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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Paqueta opens the scoring with a brilliant team goal against PSG. I didn’t realise they were 13th?! How has this team of players ended up down there, crazy.
  2. McGinn & Luiz will do plenty of the hard graft for him. It’s a very good signing for Villa.
  3. I mean, Mike has quoted the EFL website a few times here and it all points to this being completely in line with their rulings. Whether it was us or fucking Barrow, the semi final would have been rearranged.
  4. @The Artful Dodger You, YOU, are the one who says we have been punish for being too honest. Saying we should have tried to get games postponed ourselves because our rivals have done so. Now that we have actually had a covid outbreak & had to close our training ground you are up in arms over it. Make your bloody mind up.
  5. You can’t count academy players in the 14 and you know it. No other team has been expected to field a team of teenagers.
  6. Actually no. This is the first time we have asked for a postponement, we’ve got on with it more than most clubs in the league. Klopp complaining about player welfare or whatever doesn’t change the fact that we have played every fixture expected of us.
  7. Rick


    You’d love me, as it seems I’m Japanese.
  8. Okay, I’ll put it like this. Do you think the squad needs some upgrades or are you happy with the current state? Aimed at the usual suspects. I think I’ve made my frustrations clear. I was frustrated that we were left short when Lovren went. Of course, no body could expect us to lose three CB’s, but I was asking for him to be replaced in the squad all summer when it was made clear he was a off. When Gini went I made no secret of my desire for us to sign somebody to replace him. I was told Harvey Elliot was in Klopp’s plans, an only just turned 18 year old with some championship experience. Nobody can expect him to get that injury, but Thiago is somebody you expect to be injured at some point and our back up to him is Ox (not good enough) & Milner (his legs are going). All I asked is for Gini to stay or for us to bring in a replacement. Somebody like Bissouma would have been perfect. Not cheap, but he’s the type of player that would work great in that midfield. Again, nothing happened and there’s been plenty of times this season that we have all said we wish we still had Gini.
  9. Liverpool bring in one of the largest revenues per year in world football. We won the premier league & champions league and we have massive foreign markets. Since that champions league win, our investment in new players has been nowhere near what it needed to be. It’s all well and good saying “money has been spent on new contracts” and that’s great that we have tied important players down to new contracts, but doesn’t every club do that to their biggest players? Why is it used as an excuse for us not to spend on transfers, yet plenty of other teams manager to balance both. Also, those players you’ve invested into with new contracts don’t get any younger. Seems like a lot of putting our eggs in one basket. Michael Edwards has done a great job of fleecing clubs for our rejects & making good deals for transfers in. Thinking he has done a good job doesn’t undermine my argument about wanting more investment. He isn’t the one to release funds, he just makes the most of the ones he gets. I go back to saying it, we wanted Origi sold in the summer and Minamino barely gets a look in other than cup games. Why do you lot think Klopp is happy with these lot being his main back ups to the front three? I think his and the clubs actions show that neither are particularly rated at this club. @Danny Me thinking Klopp & Edwards have done a great job doesn’t mean the owners haven’t held onto funds. Course they have, we went three windows after the champions league without much investment. In fact, the only player we spent a transfer fee on was Minamino and it was 7m. I fully believe in the saying ‘strike while the iron is hot’ and we didn’t do that after we won’t those titles. We have allowed ourselves to end up with a squad seriously lacking depth.
  10. Aye, any fucker is who I want…you talk utter shite pal. Always got the same answer “the club will do…” it’s the club not fucking doing that sees us having Origi as a main bastard back up option even though we wanted him gone in the summer. Does it not say everything that nobody was interested in making a bid? Best chance of some sustained success for this football club and we are scrimping about. You mention Man City, but it’s not only them who are outspending us is it, it’s pretty much everybody in the top 7. This golden era is going to end sooner rather than later, with two trophies to show for it. Then we will go back to fighting for the european places with the likes or Spurs & Arsenal. Can’t wait.
  11. Will he be integrated back into the team or do you all think this is pretty much the end?
  12. @LFCMike You’ve just said there that you think we need to add to the squad, which is literally all I’m saying here. I’m not stupid, I don’t expect or want us to go out and sign somebody like Mbappe. I know we aren’t going to be in the market for that 100m player, nor do we need it. We don’t rely on one superstar, we have a first 11 full of world class players who work for each other. The last few windows should have seen us add 25-45m players like Jota who can contribute now and also set us up nicely for the next few years. It’s going to come to a point where we will need 3/4 of them at once if we continue on these baron transfer windows. The summer just gone we should have gotten Raphinha or Bowen, next summer you can expect to pay another 15-20m on top of their valuations last summer.
  13. That may be true, but our owners have been cheapskates for too long. If anybody but Klopp was in charge we would be nowhere near winning the league.
  14. I can absolutely compare us to who we are told we are fighting against for the league title.
  15. The drop off from Salah, Mane & Firmino is too much. My point is that we know that the Africa cup of nations happens, yet even if those back ups were fit I still don’t trust them that much. Origi is good for a goal late on in a game, but other than That he’s not very affective. Minamino is talented, but goes missing in games a lot of the time & Ox is just a waste of space. Salah is 30 this year, Mane is 30 this year, Firmino is 31 this year….we need to start thinking of the future, as two of those three are less affective than they once were for us. We tried to flog Origi in the summer and Minamino was out on loan last season so don’t tell me that they are sufficient back up players. Meant to put up a title challenge on peanuts. Klopp can’t and won’t prioritise either of the domestic cups because we don’t have the depth to sustain those year in year out. The League and Champions League are what we are going for, yet we seem to just constantly stand still while our rivals strengthen year after year. When we will see a squad refresh?? The pressure on the likes of Salah to stay fit and play 99% of our important games year in year out is becoming a pisstake. And I won’t be told otherwise, as far as I am concerned anybody still buying this “we can’t afford it” line from the owners has their heads buried deep in the sand.
  16. You have plenty of confidence in Ox then?
  17. We’ve got two games against Arsenal, Brentford & Palace this month. Who the fuck is playing up top? Jota is our only fit forward. Origi & Minamino both out and Bobby has Covid. We are going to see that useless lump of shite Ox playing up there aren’t we. Fucking shambles this squad is.
  18. He’s a bit of a mouthy fucker, eh. If I’m Tuchel & the club I’m coming down hard on him for this outburst.
  19. I’m surprised that he has. The only thinking behind it is not wanting to incense Klopp or Liverpool even more after that shambolic Kane decision.
  20. I can’t wait, that looks as good as I hoped it would.
  21. I’d give the captaincy to Tierney, he seems level headed and a natural leader by example.
  22. It looks hilarious, hopefully brings Cage back to the mainstream.
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