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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Especially for them to give it to Ryan Mason, who gets another bite of the cherry despite being useless last time he was interim.
  2. Hard pass on anybody from Chelsea apart from Mount, and even then I’d spend no more than 25-30m on him if his contract has a year to run. If we pay 60m for him, I’d be livid.
  3. Two matches with Trent in midfield, and surprise surprise, he looks good there. He should be moved into midfield permanently, get a right back in the summer.
  4. He’s on the top of the hill looking down. He is still young enough to be able to be a top quality CB, so judgement needs to be reserved once we have a working midfield who will protect the defence.
  5. I’m not even saying that the club can afford Bellingham and the rest of what we need. My issue is that the club have allowed this to drag on and on, even encouraging the talk, only to piss us off now. Klopp just came out with a very patronising statement about now getting a kid a Ferrari for Christmas just because they asked. It’s bad relations with the fans, and after how this season has gone, the last thing any involved at the club should be doing is insulting the fans. I will not judge the summer business before it happens, but all I will say is that there is an expectation that needs to be met. There is no getting around the fact that serious money needs spent, so let’s see if the club step up.
  6. This whole situation around Bellingham the last few days has made the club look small time and made a mockery of the fans. Months and months of rumblings about him wanting to come to the club, about how Klopp sees him as the crown jewel in the rebuild, how we would be going all out to bring him in the summer. And now what? All of a sudden we realise he is going to cost a lot of money? Joke. And they have the nerve to try and say that the World Cup has increased his value to an unattainable level, fuck off. He was a 100m+ player before that tournament, so I’m not having that being used as an excuse. Regardless of the fact that I didn’t believe he would be signed, this is still a complete failure by both the owners and the recruitment team. You’ve got our players openly flirting with him in the media, ex players building him up and a general “you never know” *wink wink* attitude by all involved at the club. It’s an insult to the fans who have followed it all, the fans who would have been believing that we could start a new chapter with him leading the team. This summer better be revolutionary for the squad because I have never had less faith in our ownership and the recruitment team than I do now. The squad needs numerous QUALITY players, it needs 200m spent on it. These players may come back better next year, but the fact is that we have had years of intense work from most of them so that is always going to be an issue. One of the biggest clubs in the world, top five income, and still our fans let the owners spoon feed the “we can’t compete” bullshit to them. Wake up.
  7. We were all adjusting to Discord quite nicely, retained most of our active poster and it seemed to be moving along well. Bringing the forum back and stripping the Discord back really seems to have been a hammer blow. Where the fuck is everybody? We have Champions League last 8 topics getting next to no replies ffs. It’s sad to see as somebody who has been here for years and years. Personally I think there needs to be a poll, and a serious discussion between all members about what is best for this community. I would hate to lose it, but it looks like it’s going that way.
  8. But it’ll also miss out the contract extensions, including the mammoth one we gave Salah
  9. Yeah, fair. What am I thinking. Still, we need to work on it.
  10. The club need to work on lowering that wage bill. We shouldn’t be paying more wages than City, not when they have a big squad of top players like they do. Arsenal have a bill of just over 200m, where ours is closer to 400m. That’s not on, and we need to curb massive signing bonuses and wages to players. The throw massive money around on wages when we really don’t need to.
  11. Fabinho, Ox, Keita, Gomez & Jones can all go in the summer for me. The latter two may be unpopular shouts but neither of them have kicked on from initial promise. Jones especially seems to be a waste of a squad number, he offers nothing at all in his cameo appearances. The squad needs a sizeable overhaul, which won’t happen in the summer. We will maybe bring in one or two major signings and then one to pad the squad but I doubt it’ll be the window we hope for and need. Need 3 top midfielders, at least one top CB and full back cover would be nice. A good backup GK for when Kelleher decides he doesn’t want to sit on the bench anymore.
  12. The police have been utterly pathetic. They have failed Nicola and her family. I don’t believe that her body has been there all this time, it doesn’t make sense.
  13. I do not want Mount. Why bother with him when we have Elliott, they’re the same player.
  14. Arthur was good enough at one point for Barcelona to want him, so hoping we see that version of him rather than this current party boy. Knowing our luck it’ll be the latter.
  15. I’ll be getting it next month. Rarely buy games nowadays, but this one I can’t pass up.
  16. No need to explain yourself to an ape.
  17. I’m not just blaming the owners (Though their lack of investment immediately after we won the premier league has to be questioned) it’s on the recruitment team as well as Klopp. By all accounts we were close to signing Tchouameni last summer, but he went to Real Madrid instead. Now, Mane was already gone by then so I have a hard time believing that Nunez was bought with the money put aside for Tchouameni. So why, if that is the case, did we not bring in another midfielder? We are talking 60-80m for the lad to went to Madrid, so it’s not spare change we are using to go out and buy an alternative. And bollocks to us waiting for the “right player” as well because if that’s the case then some pointless pillock like Melo wouldn’t have been brought in. Then you hear that we like Nunes who went to Wolves or Palinha at Fulham, why weren’t moves made on those players in the summer? I am fed up of hearing that there are no midfielders available that suit this team, or that we can’t afford it. The club makes the money to afford more than one significant signing per year. It’s a complete failure from both the owners for spending money in stupid areas and the recruitment to sitting on their arses. Somebody call Michael Edwards and offer him whatever he wants, because it’s a fucking mess right now.
  18. What shite. There’s an army of Liverpool fans who have voiced their concerns about the gaps in this squad for years, myself included. And are you forgetting the absolute shite we had to put up with under Kenny & Hodgson? Those were an awful few years with a completely dogshit team. This fall of now has been coming, and a lot of us expecting the squad to struggle at some point because it hasn’t been regenerated properly. The fact that so many of these players have fell off a cliff at the same time is extra concerning.
  19. Since the WC, our league top scorer is Wout Faes…
  20. Klopp needs to sort himself out. His choices this season have been as shit as the players.
  21. Not unless we want to lead the table in penalties conceded. His timing in the tackle has went to complete shit.
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