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Everything posted by nudge

  1. nudge

    Show us your pets

    So sorry to hear that RIP Jax...
  2. He's fine. Busy with family and life.
  3. From what I've read, Turkey forces will be part of the peacekeeping center - in other words, a ceasefire monitoring base in Azerbaijan teritory (location not yet agreed upon), but not in Karabakh. I suspect that Russian forces will stay in the region indefinitely now. The peace agreement even contains a bullet point where it says that the duration of stay of the peacekeeping contingent will have automatic extension for the next 5-year period if none of the three Parties declares the intention to terminate the application of this provision at least 6 months in advance.
  4. I thought you'd like the second one better
  5. Didn't know you like SOAD too, otherwise would have tagged you too, haha... They came out of the hiatus in order to support Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, released two songs on bandcamp, all donations go to the Armenia Fund.
  6. @Dr. Gonzo @Mel81x After a 15 year hiatus...
  7. Pfizer and BioNTech share the development costs equally, BioNTech also have a similar partnership with Fosun Pharma in China. They actually got financial grant of almost 400 million Euro from German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, but you don't hear them gloating about it. Nice to see the US government trying to claim it as their own achievement though
  8. No wonder these latest vaccine news gave everyone a boner...
  9. Full clinical protocol of the trials for those interested: https://pfe-pfizercom-d8-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/2020-11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020.pdf
  10. nudge


    That sounds...frustrating Welcome back
  11. There's plenty in the works, and quite a few others in Phase 3 already too! I mostly use these two sites for tracking the progress: https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/vaccines/ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/science/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker.html
  12. Pfizer and BioNTech, which is a German company in Mainz, and they already agreed on supplying 300 million doses with European Comission Best news in a long time, those interim results look much better than expected!
  13. Rocket launches are always amazing... Love watching it live, and spaceflight photography is also breathtaking. Certainly a fascinating job to have... Really excited about and looking forward to the first 15km test flight of the Starship SN8 prototype next week. A huge difference compared to the previous 150m hops. This is the first Starship prototype that will test the launch, return, and landing capability ahead of the push to orbit next year. Such an aesthetically pleasing design. Hope the test flight is a success. https://twitter.com/cnunezimages/status/1324509498678087680?s=20
  14. nudge


    Looks unreal... Also, for the bolded part... are we having a new "Egypt is not Africa" moment here?
  15. What can I say, the lockdown took its toll on me...
  16. Similar to outbreaks in the Netherlands and Spain mink farms earlier this year. Hopefully, this will at least kill off the whole fur trade industry completely.
  17. It's bizarre and completely crazy, judging by the descriptions and youtube gameplay videos
  18. WTF is this? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1085750/Sex_with_Stalin/
  19. It does sound extremely like Dr. Strangelove The current reality is truly stranger than fiction.
  20. Any relation to this guy, by any chance?...
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