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Rucksackfranzose last won the day on June 29

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  1. Liverpool won the title with 7 (seven) matches to., whilst our English forum members babble about competition in their league.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. football forums


      Nice i didn't knew about it

    3. football forums

      Viva la FCB

      A man after my own heart :x

      This was a bit of a strange year, We where what 4th before Kovac resigned? The quality was always there in the squad but we nearly had to run the table to win it once flick took helm.

    4. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      I think it's competitive in a different sense, when you look at the last few seasons you've got Chelsea and City wining it a couple of times + Leicester and now us. But some of those years, the winner was someone who won it outright pretty early. Some of those years it wasn't. And I think it's pretty rare you get a season like last season where you've got us and City basically needing to be as near perfect as possible to win the league.

      But I think one main reason people say our league is more competitive than others is there's so many teams at the start of a season who could theoretically win it and because there's so many sides that can throw money around to bring in pretty good players. I think the biggest argument against it being the most competitive in Europe is there's pretty large gaps between the good sides and the bad sides. Look at the bottom of the table in England - it's not the most exciting relegation battle in the world by a long shot.

      Looking at the leagues this year, it's hard to say that the German league wasn't more competitive. I think even for top sides though, no player can ever really take it for granted in the premier league that any game will be easy. But by the same token, I think for any top side in Germany no player can ever really take it for granted that any Bundesliga match will be easy. They're both top leagues and they're both competitive, just in different ways.

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