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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) It would be unfair to give this movie a rating as I turned it off in the middle of the third vignette as I found it all too nonsensical and boring (and painfully unfunny). A pity as I was looking forward to seeing Tom Waits but there's no way I could sit through over two hours of that.
  2. Funny that you mention Van Gogh... You might enjoy this article and the video in it: https://www.brainpickings.org/2014/11/13/van-gogh-starry-night-fluid-dynamics-animation/ Or just the video for the lazy
  3. This photo of Jupiter's northern hemisphere is amazing: Image Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill
  4. Brendon Hartley will join the 2018 Daytona 24 Hours champion, Mustang Sampling Racing, for the 2019 Sebring 12 Hours (replaces Christian Fittipaldi and will be teammates with Joåo Barbosa and Filipe Alburquerque). He's also returning to WEC as he'll replace Jenson Button in SMP Racing for the next two rounds. And of course he's also Ferrari's sim and development driver. Good to have him back in sportcars; it's a pity it's not with Porsche though.
  5. Josh Sargent signs a new long-term contract extension!
  6. nudge


    An owl has died nearby today after eating a poisoned rat...
  7. I haven't read this one but based on the description and reviews it has a lot of similarities with Samuel Shem's The House of God... If it's at least half as good as that one then it's definitely worth reading!
  8. Thailand - everywhere from the mountainous northern areas with cooler climate and different cultures (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang) to the valleys and rivers and rich history of central Thailand (Ayuthaya, Kanchanburi, Lopburi) to the coastal provinces and islands; I just love it and it's definitely one of my most favourite countries overall. Brilliant food, amazing nature, bustling nightlife and (mostly) friendly people. Eifel region (Germany) - the mountainous range with cozy little towns and tiny villages stacked in countless valleys and other amazing landscapes with lush forests, flowing rivers, natural mineral springs and blue crater lakes, windy hill roads, numerous castles, remains of Celt and Roman structures and houses dating from the Middles Ages. The national park is teeming with wildlife, the region is rich in culture and history and then of course there is Nürburgring... That's where I used to spend most of my time in Germany growing up and it's extremely beautiful at any time of the year (especially in autumn). Kep (Cambodia) - a small coastal town in South Cambodia near the border with Vietnam. Quiet, clean and very picturesque with mountains of the national park in the background and a long coastline with mangrove marshes and rocky beaches. Also amazing seafood, incredible sunsets, laid back flair, a lot of hiking trails and a few nearby islands to explore. Austria - I haven't spent much time in one particular place but the whole country boasts an absolutely breathtaking nature dominated by glaciers, lakes and of course the Alps, but also scenic cities and small charming towns that offer everything that one could desire in terms of culture, historic attractions and nightlife. Great food and beer and I also like the people and their mentality. Curonian Spit and the nearby city of Klaipeda (Lithuania) - an elongated sand dune peninsula in the Baltic Sea that's also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Massive travelling dunes, lovely natural beaches with amber washing out on the shore after storm, pine scent everywhere and a handful of protected traditional fishermen villages and old trade villages dating from 10th-11th century. Nothing much to do here other than enjoy the nature and relax in quite resorts, but the nearby city of Klaipeda (my birthplace ) serves for other cultural and entertainment needs. The distinctly German-style Old town with cobbled streets and unique Fachwerk style buildings is particularly nice and the whole city has a very relaxed flair.
  9. Just watched the pilot episode of Miracle Workers, a new comedy anthology series with Steve Buscemi and Daniel Radcliffe. Frustrated and depressed with the mess that Earth's become, God (played by Buscemi) contemplates destroying it and moving to his next project while two determined angels make a bet with him in order to change his mind. A bit silly but enjoyable nonetheless.
  10. nudge


    That's the one I almost ended up taking in a few months ago...
  11. Looks good to me but I think they chose wrong music for the trailer... Other than that, I'm definitely looking forward to it!
  12. NASA is testing a new submarine that will hunt for undiscovered sea life — and scientists eventually want it to look for aliens on Europa NASA and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) are developing a deep-diving drone called Orpheus. It recently completed its first ocean test. The drone, which is about the size of a large backyard barbecue grill, will be used to explore the depths of the oceans like never before by snapping color photos, mapping the sea floor, and discovering new creatures. One day, NASA hopes to use similar technology to investigate the oceans of Europa, an icy moon of Jupiter, and search for alien life there. Full article here: https://www.businessinsider.com/nasa-drone-submarine-could-hunt-for-sea-life-aliens-2019-2?r=US&IR=T
  13. nudge


    But that's my point exactly - a dog (doesn't matter if pitbull or any other breed) won't snap or lash out without reason out of the blue IF it's properly bred, socialized and trained. When that happens, the consequences are of course severe when it comes to pitbulls given their sheer power and bite force. But as for "basic" aggressiveness deep down, that's just not true. Pitbulls as a breed have a natural tendency of aggressiveness towards other dogs as they were bred for that purpose for hundreds of years. They were never bred to be aggressive towards humans though as that was always seen as an undesirable trait (unsurprisingly so given their strength) and that's definitely not in their nature; they actually prefer human company to that of other dogs. Temperament-wise they are nowhere near to the top "meanest" dog breeds either. There are of course individual differences and if the breeding is predominantly focused on traits such as aggressiveness and ferocity, you're going to have puppies that are more aggressive on average coming from that bloodline. Add poor training to that and you'll probably get a poorly-behaved, aggressive, "unpredictable" dog that surely can be dangerous. But the same applies to most breeds really. I'd just say that most people in general don't know how to properly raise a dog especially such a high-energy one as a pit and don't realise that it takes a lot of work and effort from the early age. A German family I know here has been breeding pits for about 20 years and all of their dogs I've met really are a joy. A lot of it starts right there with the selection of desirable traits and avoidance of temperamental issues and aggressiveness in the would-be parents. Then it's also up to the breeder to start socialising the puppies in the first few weeks and months as that's the critical time where the puppy learns to interact with the world around him and learns what is proper behaviour and what's not. Then after that it's up to the new owner to form a bond with the dog and earn its trust and respect and continue its training. Given that a big part of dog breeders are irresponsible and are in the business just for the money, they don't bother with most of it thus the puppy misses out on the critical stage of learning. If it ends up with a clueless owner that for some reason can't or won't provide it with an adequate training, it is likely to have behavioural issues in the future. I don't see how it's the fault of the dog though... And don't even get me started with those idiots who leave their small kids alone with the dogs; regardless of the breed it's just asking for trouble.
  14. nudge


    Nonsense. Pitbulls (and that's an umbrella term that contains numerous breeds) that have been bred, socialized, and trained properly are one of the most affectionate, sweet, loyal and goofy dogs ever. The only innate aggressiveness that they have in them is aggression towards other dogs and animals (especially terrier breeds) but they are not inherently more violent toward humans than other breeds. The problem is unscrupulous breeders and shit owners that don't raise their dog properly, not the pitbulls themselves. Any poorly raised dog can be dangerous and the big ones especially can cause a lot of damage and even be lethal. But in the end it comes down to people who either don't know what they are doing or actually mistreat and train their dogs to be aggressive on purpose (the gangsta wannabe with a pitbull image comes to mind here). No appropriately raised dog will just snap and become a killing machine out of nowhere.
  15. nudge

    Off Topic

    Same here and I'll make sure it's Johnnie Walker too
  16. nudge

    Off Topic

    Two students made an ad for Johnnie Walker and it's beautiful...
  17. Haha yeah... I saw him in Condor (which is also a decent action series to be fair) and it took me a while to realise that's actually him haha!
  18. nudge


    German Shepherds and Pitbulls for me. Although I love all dogs really.
  19. Just one more reason to go to Moon. Hope they succeed; both because space advancement is awesome and because of the uproar anything related to China causes in the West
  20. Listened to a few songs and subscribed Will check it out properly tomorrow. Thanks!
  21. Yeah it's a 10-part (each 1 hour) series as well, so it's probably worth it.
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