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Everything posted by IgnisExcubitor

  1. Littlefinger will die. The fued between Sansa and Arya is just a lame distraction. Cersie is too important a character to die so early. Maybe next season. No point in Brienne dying. Jamie will probably kill Cersie and might die with her next season. Tyrion nope, never. Jon and Dany are probably hooking up next episode. That sex scene, Littlefinger's death and wall breaking down is probably a certainty for the finale.
  2. The IT trailer was attached to Annabelle movie here, and it looked class on the big screen. @topic This looks like a good dark comedy.
  3. You are kidding right. @topic Annabel Creation is a solid addition to the Conjuring Franchise. Way, way better than the other Annabel movies. The first half is very good. Becomes a bit of a hurried thing post intermission, but still a good watch. They also tease about the nun(from Conjuring 2) movie.
  4. Considering how predictable the show's writers have been, Littlefinger will most probably die at the hands of Arya. That allows the makers to give something to the huge Arya fanbase. Reckon Cersie will pull a trick. Like promise to fight before doing something to jeopardize the operation and making sure that most of Dany's army dies.
  5. I would have liked it if the group would have ran into the white walkers at the start of the episode. And while waiting for help on that tiny rock, they could have swapped stories with each other. The makers could have then showed them suffering at the hands of the elements, while waiting for help. Their food and water dwindling, while the the number of zombies kept increasing. This would have made the wait seem believable or logical. Then they could have showed the lake freezing, and the Night King eventually arriving. He would have then given his white walkers orders to charge, and when all hopes seemed lost, Dany would have swooped in to save them. The makers could have spent the whole of next episode showing white walkers gathering chains, and at the end of that episode they could showed the rebirth/regeneration of ice dragon.
  6. Good episode, but the turn of events seemed predictable. Still enjoyed it. I quite liked @Danny theory of chaos more.
  7. We always had minor tensions with China. The reasons for the increased tension is because China is trying to build a road to the Doklam spot, which belongs to Bhutan. You can read about it online. The spot is of strategic importance to us as well, as it is close to the Siliguri Corridor - a slim passage that connects the North-eastern part of India to the rest of our country. Things have been hot for a while before that, because: 1) We refused to participate in China's ambitious OBOR (One Belt One Road) project. Our reasons are justified because this project makes China and Pakistan more powerful in our region, something which we cannot allow. 2) We conducted navy exercises with Japan and US in Malabar, which further annoyed China. Anyways, I doubt whether we will go to war. We both are nuclear nations, but more importantly to China, the multi billion dollar trade with us cannot be jeopardised. The current situation is basically a bit of grandstanding on their part. Someone is standing up to a bully, and China don't want to back off. We have offered dialogue but China has refused that. As an Indian, my biggest worry is not China but the main opposition party in my country. When countries are threatened by foreign forces, all political parties unite, but in India, the main opposition party, Congress, which belongs to the powerful Gandhi(not Mahatma Gandhi) family secretly met with the Chinese envoy during the dispute, and repeatedly attempted to undermine the Indian government.
  8. @ Sipderman debate Homecoming was highly enjoyable and probably the best in the franchise, largely thanks to the humor. @topic Saw 'Atomic Blonde'. Low on smart plot but high on action and style. If you go in expecting not a lot, then you will definitely enjoy it.
  9. Two people booked for the leaked episode. Poor sods, taking one for us fans. https://www.mid-day.com/articles/game-of-thrones-season-7-episode-4-leaked-gots07e04-torrent-two-held-mumbai-news/18499190
  10. Binged watched the 32 season of Survivor. Not amongst the best, but a decent season with some nice twists and interesting characters.
  11. Esme Bianco is my favourite too. Here's something to add. NSFW
  12. Despicable Me 3 was very poor. They need to stop, now. They have milked it as much as they could have. Thanks for giving us Agnes.
  13. Sam's father says to Jamie that the gold was sent through the gate to King's Landing or something like that. So, the gold is safe. @Topic The next episode's preview showed that Tyrion is beginning to have doubts about Khaleesi or maybe about the dragons. Jon vs Dragon thing is most probably misleading. Dont think they will reveal his fire thing now.
  14. Top, top episode. That end was 'edge of the seat' stuff.
  15. I admire your patience, you two. I can't, however, control myself when the damn thing is available. I would have watched it right now, but I have had a really long day at the office and my eyes won't remain open for an hour. But tomorrow's breakfast will be with GOT.
  16. Hasn't been a great day. Tough UCL draw, Lallana's injury, possibility of Dijk ending up at Chelsea and now hearing that Coutinho might be off.
  17. Yep, it's on solar movies. And it's leaked from us. Star India is big network here. Someone from the network leaked it. Gonna watch it first thing tomorrow morning.
  18. Moreno was brilliant this time. I really hope the lad learns from this. If he is going to stay, then this Moreno is the one I want.
  19. Saw the Aussie movie 'Berlin Syndrome'. Slow, dark and a realistic take on the subject of a creep taking a female captive. They showed Teresa Palmer, who was brilliant by the way, going through all sorts of emotions here towards her captor and the situation. Quite a nice thriller.
  20. @Harry I can understand your strong opinion, you being a book fan. Personally though I am loving the fast pace.
  21. I know it was only a friendly, but I thought Andrew Robertson was really good. On the other hand, Moreno in the first half was really atrocious. And this is not me having a go just for the sake of it.
  22. The song featured on the new Twin Peaks and I have fallen in love. The other songs of the band are good, as well.
  23. Watched the first five episodes of the new Twin Peaks, and I honestly don't know what to make of it. At times it feels like a film-student's amateurish and messy tribute to Lynch. As a huge fan of the original I will keep watching, but the pointlessness of a lot of scenes is really testing my patience. And this is coming from a massive TP and Lynch fan.
  24. Yet another good episode. Really fine writing. This is brilliant, how they are increasing the tension and interest. And that end, Olenna Tyrell deserved that. She is such a bad ass.
  25. Watched a Spanish movie, Que Dios Nos Perdone, the other day. A good serial killer movie, largely because of how well the leads acted, especially Antonio Torre and Javier Pereira. It was hard for me to take Roberto Almamo seriously despite being terrific in the film, because he reminded me of Rob Corddry.
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