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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Little bit of an overreaction by the club if that’s the case. That being said, why didn’t he just come back on the same day as he had agreed? He isn’t captain material, so you’re better off in the long run taking it from him.
  2. Isn’t this like the 3rd or 4th outbreak of Covid in the Spurs set up?
  3. Sancho, Rashford, Fernandes, Ronaldo, Cavani, Greenwood, Pogba. These are all brilliant players and I’m sure Poch would like a go managing them. Especially with the age of most of those. Yes PSG have Messi & Neymar but Mbappe has all but left. Would you really pass up the Utd job to manage Messi for maximum one more season before he fucks off to NOB? He will steady the ship at Utd, and have them looking more of a team than Ole managed to do. Look how bad it got before Utd binned him, along with keeping Mourinho for about 8 months too long. Utd aren’t trigger happy usually with their managers.
  4. If he doesn’t win the Champions League this season, there’s a very strong possibility he gets the sack. PSG exist to win that trophy, that’s their number one focus. The league isn’t a write off but they are heavy heavy favourites, the cups wouldn’t have him keep his job. Yeah, managing Messi from the outside looking in seems great. But when you have him acting like a diva, and having more power at the club then how fun can it be really? I would hate to work with Messi & Neymar, they come across like absolute pricks. He won’t be remembered at PSG unless he wins that first Champions League, and like we have seen time and time again, the PSG players cannot handle the big occasions. He would be insane to turn down a 4 year deal at Utd. Look at their squad, full of brilliant players who can do a whole lot better under a good manager.
  5. If Utd had any sense (not shown much of it in the last ten years) they would go for Poch right now. He would bin off PSG without question, and considering he only has about 18-20 months on his contract it wouldn’t cost the earth to pay for his release. Surely rather than a pointless interim, you bring him in and he has plenty of time to look at his squad ahead of next summer.
  6. Might as well get Iniesta back from Japan, Xavi can come out of retirement as player coach and you’re at least a third of the way towards the legendary Barca team getting back together.
  7. Read the Mane injury is a bit more troublesome. Hopefully not.
  8. Mane, Henderson & Robbo all picking up injuries during these internationals. Our luck when players go off with their countries is stupidly shit.
  9. Michael Edwards has confirmed he is leaving at the end of the season. That’s shit news, very shit news. Hopefully he has a protégé lined up to replace him.
  10. Ox cost 40m+ He and Naby have both been massive wastes of money if we are being honest. Ox was good for us for a little bit but then he got injured and has lost all form ever since. Keita has never really got going here, though it’s clear he is talented. If we could offload both and bring in good replacements by the end of next summer then I think we should.
  11. The lad just cannot catch a break. He’s talented but how long can we persist with him when he is this injury prone?
  12. Rob Zombie’s Halloween II - I remember thinking this was shite the first time around but watching it second time I actually think it’s fucking awful. Brad Dourif the only redeeming thing about it.
  13. It’s very surprising a goblin like him had a hand in making her.
  14. YOU Season 3 - Ridiculous, farfetched with plot holes all over the place…but it was damn entertaining. Most fun season so far - 8/10
  15. Exactly my thoughts. The club need to act on this sooner rather than later. What is he wanting? 450k p/w? He is on 250k as it stands. You simply have to break the wage structure for him, he’s a generational player and doesn’t look like slowing down anytime soon.
  16. Casino Royale was really good.
  17. She used to look alright, turned into an absolute nightmare creature now.
  18. What is the protest actually over? Aren’t the Glazers starting to do the things that were asked of them? Not going to be fixed overnight. Just spent a shit ton on players and are (rightly or wrongly) backing a club legend in the managers post, the fuck else do Utd fans want right now?
  19. I was speaking in general about all players. We have heard from many in the past who weren’t happy when what should have be seemingly straightforward contracts took months to sort out. Pay him the wages. He is the best in the world right now, imagine us without him.
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