and it feels good to have a phone that I don't have to charge twice a day. 

    Ridiculously light as well. Barely weighs a thing. Very quick as well when going between apps but that's the Android OS which I've always been a fan of.

    The camera is what you'd expect from a smartphone these days, very clear and again quick to store to memory etc.

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