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Everything posted by IgnisExcubitor

  1. But it ends up being a great PR exercise. Look at the headlines. 'Lfc fans show Class.' I mean, at least these pointless award served one good purpose, cause very few people take these clubs awards seriously.
  2. Julianne Moore was a letdown. Elton John stole the show. @topic Saw 'Victoria and Abdul'. Two hours of absolute cringe fest. Stay away from this one everybody.
  3. IgnisExcubitor

    Off Topic

    Must be Blade Runner promotions. Pictures look cool though. Anyways, Happy Diwali to you. May your year ahead be filled with joy and happiness. And also to others as well.
  4. I wasn't implying that Ashley is good in any sense. I know he only wants to be in PL, without achieving anything, so I agree on the rest. Just wishing that you lot don't get done by FA's incompetence. They have allowed shitty people to own clubs, like at Blackburn, Leeds, etc. As someone who now follows NUFC because of Rafa, I genuinely hope you get decent owners.
  5. Good news, but you have to wait and see who you lot get. The FA are useless at screening potential buyers.
  6. I bet Tsubs considers that as a compliment. @topic @True Blue and @SirBalon
  7. Saw Loving Vincent at the MAMI film festival. Bit of a mess and an eyesore. Unless you are a fan of Vincent van Gogh, then there's nothing much to admire in this. Also went to IMAX yesterday to catch Blade Runner again. Enjoyed it just as much as the first time.
  8. Just came back from 'Blade Runner 2049' and I was completely blown away. It is a modern masterpiece and as good as the original. The story, the acting, the visuals and the music are all so mesmerising. And it hasn't lost its ambiguity, maybe this one is a little less ambiguous but cerebral nonetheless. I absolutely loved the understated approach. And there is a possibility of another sequel. If I had to pick a fault then I would say Jared Leto was not suited for that part. He wasn't terrible but in his opening scene he felt unconvincing. And it was an important scene to establish the villain. Everyone else is brilliant, though. Both wife and I are going to go again for a second viewing. And I guess it's time we put Denis Villeneuve in the same bracket as Scorsese, Kubrick, Nolan, etc. On a side note, if you have watched the new movie or are planning to see it, then here are the three shorts you MUST see. They chart the important events that take place between the two movies and provide a clearer understanding of the changes that take place in that world.
  9. Don't usually plug Indian movies here, cause bollywood is largely shite, but a new movie, 'Newton' - which also happens to be our official entry to Oscar, is a worthy shout. Filled with dark humour, raw, and shows a side of the country which city folks like me don't usually see. Also an apt commentary on democracy.
  10. Kinda agree with @Dr. Gonzo. It isn't that bad (at least that is what I thought), but you are bound to compare it to Catch 22, which is a masterpiece, and which invariably will make you dislike this book.
  11. Watched American Made . If you have liked Narcos then you will absolutely love this. Tom Cruise was awesome, and the story further adds to the belief that CIA is a fucked up institution. This would have made a good series too, but I suppose it would have been similar to Narcos.
  12. A bit late to Kafka. Reading The Trial, after which I will go to Metamorphosis.
  13. So Kingsman 2, and it's strictly decent. What made the first one interesting was the humour and the fun, graphic fight sequences. Unfortunately the humour is completely missing in this one apart from Elton John's bit in the end. He pretty much steals the show in the climax scenes. So you are only left with good fight scenes A good one time watch.
  14. From the trailer it seems like a terrible choice. And where are the boobs? As for movie, it looks like a cheap nineties B movie. From the first impression it seems like it will be a flop.
  15. I was too, until I realised that chapter 2 will have grown ups. Watching these kids was too much fun, especially the chemistry and humour. Think we might not get that with the grown ups. It will all rest on Pennywise, who was awesome in this one.
  16. If a banner leaves you deeply uncomfortable, then you have some unresolved issues. Better get them treated sooner.
  17. Watched Logan Lucky. As others have rightfully described it online, it is indeed Ocean's Eleven with hillbillies. Decent story, heist and twist. Humour is mostly subtle, which one might miss if one is not paying attention. Fairly nice cast. Not as awesome as Ocean's Eleven, but not bad either.
  18. Watched 'IT' on the weekend, and it's by far one of the best horror movies in the recent times. What makes this movie thoroughly enjoyable is not just the scares, but the casting, story and jokes. The humour is brilliant - a wee bit dark at times, but brilliant nevertheless. The new Pennywise, despite the somewhat less screentime, is scarier than Tim Curry's. And unlike the original, who was at times goofy, the new Pennywise is just plain evil. And it works. The voice, the laugh and the drooling while talking just creeps you out. All the child actors are fabulous, though Stranger Thing's Anderson steals the show as the guttermouth Richie. Again as good as Seth Green was in the original, Anderson is brilliant. Also the kids who play Beverley and Ben are lovely. If you are a fan of the original then you will obviously love this, but you will also love this if you are a fan of Goonies. The humour in this reminded me of Goonies. I am already eager to see what they will do in Chapter Two.
  19. @Kowabunga Naah, we are small too compared to China in many aspects, despite of our rapid development.
  20. Mighty win for the small guy. China has agreed to not build the road. So both countries scaled back their troops. Normal patrolling will continue. Props to our govt for achieving this in a mature way, by gaining support from the likes of Japan and EU through the back channels. Experts here are expecting for a backlash from China, possibly in the form of say cyber attacks.
  21. Just returning from watching 'The Dark Tower'. It was utterly terrible. I haven't read the books, but you can tell that the source material was probably good or at least had potential. The filmmakers have ruined it. Not a single fight scene, or emotional scene has been done well. Everything seems rushed. Matthew doesn't suit the role, while Elba sleepwalks through his. The little boy can only do much. It's a really terribly made movie. I yawned plenty of times, and almost dozed off.
  22. Just saw the final episode. Loved it, except the Littlefinger death. He deserved better. Going forward, I think Tyrion will turn. The bit about him loving Cersie's children and the fact that she is pregnant. It's not so much about him loving her, but being afraid of the dragons. I think deep down he wants a world without dragon and he will help her destroy them when the time's right.
  23. Got off work early due to heavy rains and went to watch Hitman's bodyguard. Had few laughs, but above all a very poor movie.
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