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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Liverpool fans watching rivals strengthen their team during the transfer window.
  2. Course, there are certain players who should be on the bigger contracts. Salah has performed to a world class level for years, so of course he is going to be on larger wages. Those extra funds will definitely come in handy for our stride towards the Europa conference cup
  3. So, basically, we pay out way too much money to agents and player wages. I wouldn’t like to see some of those contracts given to the older players in the squad. Our wage bill is a disgraceful figure. They you have the owners making what seem to be idiotic decisions off the pitch when it comes to funding expansion. Rather than paying the money owed off gradually, like most reasonable clubs do, they have decided to take huge sums of money out of the club to pay large chunks off at once. There is no reasonable reason for this other than to maximise their profits when they sell part/all of the club. I hope that we do end up with new ownership (not state owned) who are ambitious and are prepared to give the manager the tools to succeed. Clearly there has been money available, it’s just been spent in the incorrect way.
  4. Liverpool has plenty of money. Not every player has to be £50m. I’d happily bring in two £20-30m players that can add to the squad rather than one £50m signing if that’s the situation. Why did we sign Arthur? If there is a transfer plan why was he signed last minute? The midfield options were clear from the start of the summer. If Arthur was our main target in that window, then I would have serious issues with that. But he wasn’t, he was a panicked last minute signing because we pissed about.
  5. That’s a good response isn’t it. “I’d take a season like that if it meant nearly winning a quadruple the one after”. Just answer the points I’ve made instead of dodging them, just like you have done with the Nunes point I made as well. Yes, you’re right about the major signings being more than one a year. I think my point was more that we don’t fix glaring issues in one window, like we didn’t in the summer with the midfield. Nunes (as a replacement for Mane, not adding to the squad despite losing Origi & Minamino) along with a young RB is laughable. If you’re arguing that it isn’t then I don’t think there’s really no point having this discussion. Because I don’t, for the life of me, understand the mindset that Ox & Keita & Jones are suitable options for this club. All three have shown nothing in the last 18 months, and continue to show next to fuck all despite the continued opportunities. It’s impossible to have a discussion about these things with a couple of people on here. Rather than admitting that Liverpool as a club can and have made errors in judgement when it comes to recruitment, it’s always the same response “it’s all part of the plan”. Having the oldest squad in the league, having one of the worst defensive records in the league, shipping a shit load of goals, losing to wank sides at the bottom…all part of the master plan this. Nothing to do with sitting on our arse while other clubs go out and buy players to improve their squad. Call ourselves a big club, but then don’t act like one. Nobody is expecting to spend like Utd or City or Chelsea with a spend of 300-400m this summer, but the way the squad has been handled since the premier league win has left a lot to be desired and FSG absolutely have to answer for them.
  6. The signing of Arthur last minute in the summer shows quite clearly that the club panicked over lack of midfield options. This, along with the centre back issues two seasons ago, show that this plan of “waiting for one player, and one player only” doesn’t always pan out. There’s nothing wrong with having a shortlist of players, and moving down to the next target when the first option isn’t available. The club have put this season at risk by not bringing in a quality midfielder, or maybe two. Nunes is somebody we like? Well, why didn’t we get him in the summer…instead of letting Wolves buy him and us end up having to pay an extra premium in the summer to get him from them. If he is one of the priority targets, why was the belief in his ability not acted upon in the summer just gone? He was obviously available for transfer and would have most definitely came here over moving to Wolves. Same goes for the lad who we like who went to Fulham in the summer. Why aren’t the club acting on these targets? Both easily to get, both apparently on our list of targets, yet both of them go to mid table level sides and we are here with our fingers in our arses. Same goes for Kone from Monchengladbach, Thuram from Nice and to a lesser extent Koopmeiners from Atalanta. All of these players could have been brought in the summer, but instead we end up with an injury prone flop that Juventus couldn’t get out of the door quick enough. The club has spent big money on players, yes, but it only ever seems to be one major signing a year, if that. The summer we needed Nunes and a quality midfielder, that was obvious for anybody to see. I’m fed up of the excuses being made about targets, as if every other big club aren’t able to bring in quality players every window when they need it. The likelihood at this rate, is that the club are going to miss out on champions league football, and while the injuries upfront haven’t helped one bit, the absolute state of the midfield and the ease in which teams have walked through it has been the main issue.
  7. I think all four Toy Story films are excellent. Didn’t think the 4th one was needed after 3, but it ended up being great as well. Ratatouille, Wall-E, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Inside Out & Up are all wonderful films.
  8. The Good Dinosaur- 9/10 One of my favourite Pixar films, so underrated. Gives me watery eyes without fail every time.
  9. White Noise - Difficult to rate, thinking either a 6 or 7/10. Definitely didn’t live up to my expectations, but I did enjoy it. Adam Driver was great as usually.
  10. Rick

    Off Topic

    Yeah, he’s a minging bastard, went off him.
  11. Well, Gakpo being prolific himself will maybe take a little bit of pressure off of Darwin to score, which could do him wonders. Hopefully. Darwin has had to play a hybrid winger/centre forward role so far so it’ll be nice getting him down the centre. Now we REALLY need a CM.
  12. PSV have announced that both clubs have agreed a deal for Cody Gakpo. This is very welcome news.
  13. Love Actually - 9/10 It’s A Wonderful Life - 10/10
  14. Hopefully the little cunt gets a very very long ban. At least the duration of time the Leicester lad is out for.
  15. The Banshees Of Inisherin - 10/10 Perfect. Farrell & Gleeson & McDonagh together are just a match made in heaven. More please. Loved all of the cast, everybody was fantastic. Highly recommend.
  16. Nice to see Darwin come straight back in and get a couple of goals. Do his confidence some good before Thursday.
  17. There’s another tournament with these players wasted.
  18. Diaz has gotten injured again, needs surgery and out until March. Our luck is a joke. Thiago, Matip, Jones & Keita all missing from latest training. What is it with these select few, it’s shocking that list can’t stay fit.
  19. Beyond moronic that players still get caught doing this, especially the highly paid ones. This will be the real reason he didn’t make the England squad.
  20. Don’t mind the round one, but I think the shield design is excellent.
  21. Charli XCX - Charli This is an unbelievably good pop album. “1999” is one of the best pop songs of the last decade. Also, she’s fucking beautiful.
  22. Oh I’m in agreement with you mostly, because I think it diminishes the FA cup. That being said, I was happy when Liverpool won it, because it is a trophy, and seen a semi ‘major’ one at that.
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