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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. Prey - 6/10 I quite liked the premise and the era it was set in but so many things didn't really make sense like the magical-get-out-of-tough-situation tokens. I won't spoil them for anyone but I also felt like this brand of Predator needs to have a serious think about whether its a hunter of a bumbling idiot that is incapable of staying hidden and maybe that's the evolutionary aspect of the franchise but to me it felt a bit weird. I also don't want to compare it to the original which would be unfair but I never felt a sense of dread or ever felt like the main protagonist was ever in any true danger because she seemed a bit bullet-proof. One of my favorite parts of the 87 classic was when Dutch is walking to the center of the trap and they are confused why none of them have sprung, so he walks the traps and the camera is focused on him and then out of nowhere the Predator makes a mistake and gets caught in the net. I never really got any sense of that in this film which is a shame because the setting really afforded it quite a bit.
  2. When you say red light for the CPU what does that mean? Also, does the CPU have a heatsink with a fan and does that spin up? The only reason I ask is that the power line block that connects to the CPU also powers the CPU fan on some motherboards so its a good way to know the board is getting the power it needs. If it was the RAM you'd get a POST beep of kinds telling you the RAM is not in the right slot but that isnt the case here.
  3. I played it earlier in the year and its quite fun. I quite liked annoying the people in the game haha.
  4. I gave Stray a run today morning and its quite the interesting game. I feel like the cat mechanics had to be the way they are just because you know it would turn into a nightmare for players getting stuck in the city if it was a free-form game but overall its quite a nice story.
  5. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Got inspired in the key of Em today and did this little diddy. Let me know what you guys think. Tonnes of mistakes through it and yes its a classical guitar. https://voca.ro/1nBdLjJI3PJP The interesting thing here is there's a reverb channel on the right and a clean channel on the left and when you mix the two you get a very nice little sweet spot where the bass notes get a little tighter but it also shows how much more practice my rhythm needs.
  6. Mel81x

    Making Music

    When they say you can do "everything" with your laptop they don't really mean everything. Phew.
  7. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Is it crashing only when you plug the device in?
  8. Diablo Immortal Player: Game Broke After Spending $100,000 (kotaku.com) I hope Blizzard just does their usual BS here and doesn't refund the money and completely imbalances the game as a result. Why would anyone want to pour in 100K to win is beyond me and then complain that they have no one to compete against. It's actually unfair to the folks who are in the events to have to compete with someone that is so skewed from a player build perspective as its not skill anymore its just the size of your wallet.
  9. While I agree its a very congested and also unusual period its just the nature of how things go and some teams will benefit while others wont. I truly believe we're headed into a very injury prone January post the WC because these players are going to be fatigued and still have to grind out games faster than they would normally have to due to the season being on.
  10. Oh I agree it looks and plays really well. I was just curious because someone I know has one and they said they liked that they took the time to do the sprites to pop. I have finally also got my PS5 back so I shall be tackling some titles there hopefully mid month once I put Elden Ring to bed.
  11. Me and @Dr. Gonzo thought it was fantastic last year and the music is really quite the pace-setter especially in the early parts. You playing it on that new OLED Switch or the older one? From what I hear it looks great with the new colors on the newer one.
  12. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Oh yeah a drummer definitely recorded that haha.
  13. Like any app Netflix has reached a stage where saturation was bound to happen. When you've got that much content and no discernable way to push it to your users in a way that engages them this is what happens. I use Netflix really just to watch documentaries which they don't even suggest to me even though its pretty much all I watch on there now. Instead I get a top 10 in your country BS list which I wouldn't give the time of day to anymore. They fix that and start to work better with distribution laws and I honestly think they can regain viewership. Disney really put a nail in their coffin because some of the better short series were all Marvel and while we may think "Who wants to watch Marvel" its really what grew their userbase super fast with shows like Daredevil. I wouldn't even put Strange Things into the bucket of good on there anymore. I fully expect Disney to go the same route in about 2 yrs, the only benefit Disney has is that they have a user demographic that Netflix hasn't been able to successfully grab ... kids under the age of 13.
  14. Mel81x

    Making Music

    First of all I liked it a lot. The drums and the guitar were actually very complimentary but I felt at points that the guitar got totally washed out by the drums and some things to help with that are to lower the drums volume on one side of the stereo output and leave the guitar at its same volume. This tricks the brain into thinking its listening to two sources at the same volume but really you're pushing the guitar a bit more. Once again I really liked it.
  15. They sound a little bit like Iron Maiden at the start of this song but maybe its just me.
  16. What a world we live in. Where safety comes for a cost. Just disgusting.
  17. Gen Pop: I'm not worried about my data online. Me: Back on topic, that reveal for the Last of Us Remake was very good and this is how remakes should be done. Capcom oddly led the way there with their RE2 remake.
  18. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Its been three weeks of classes and honestly I can now understand why so many people talk so highly about alternate picking. Sometimes the little things like missing to do an up-down and instead doing an up-up can totally mess your rhythm up. I have gone to having pick difficulties above songs running at 120 to being comfortable there and pushing 160 now. This speed thing is addictive when done right haha.
  19. Their bass work is always a bit on the weird side. It's got touches of Jamiroquai in the mid-years and then it switches to this math-rock style that I quite enjoy. The little guitar runs in the middle are also good imo.
  20. Take a trip with Metroid Dread is my recommendation. It's not terribly challenging in terms of difficulty but it can get hard the more things you try and do to complete it.
  21. Welcome back and @Tommy can help I am thinking
  22. Random playlist adrenaline rush
  23. Thor: Love and Thunder - 2.1/10 because its not as bad as a 2 but giving it anything higher would be disingenuous.
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