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Everything posted by nudge

  1. I love it when memories are linked to certain songs but on the other hand sometimes it can ruin a song forever haha.
  2. nudge

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    I made a mistake of going out for lunch today and the town was full of people celebrating New Year.
  3. Haha yes. So is @TrstnFCB but he hasn't been online for a while @Rucksackfranzose is 1. FC Saarbrücken fan.
  4. @Tommy - Köln @Faithcore - Düsseldorf @Devil-Dick Willie - HSV @Chadwell - Werder @SchalkeUK - BVB @BartraPique1932 - Schalke @Rucksackfranzose - Homburg @Relling - RB Leipzig
  5. Mission update: 1st dive: Atantic - Puerto Rico Trench - COMPLETE. In a historic feat, explorer Victor Vescovo became the first human to dive on a solo mission to the deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean – the verified bottom of the Puerto Rico Trench at 8,376 meters/27,480 feet in his private submersible, the Limiting Factor. The trench was previously explored to approximately 8,300 meters by the French submersible Archimede in 1964, but it did not reach the deepest point. The dive also makes the Limiting Factorthe deepest diving operational submersible in the world, surpassing the previous operational record-holder, the Chinese submersible Jiaolong which has reportedly reached a maximum depth of 7,062 meters. A groundbreaking documentary series about the expedition is also being filmed by Atlantic Productions for Discovery Channel, and will air in 2019/2020. In addition to Vescovo’s solo dive, the expedition also accomplished: First manned descent to the verified bottom of the Puerto Rico Trench, the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean First American-made submersible to dive deeper than 6,100 meters since the US Navy’s DSV-4 Sea Cliffin 1985, thirty-three years ago Only the second solo dive made deeper than 5,000 meters. Only James Cameron in his Deepsea Challengerhas made a deeper solo dive, to full ocean depth (10,908 meters) in 2012 2nd dive: Southern - South Sandwich Trench - COMPLETE. The Five Deeps Expedition crosses another historic dive off its list when explorer Victor Vescovo became the first human to dive to the deepest point in the Southern Ocean – in the southern portion of the South Sandwich Trench – at 7,433.6 meters/24,388 feet in his private submersible, the Limiting Factor. Located just north of the Antarctic continent, the Southern Ocean’s South Sandwich Trench has not been thoroughly explored and is the only subzero Hadal zone (deeper than 6,000 meters) in the world. No human has ever dived in the trench, and what few samples have been taken from its hadal depths, date back to the early 1970s. Due to its remote location, this dive posed many logistical and weather-related challenges, however the scientific findings could prove to be groundbreaking. In addition to Vescovo’s solo dive, the expedition also accomplished: First human being to reach the bottom of the Southern Ocean in the southern portion of the South Sandwich Trench Most accurate mapping of the South Sandwich Trench to date using a modern multibeam sonar system • Deepest dive into a sub-zero Hadal zone, only the third solo dive below 7,000 meters The third-deepest solo dive in history, after James Cameron’s 2012 dive to the Pacific Ocean’s Challenger Deep, and Vescovo’s dive in December 2019 to the bottom of the Atlantic 3rd dive: Indian - Java Trench - COMPLETE. For the third time, the Five Deeps Expedition has successfully dived to the previously-unvisited bottom of one of the world’s five oceans. The team completed a mission to reach one of the most isolated points on the planet: the deepest point of the Java Trench in the Indian Ocean. Now measured at 7,192 meters/23,596 feet deep, Victor Vescovo is the first human to dive to its depths in the DSV Limiting Factor (Triton 36000/2 model submersible) the world’s deepest diving, currently operational submarine. At the bottom of the trench, the team managed to capture footage from the sub and from the landers of what are believed to be entirely new species, yet unseen by humans. From the sub, a new species of hadal snailfish was observed amongst many other bottom dwelling organisms, and the landers observed an extraordinary gelatinous animal – thought to be a stalked Ascidean, otherwise known as a Sea Squirt – which does not resemble anything seen before. In addition to Vescovo’s solo dive, the expedition also accomplished: First descent to the bottom of the Indian Ocean The most solo dives - three - deeper than 7,000m have now been made by a single individual, Victor Vescovo First manned descent of any significant depth (below 2,000 meters) in the Java Trench and the first descent to the absolute bottom of the trench (7,192m) Deepest dive by a British citizen (Scottish) in that country’s history, by Dr. Alan Jamieson to 7,180 meters, and first to visit a hadal zone First seabed lander operations including biological sampling and depth confirmation at the bottom of the Diamantina Fracture Zone in the Indian Ocean, 800 miles west of the Australian coast Discovered at least 4 new species of life, including one significantly-sized, stalked Ascidean, previously unseen by any member of the expedition science team Completed the third dive of the Five Deeps Expedition and thus 60% complete with the overall mission, and remaining on schedule for completion in September 2019 Three down, two more to go! Next step - Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench!
  6. Lol the same (minus the racing track) happened to my adopted town within two years when the Chinese took over it.
  7. Well I didn't really consider Finland as it's technically not Scandinavia... And they might have quite a bit of interest but financially it's a tough task.
  8. Agree fully (even if I personally like street races). However, Zandvoort is most likely coming back too!
  9. Simple answer - money... No circuits in Scandinavia capable of hosting an F1 race and I don't think there's enough interest from the public/governments/private companies to fund such an event. It's all about rally/rallycross there! No circuit in Egypt either as much as I'm aware.
  10. F1 interested in adding second race in China. https://www.bbc.com/sport/formula1/47951936
  11. Absolutely. Just ask any German living abroad and I'm sure they will have heard it more than often enough. But seriously, I'm surprised you never heard that hehe, google it if you don't believe me I personally prefer a modified one, "Gott schütze uns vor Sturm und Wind und Autos die aus England sind"...
  12. My main interest in the programme was primarily a certain German expat who has been well known down here for being a scamming bastard for years and it was interesting to see quite a few other familiar faces related to that latest pension scheme of his in one way or another. Plenty of more similar cases in the local expat community when it comes to fraudsters and conmen with much more subtle ways of ripping others off but they haven't been given much coverage back in Germany with a few exceptions. You're right in that in this case the victims were extremely naive and financially illiterate to fall for something like that but then someone who takes advantage of people's fears and insecurities in old age with false promises is still a massive cunt and I hope he gets what he deserves. Like the old saying goes; Hüte Dich vor Sturm und Wind und Deutschen, die im Ausland sind...
  13. Still not exactly sure what you're talking about to be honest
  14. So a few German expats here are in the news... https://www.spiegel.tv/videos/1605569-abzocke-bei-rentnern
  15. Started re-reading de Saint-Exupéry's Citadelle (also known as The Wisdom of the Sands) for the nth time tonight. The only book I took with me when I left and it felt like it's time to read it again.
  16. nudge

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    France and bilingual though?...
  17. nudge

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    Or company get togethers and corporate events. Get fucked with your group activities, "team building" games, pointless unfunny speeches from the management and other similar nonsense. If you want your employees to bond for one evening then free food and drinks is more than enough. And even then, honestly, nobody wants to spend (or rather waste) their free time with people they spend at least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week in the office.
  18. nudge

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    Once again it's different for me; I haven't even met my boss and have no idea who the other employees are haha. Got offered the full-time job after doing a few projects as independent contractor and we've been communicating solely via email/phone from the very start.
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