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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. Moonfall What on earth have I just seen?? Wow. Absolute pile of garbage. It's a shame, because visually, some of the scenes are incredible, exaxtly what you want to see in a disaster/end of the world, kinda movie. But in all honesty, this seriously dragged on longer than it needed to be. I kinda thought the plot was a bit too wide and complex to the point it made things way too hard to believe. Not only that but it lacked any kind of charm, it all felt rather bland. About the only character you cared for was John Bradley's who added a touch of humour to things but other than that, I didn't care much for Halle Berry or Patrick Wilson. It will be interesting what the more hardcore sci-fi fans make of it, it could just be me that seriously pans it but I really struggled to see it out. 3/10, which actually makes me feel I was perhaps a little too harsh on Uncharted at 5. That's two or three movies lately I've struggled to get into, think I may need to revisit a classic to establish a balance in proceedings.
  2. Uncharted. I'm not going to lie, I sort of phased out of this a couple times which is a shame as it had the premise to be quite a fun watch, a bit like the Jumanji films. It's got some nice locations for the story to unfold, but for all the 'green screen action' it has, it seems to miss a bit of charm and soul that helps engage the audience and I don't really feel like you end up that interested in the story. I also found it hard to take an interest in the characters. The main villain/s were poor and not particuarly interesting, and although Tom Holland did a decent job as Drake adding some charisma and banter to the role, I'm not convinced Mark Wahlberg really threw himself into a support role as Sully. It certainly didn't convince me anyway. 5/10.
  3. Massive boost for Norwich. 70+ thousand fans following them at Old Trafford Saturday. Green and Yellow all over the shop.
  4. Lucas

    Members Pictures

    Congrats Harry to you and your missus. Two things spring to mind. Firstly, fair play on deciding two kids are not challenging enough so you needed to raise the bar. Clearly making this parenting malarky look a piece of piss. Secondly, has your missus ever thought about doing an Ironman comp or entering a Royal Rumble? Because after 3 Caesarean's, I'd back her to take on the world,maybe even Tyson Fury. Top effort.
  5. Could easily be four in that pic had Southgate been in charge of England a few months before he was. Pretty sure he'd have managed to get Zaha under his wing but it was all too late in reality when he tried.
  6. I would love that for you. Fingers crossed x
  7. As part of the sanctions, Chelsea should be forced to reinstate the car park behind the goal.
  8. Lucas


    Proper no frills, comfort meal tonight. Bangers, Mash, Veg and Gravy. Needed.
  9. Always the fans that suffer somehow isn't it. For every dickhead new breed of Chelsea fan, there will be blokes going since the 60's, 70's etc that can only go now and again, and now they'll be stopped from going to see something they love and have supported for years. You can't but sympathise with that, no matter how good it feels to see Roman's balls clamped.
  10. Lucas


    And to think, he tweeted this only this morning... Life comes at you fast. R.I.P Warney.
  11. Lucas


    I don't do the lottery, I have an occasional gamble on football bets and that's me. But about three and a half years ago, definitely before the first ever lockdown, we went out to a Chinese buffet for my birthday. At the end, i opened up one of those fortune cookie things where it gives you a quote and some lucky numbers. For a laugh, i signed up to do the Lottery online and bought a ticket for £2 with those numbers. 3 of them came in so that was £30. Best Chinese ever.
  12. Good news for Chelsea in my eyes. If they no longer have the freedom to pay what they like for players, and have to be more frugal, then it will stop them wasting money buying back people they originally flogged because they didn't make the instant impact they expected. Patience will be required. Equally, they may actually keep and play some of the promising youngsters they have than see them breakout at other clubs like we've seen recently with your Gallagher's, Livramento's and Broja's. I mean, they have one of the best youth acadamies going currently, it's an excellent resource for developing their squad for the next decade or so, they will be fine. I expect the new breed of Chelsea fan will be crying into their cornflakes but quite frankly, if they lose a few plastics along the way then fuck 'em, they'll be better for it. I got good mates who are Chelsea boys pre-Roman era, when Stamford Bridge was basically a dog track with a couple stands. They had a history before Roman and they'll make a new one for themselves after him.
  13. Is this where someone like Bellingham comes in?
  14. Is anyone watching Bel Air? I quite like the twist of it compared to The Fresh Prince comedy, especially Carlton's character. They have Will Smith's down to a tee. They've done quite well so far 4 episodes in.
  15. I wish I could get £250k a week for touching the keyboard 7 times.
  16. Lucas


    And yet, deceivingly easy. Literally just Filo sheets crumpled up on top with a drizzle of olive oil. Give it a go.
  17. Lucas


    Chicken and Leek Pie with a wholegrain mustard sauce. Should have took a pic of it cut really but we cracked on and scoffed it.
  18. Looks good and more importantly, blends in well with the other stand which I like. You are long overdue a over 60k+ capacity for progression.
  19. I don't know why but I didn't actually know they were doing anything like that. Pretty cool. I'm massively in favour of developing the old grounds when you can, nothing can replace the character of old English stadia. Is there an artist impression what it should look like when done?
  20. Lucas

    Off Topic

    Each year I try to look for a great Valentines card and usually find something that ticks the box. Without a shadow of a doubt, I feel I've nailed it this year. Personally, I don't think I'll ever beat it. 20220214_123943.mp4 20220214_123943.mp4 20220214_123943.mp4 20220214_123943.mp4 20220214_123943.mp4 20220214_123943.mp4
  21. Lucas


    I'm enjoying the game but that HT show was not the best. Personally my favourite moment was seeing 50 Cent struggling to breathe during his performance, looks a right old chunkster
  22. Lucas


    Good man. It would give me great pleasure seeing Aaron Donald and Jalen Ramsey's mouth's shut at full time.
  23. Lucas


    Whose watching tonight then? I think unless you are a Ram, everyone else is a Bengal for tonight. What a fairytale if they were to do it as opposed to the Rams, who have just bought their way to it.
  24. Lucas


    Sunday's done right.
  25. Personally, I think team spirit is shocking there. You have way too many ego's at a club that as much as I hate to say, is the biggest club in the country. And they are all pulling in seperate directions. The club used to carry an aura about it, especially when Fergie was there but equally that was because the players respected their manager. I think the problem these days are that players don't appreciate the magnitude of playing for club that size and the responsibility/burden that comes with playing for a club like that. Its not just any club, you are consistantly under the spotlight, every performance praised or scrutinised. And some of these players don't have the character to handle it. You got players like Pogba who clashes with Mourinho and Solskjaer and rather than players back the manager, they back their mate and immediately the manager has lost the respect. That should never be the case. It won't have got any better in there with Ronaldo either. Only have to look at recent weeks and see the likes of Martial and Lingard being called out by Rangnick. From what I can see, the coach has been quite open and honest and calling out the sulky players. Maybe this goes to show just how much player power is at the club? The culture needs to change there and they need to create a never say die team spirit like they had with Fergie. Maybe that comes with a top level manager, we'll see but they certainly could do with removing the egotistical cunts that think they are bigger than the club. Build the club around the youth and players that understand how big the club and what's required to make it there.
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