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Fairy In Boots

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Everything posted by Fairy In Boots

  1. Wether we stayed in or out the reality is long term as it currently is our welfare system and by that I mean NHS & Pensions is a time bomb that we can't continue to throw cash at. I think most leavers expected a dip or even a small recession for 18 months. Also "weird assumption" we're under some sort of dictatorship is the funniest thing I've seen on this topic in some time. You can't seriously think that Germany doesn't use its big boy status to leverage the direction of the Union in its favour, their fucking currency is massively undervalued causing them to have a competitive edge on their western rivals. Nope power was being eroded away, through legislation and directives. The EU was a trading agreement which has progressed into a political union. It's now having its own army as it chips away at each country's little differences in order to assimilate them with the Brussels mantra. I voted Brexit, I know we're not the old empire nor will we replicate that. We're industrious and entrepreneurial so we'll be alright I do fear for some of Europe's individual states unless they can free themselves from it. We'll see how lovely the EU are when they officially get notice, I expect spiteful petulance
  2. To be honest I can see why DC said the poster is disrespectful
  3. In 9 days time we inform 'ze Germans' that we'll not be having any of their Empire nonsense again. Can't fucking wait
  4. Anyone think History will be made? Can we do it?
  5. Initially in the first instance it was being reported as a hostage osituation. It now seems he's shot a female police officer earlier in the day then tried to spring some kind of attack. Police have shot him and apparently he was on the terror list
  6. Anyone see Curtis Stevens get ko'ed it was bad he was out a good 5 minutes and taken out on a stretcher
  7. Pensions will go within 15 years. They have to there's no other choice in reality.
  8. She's flip flopped over the EU already, her justification for another referendum was the EU. Now the EU doesn't have to be the "only thing" after initial reaction, it's been two years it costs an awful lot of money. If they want to make cuts and pay for it out their own budget then fine, i have no problem with them having a vote, but as a member of the UK i'm tired of funding her vanity project.
  9. Scotland is a massively different set of circumstances compared to the UK's membership of the Eu. I personally don't give a fuck let them go, i'll happily watch 5million people commit financial suicide based off no more than "the bastards killed braveheart". If you can show me economic reasons that the Scots can have a better standard of living than the one they currently enjoy as part of the Union then i'll happily retract that statement. As is we lose perhaps an area the size of Yorkshire in terms of value to the UK and they suddenly have to deliver a fully functioning Military, Health Service, Education System almost overnight that they're already running at a heavy deficit for or don't have at all (army). C'mon how long do you think they can keep us free university fees? I'm sure you've rubbished Catalonian independence before no? Also don't mention oil, it's not as big as it was, difficult to get to in the North Sea and the reserves aren't great, it's also incredibly volatile as a resource and no sane person would based their entire economy on it. They have an aging population which costs more and EU membership won't come easy. Awe sugarpuff. Maybe you should do a bit of research, it don't come much more decisive than the Scotish referendum, the SNP's thugs will be out again no doubt.
  10. Pretty much sums it up, outside the UK Scotland can thrive in the EU
  11. I think he gave good speeches in the battle for Brexit but he's not really a big fish in domestic politics so to be honest i'm ignorant of where he stands on domestic policies.
  12. Wheel of time is great but it's diffierent to Game of Thrones. I personally loved it. I'm reading the Wasp Factory by Iain Banks as my gateway drug to him before I start working through the culture series
  13. I'd pay to see Brook v Khan I'm a big fan of Kell. Egginton getting a fight announced for may tomorrow, he's coming along a good win on the Haye v Bellew card that got overshadowed by the main event
  14. I'm off to see the Windes test this summer, my self imposed boycott is over now cook has stepped down
  15. Sometimes I feel the need to clear! Good episode heading into the final 3 I reckon we'll see the walking Dead style of pearl harbour go down soon enough
  16. You had it right a few posts ago, waste of time discussing it.
  17. Haye ruptured his Achilles tendon, it's a horror injury. As far as the "Hayemaker" goes, I box (only for fitness, but I spar weekly with lads who do compete mainly white collar) I have done for several years now, your power comes from not your arms but up through your feet, your legs and your core. If you plant your feet and transfer energy it's that much harder a punch, watch a hook in slow motion. It's from planted feet the front which should be up on your toes, should swivel as if putting out a fag as you swing in, you push in the direction of the punch and then to use the term "sit down" on it. The force comes from your base up through your core and out through your arm. Your arms just swinging aren't as strong as when you move as one, it's why most don't get knocked out with jabs, and when they do it's mainly a leaping forward jab in which a persons full weight is behind it. Watch top quality boxers their feet are just as important as their hands. Haye has legit KO power, he did rattle Bellew in rnd 2 or 3 when he caught him, credit to Bellew his chin held up, but being dismissive of a man with proven KO power when he's on one leg is incorrect. From round 6 onwards i'd say Haye was hitting at as little as 50-60% of his potential, If you don't believe me go to one of them punch things at an arcade smack it a few times then try doing it without putting weight on your feet, you'll see a difference. The rest of your analysis is also wrong, Haye won round 10 on one leg, he also comfortably won round 5 and was pissing round 6 until his injury, i'm assuming you watched it in the pub? have you rewatched it sober? I've watched it twice and as I said above: Round 1 is 50/50 Haye wasn't settled, Bellew threw a few descent counter punches but nothing of any note, Haye was the aggressor Haye then won rnd 2,3,4,5 and in 6 bellew only got a knock down by bumping into him because Haye is hoping on one leg as he'd been injured. 7,8,9 are Bellew but it's because Haye is literally standing on one leg swinging. 11 the ending if you watch it Bellew misses every shot and belly flops Haye out the ring. Haye on one leg can hardly get up, his corner chuck in the towel although he did make the count comfortably.
  18. I think North will be in that squad as well, it's Gatland again so at least 7-8 Welsh in the squad. Itojie surely must start he's going to be a huge star in the game. If the Scots I'd say Huw Jones has maybe played himself into a place. So has Keith Earls arguably but I don't know about starting XV, would you take Hogg?
  19. I genuinely believe if they do the business in Dublin that the only team in the world that will stop these guys going into 2019 will be the All Blacks. It's a special team he's building and back to back grand slams would eclipse anything the '03 side did in the tournament. I'm concerned we may peak too soon though
  20. i will contribute at the end of the month when I'm paid. Well done all
  21. Needs a thread England aren't playing well just yet but still on course for a grand slam
  22. Upgraded to next gen finally and I've gone back to PlayStation. Currently working my way through uncharted remastered
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