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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Let's just say that as someone coming from a small country that has been screwed by many "great powers" throughout the history, I'm not particularly fond of any of them.
  2. There's an old Russian saying which basically claims that "Russia cannot be understood by the mind alone", but I think you can apply it to the US pretty well, too
  3. And that's again the issue of media fueling the mass hysteria by bringing unnecesary confusion to people who are already getting conflicting information every week. Does my head in.
  4. I mean the data is likely accurate, it's just that the interpretation of it is not very clear
  5. Cheers, a few things I noticed after quickly going through it: - they label a place as an "outbreak" if at least three people that tested positive have been in that place over the same 14-day period. That doesn't indicate that any of them caught the virus there - just that they have been there at some point within the last 2 weeks. - the "outbreaks" at grocery stores are likely affecting the employees working in close proximity to each other for prolonged periods of time; that isn't likely to convey any measurable risk to the customers though. - they don't assess the risk, just present the quantitave number of outbreaks that occured.
  6. Western society has indeed become very risk-averse, there's no doubt about that...
  7. Do you have a link to the study, by any chance? I find that conclusion (regarding supermarkets) very bizarre...unless there's no distancing and nobody is wearing masks, that is.
  8. I take it this study didn't take nursing homes, prisons, hospitals, public transportation, schools, restaurants or places of religious worship into account? Because I can't imagine how a short grocery shopping trip to a supermarket could pose a higher risk than spending time in any of the above mentioned places which tend to be by far more crowded, lack distancing, and have by far longer times of potential exposure, increasing the risk of infection.
  9. Nice... The reason I asked, Dance Dance Dance was my first book of his as I got it as a birthday present years ago; didn't realise it was a sequel to The Wild Sheep Chase so was a bit confused at times, but I loved it. If you enjoy it, I'd highly recommend Kafka on the Shore. My most favourite Murakami novel, and also one of my favourite books ever...
  10. Love Murakami. Is it the first book of his that you're reading?
  11. That image is the polymorph from the Red Dwarf
  12. Just finished this one: Currently reading:
  13. To be fair though, Albon got into F1 only because RB didn't have anyone else for that Toro Rosso seat; if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't have a single F1 race to his name. Compared to Gasly, Albon got all the time and support he needed after getting promoted to RB, and failed to impress. Not sure what's the problem with him being demoted again.
  14. It's a pity that it's not Hülkenberg, but oh well... Should be an improvement on Albon. Red Bull actually gave the seat to someone outside of their bubble, wow.
  15. Just watched the first episode of the new adaptation of Stephen King's The Stand. I loved the book; it's one of my favourites, and I really liked the miniseries from the 90s (although granted, it didn't age well...). Mixed feelings about this new remake at this point. Not too sure if they got the timing right; releasing a series set in a world wiped out by a deadly virus in the middle of the pandemic seems a bit of a risky idea Also not sure if the structure of the show will work - I found the non-chronological adaptation pretty good, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who hasn't read the book or seen the original mini series as that will probably be pretty confusing.
  16. nudge


    I didn't want to see that
  17. China has successfully retrieved the capsule with the lunar samples! Says they will share the samples with other countries.
  18. nudge

    Show us your pets

    Why? Now, I definitely agree that wannabe gangsters would definitely find the breed appealing, but why only gangsters could or would own it?
  19. Impossible, apparently. Loan until end of June with no recall option... Not that it matters I guess, here he would still sit on the bench or play out of position anyway
  20. Jojo Eggestein just scored another 3 goals, in the first half of LASK's cup match this time. That's 12 goals in 15 matches so far - 6 in the league, 4 in the cup, 2 in the EL.
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