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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. Yeah true. Kotick gets a lot of the flak as he presided over a lot of it, but those who actually did it are as cuntish, if not more. Says a lot really that you need a movement to basically weed out some of the shite and get treated as a person with some dignity really.
  2. I agree unfortunately in that it's how it works for CEO's. Really shouldn't, but that's the state really in that you can literally run a company like a dictator and keep your mates in jobs, but because you've increased the profits, you've done your job.
  3. Good news, though just find it disgraceful if he gets that huge payout, especially as he'll likely get another CEO job afterwards.
  4. Not really stated Maggie but it mentions in the below article that from yesterday, Fagioli is under investigation for apparently using different identities to bet on illegal websites, which seems to point to the latter. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/67085496
  5. Following the UK's approval, Microsoft has now officially bought Activision Blizzard. https://www.eurogamer.net/microsoft-has-finally-bought-activision-blizzard In all honesty, I'm not really sure what to make of this really. I know Microsoft said that those games (well, Call of Duty at least) will be multiplatform for the next 10 years or so, but other than that, I'm not too sure what to think. Only part I'd love to see is Kotick getting fucked off, but he'd still be getting a golden handshake for basically allowing a load of assaults, harassments and other shady shit into the company.
  6. I'd likely pick this up over something like Elden Ring just because of the era really. Unfortunately, I'm not back at uni so time is going to be a bit more limited.
  7. Been meaning to ask if that's worth playing. I know it's a fictional version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms (at least the early part I believe), but I have got a little interest in that (I full blame Dynasty Warriors for that). I've always liked what the modding community can do for PC games in general, either making good updates or add ons, remaking a game from scratch or creating something new out of an existing game (I've been watching some bits about Pokémon: Infinite Fusion and it looks well done on fairness, especially the huge amount of combinations you can do). For me, I'm still plodding away on Advance Wars: Dark Conflict when I get a chance. I never gave it much of a chance when it first released due to how different is was from the previous three, but now I'm starting to see why some really do like it and class it as arguably the best in the series.
  8. I know it's different owners but after reading the article, it's almost like history is repeating itself a little as the same thing happened with the previous owners bringing in Zola and only just surviving in the end. Assuming Rooney is taking the role, it'll be interesting to see how he goes.
  9. It looks like it's going to happen. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/67053921 Going to adopt a 'no fear' playing style. Fucking hell.
  10. Don't understand Birmingham if they do this. Currently in the play offs and can only see this happening simply because Rooney's a big name.
  11. When is AEW on in the UK? Hear a lot of good things about it but never watched it.
  12. I was tempted to say something similar on all honesty, especially the backwards part. Ridiculous that money is literally spent on a 'morality police force' when there are so many other things that could be used for.
  13. So basically it looks like they pick on women for not wearing a hijab (seems to be the most common one) and general Islamic dress codes. Absolutely ridiculous.
  14. Being ignorant, what the hell is the morality police?
  15. Nah, and most likely won't play it unless one of my mates have a copy.
  16. A bit too young for the first one, but remember the Amiga more than the Atari thanks to the likes of Sensible World of Soccer and Speedball 2 that my brothers had on it. For the second one, I had a Mega Drive back in the day and loved the Sonic games, Streets of Rage 1 and 2 (more specifically 2), and Micro Machines 2 and 96. I will admit however that the SNES was, games wise at least, the better of the two.
  17. West Midlands to Manchester part of HS2 is going to be scrapped then. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-66998692 My hope is that this should give Wales money that has basically been stolen as a result of this, though at the same time, I wouldn't trust our lot to spend it wisely either.
  18. Wasn't there controversy around Rust, or am I thinking of a different survival game? For me, still trying to plod through the Advance Wars Dark Conflict campaign. Forgot how tricky it can be, especially as there's no major strengths or weaknesses with the CO's until you put them in a unit.
  19. Fucking hell. You can't be doing that as an owner (assuming it's him).
  20. Can't see the tweet/X, but assume it's related to this? https://www.thebusinessdesk.com/yorkshire/news/2114210-scunthorpe-united-owner-bans-dissenting-voices-from-home-ground
  21. Bit of a late response, but my place has been a little similar in terms of, admittedly, not really wanting us back in the office but 'encouraging' us to go back in. I've been working from home since the pandemic started and like you, the benefits of not having to get to the office (saving time and money) and having improved work life balance as a result is much better, as I can just log off and that's that. However, what I have found at times is because your home is both your personal and office space, it can be difficult to switch off at times and get caught up with doing over your hours or even just check work emails when you've clocked off (case in point, my flexi hours got to about 60 hours they owed me last year). My own work nature of being a fucking idiot time and shift wise doesn't help mind. As an example, we had a major incident occur earlier this year where about 800-900 patient records got mixed due to an external error. The whole team had to urgently prioritise this correction and drop everything else, but we had overtime available to us for both evenings and weekends. I won't lie and say the extra money wasn't enticing, but because I had already planned to see my folks the weekend after it happened, I wanted to do my bit for the team as I felt I'd not be able to do much more afterwards. In the end, I did a 24 straight shift/overtime hybrid from 5pm until 5pm the following day. I don't recommend it in any way, shape or form. The other part for me is that as I live on my own, staring at the same four walls and speaking to yourself isn't the most healthiest thing you can do mentally. In this case, I would have happily popped into the office more, but because no one in my team ever did, it'd be pointless to go all the way in to do exactly what I do at home. Since moving into my new role though, this has improved a little as the team meet up once a month at the office, which I'm happy to do. In terms of my workplace, they've tried to push the office working without telling us that we must go back in, but they seem to have backed off from that now as it makes no real sense to get people back in, especially as they've actually reduced the number of available desks overall, so all teams couldn't go back in anyway.
  22. I like the old FPS look in fairness. Didn't realise until I had a quick read up of it that it's a prequel to Bombshell, which I remember hearing was one of the worst games of the year. For me, I've wiped the dust off and charged my trusty DS to give Advance Wars Dark Conflict/Days of Ruin a run out. After playing the Advance Wars Reboot on Switch, it reminded me that I never finished the campaign on Dark Conflict, so time to correct that.
  23. Nice. What one did you get? I got an Acer gaming laptop in 2021, though it's not hugely powerful as I wasn't looking for something all singing and all dancing. Ironically, I've not actually used it for gaming at all, bar checking one or two games work.
  24. Not surprising really as people are idiots and don't know the full ins and outs of looking after a dog.
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