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Everything posted by nudge

  1. May the 4th be with you!

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    2. football forums

      Happy Blue

      I spent the day in my Boba Fett costume :8_laughing:

    3. football forums


      You have a Boba Fett costume? xD 

    4. football forums

      Happy Blue

      Yeah xD ..I've got a big star wars collection ha

  2. Found this article while reading about colour theory in photography: https://www.fotographee.com/color-theory-photography/ Could be useful, not only for basic understanding but especially in terms of post-processing (Photoshop/Lightroom). Quite a few practical examples there.
  3. Played around with Help Will Come Tomorrow a bit. Quite interesting concept and setting. Pretty much a story-driven resource gathering and survival game. You have a group of passengers who are the survivors of the Trans-Siberian railway train crash in a wake of October Revolution. Each day you try to manage their hunger, thirst, cold, injuries and other needs, while trying to ensure they are safe from the dangers of weather changes, wildlife, other people and unexpected events you may come across while managing your resources, expanding your camp, exploring and searching for supplies. There is an in-depth relationship system and every character has a unique story and their own abilities and weaknesses, with more being revealed as time goes on and they get to know eachother. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1119600/Help_Will_Come_Tomorrow/
  4. Started watching Into the Night on Netflix. A new suspenseful apocalyptic sci-fi thriller series from Belgium with a pretty interesting and unique premise. Basically a bunch of people on a plane learn that due to a solar catastrophy, they can only survive by flying into the night and evading the sunrise. Sounds a bit weird but it's a surprisingly good watch...
  5. It did wrap up everything nicely so there's that... Those last two episodes were ordered specifically as a two-part finale after season 2 was cancelled, so there's probably no chance of anyone picking it up for more
  6. @Bluewolf, report your status! I just finished it. So annoyed it didn't last longer than two seasons
  7. nudge

    Off Topic

    It's not you, it's the audience...
  8. nudge

    Off Topic

    @Bluewolfis just considering a career switch, he's basically a comedian now.
  9. After reading both reports, it seems the difference might be due to the methodology. Will wait for the full report on that American trial, but it seems that the control group in the Chinese study was allowed to get other treatments (namely lopinavir–ritonavir, interferons, and corticosteroids) - if the control group in the American study was not given any other meds, then that could be the reason for different findings and would potentially suggest that Remdisivir does work, but no significantly better than other (anti-viral) treatments.
  10. Mixed results coming in from trials. The latest report on clinical trial in China also says it's ineffective: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31022-9/fulltext Meanwhile, the US National Institutes of Health released preliminary data on their trial results saying it's effective: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/nih-clinical-trial-shows-remdesivir-accelerates-recovery-advanced-covid-19
  11. That article caused an outrage among the local population of British expats in Thailand and neighbouring countries, so I guess it achieved its goal
  12. UK is not the only country with this issue... The same happened in Italy where people were dying at home or in care facilities and weren't included in the official death count. Spain doesn't include unconfirmed deaths in care facilities, and France similarly was recording fatalities in hospitals only. Wuhan also raised its death toll by 50% (additional 1290 cases) recently pretty much for the same reason - deaths outside hospitals have not previously been recorded. I'd say it's not intentional but rather the issue of collecting accurate data being quite challenging, and I'm sure there will be a lot of revisions done to the data retrospectively.
  13. nudge

    Off Topic

    I finished episode 9 last night... Will continue tonight after work
  14. nudge

    Off Topic

    Finished with Timeless already???
  15. nudge

    Off Topic

    I see you're spending your day off work very productively...
  16. An interesting article critical of the UK and USA in the Bangkok Post today. https://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/1909696/contagion-death-rates-and-doses-of-arrogance
  17. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/02/05/349131/an-algorithm-that-can-spot-cause-and-effect-could-supercharge-medical-ai/ @Mel81x The title is a bit misleading, but it's pretty interesting nonetheless...
  18. nudge

    Off Topic

    He's already gone, John.
  19. Didn't know where else to put it, but this is quite an interesting little guide on how to read and analyse DNA on a computer using Python. https://biospace.xyz/posts/reading-dna-on-computers/ On a similar topic, I recently discovered Rosalind, a platform to learn bioinformatics, algorithms and programming through problem solving. Quite fun. http://rosalind.info/
  20. I read this post while in bed and then fell asleep again and forgot all about it... Cheers for the heads up. Total War has a bit too much war for my liking, but I think that's right up @Bluewolf's alley!
  21. Audi announced their departure from DTM today... That's the end of DTM then
  22. I'm exactly the same My dad tought me the basics years ago so when I was learning from him, he never missed a chance to mention how including people into your shots supposedly makes them more interesting. Thanks but no thanks, dad. Why ruin a perfectly fine scene by including people in it That said, I also find some portraits absolutely fascinating, usually the ones where you can read different emotions in their faces. I also love street photography, but I don't think I could ever pull it off myself...
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