Think that kinda depends on the games you play in your mid 20s too. I suppose the games these days are far more engaging and some aren't really stress busters like the stuff we played when we were younger (platformers, racing games, etc). I also think the industry is slowly trending/or has already trended towards game hierarchies where companies make games based on the demographic they want to hit instead of a fun game. Case in point are these games coming out like NiOh, Dark Souls etc versus the more casual oriented games for the masses like Fortnite, etc where the ramping is completely different.
I think its a good thing honestly because you want to please a bigger demographic and not every game is for everyone.
On that note, Mortal Kombat 11 is quite good if anyone wants to pick it up. Decent Story Mode, decent Krypt system and I think you can actually learn the combat system quite quickly since its got stop-frames and the wakeup/recovery frame system is very simple compared to games like Street Fighter. Don't get me wrong its got a lot of hidden complexity with the reversals and the block system but its a lot more easier to get into now.