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Everything posted by nudge

  1. So disappointed in you. I came into this thread hoping that you just posted the latest UK study regarding transmission reported by the BBC just a few hours ago; even got my popcorn ready and all... And yet it's just a strawberry flavour meme instead. Meh.
  2. nudge

    Off Topic

    I think you got lost in a wrong movie, John...
  3. nudge

    Off Topic

    Good on them, hope they will have a happy life together. On the other hand, imagine their petty arguments in the future: "Can you do the dishes today?" "I did them yesterday...and the day before...and the day before that...In fact, I'm ALWAYS doing the dishes in this house." "I gave up the royal family and sacrificed 1.3 million dollars for you..." "..."
  4. It was absurd anyway, wasn't the whole thing about him and his wife breaking the restraining order by travelling together for their HONEYMOON? Bureaucracy at its worst.
  5. Make sure to drink a lot of fluids... A drip would have been good, but I can understand why you were reluctant to get it My father had a bad food poisoning in SE Asia a few years ago; fever of 40 degrees, vomitting, diarrhea, was even getting a bit delirious at times. Brought him to the local private clinic, they wanted an 8 drip course, we settled with 2 and a presription of antibiotics He was up and running again within two days. These things can sadly happen, especially when you're abroad and have little to none previous exposure to local bacteria. Hope you get better soon!
  6. This sounds horrific. A bad food poisoning, you reckon?
  7. nudge

    Show us your pets

    That's very informative, thank you! I read on cat herpes before, but I don't think that's it - there's no goopy liquid (or any liquid for that matter) coming out of their eyes, they are just cloudy inside... I've been here for almost two months now, and there have been no changes whatsoever. Maybe they had it before and it resulted in a permanent eye damage? No idea. Those are not exactly strays, apparently they have been living and roaming freely on the grounds of the landlord and he fed them too, but it doesn't look like anyone cares for them otherwise. So if things get worse, I'll definitely bring them to the vet, but they seem fine to me... Considering how they want to play, eat and bother me all the time
  8. Wonder if they get the three fourths majority needed to make those changes. But admirable, either way. Hope they succeed.
  9. CBD molecule, CBD expert, and setting ions on fire to see how fast they explode didn't give it away?...
  10. "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" by Richard P. Feynman "Cash" by Johnny Cash "Never Have Your Dog Stuffed" by Alan Alda "Failure Is Not An Option" by Gene Kranz "Carrying The Fire" by Mike Collins Those are the first that come to mind, but I've probably forgotten some others
  11. I haven't read Bullshit Jobs either, just some essays and Debt: The First 5000 Years. It's refreshing to read unconventional points of view when they are presented well!
  12. NASA released a cool video called "Visions of the Future" ... and some retro style planetary travel posters. Good stuff. More here: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galleries/visions-of-the-future
  13. Just got this, the last book by one of the most interesting and unconventional thinkers of our time (who has sadly passed away last year). Really looking forward to reading it.
  14. Depends on your plan. Is it Basic? If yes, then you can only use one device at a time, so if someone else tries using your account to watch something at the same time, they'll just get a message that the account is already in use on another device and it wil not work.
  15. Those jetpacks look unreal
  16. Sounds like something my dad would like, he's really into the Nordic noir/crime movies and series. Will recommend it to him, cheers.
  17. Excellent stuff. I read about Neumann Drive as a new concept years ago on the NASA Spaceflight forum, good to see it is becoming an actual reality. The fact that it also makes space junk less of a problem is even better. Would be a massive win-win if it works.
  18. nudge


    As someone who orders pizza with as little cheese as possible, this makes me very uneasy
  19. nudge


    It is supposed to be a bit squeaky! It's squeaky even when it's not fried/grilled I personally would fry it longer, but looks great!
  20. Are you related to @Bluewolf, by any chance?
  21. nudge

    Show us your pets

    Both Gyros and Tzatziki have a dodgy eye Still beautiful though. One-eyed pirate.
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