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Everything posted by Pyfish

  1. Pyfish

    Off Topic

    Nice one mate! Congrats. It's an amazing feeling!
  2. Pyfish

    Members Pictures

    Is it me? We both did play for Grimsby?
  3. Pyfish

    Members Pictures

    I hate to think what you were actually expecting...
  4. I usually do flip them like this other one I took today.
  5. That is one sexy sky! Ive been out for a bit this afternoon experimenting with my lens ball. I seem to be doing better with it by using my phone but I’ll get there with my camera eventually!
  6. Started a new career mode but as a player this time. I usually only do Manager ones. Made an Irish kid and put him at St Pats and aiming to see where I can go with him!
  7. Was that on your phone or on a proper camera? Either way, it's great!
  8. Practical Photography. I get it through work as they own a few magazines as well as radio stations so I get 50% off
  9. My next issue of the photography magazine I subscribe to is coming this week. Doing a course as part of it to pick up some new skills. The first module is apparently about cutlery I imagine it'll be some sort of flat lay exercise.
  10. That sounds like a useful app for me to download too. Trained myself on how to take photographs so often forget what settings I need etc.
  11. Can’t wait to see what you produce with it! Been wanting a wide angle lens of my own for a while too.
  12. Thinking of doing a 30 day photography challenge to keep my creativity up during this lockdown. Started a new Insta recently just for my photos so might do it on there. The cat seems to be a good enough subject...
  13. Ugh. Well that ruins that then!
  14. A cafe in Germany celebrated its reopening by giving customers hats made from pool noodles to ensure that people maintained social distancing guidelines. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/germany-cafe-lockdown-social-distancing-pool-noodle-hats-rothe-a9518846.html
  15. I'm trying to get back into photography again. Subscribed to a monthly photo magazine through work so that's a good start and I'm already trying out some of the ideas in the first issue I've got. Focusing a lot on editing of photos in this issue and I saw a tutorial on how to make a glitch effect on photos so using a photo of Taylor Swift I came up with this... Needs some tweaks as the bits at the top aren't so good but happy with it for a first go!
  16. I'd support that! I felt like a right nob by reporting them but it's people like that who are going to end up causing us to be in this a lot longer.
  17. I actually called 101 the other day because there were some twats across the road who were having drinks stood on their front with their mates and some people from further down the road. There were 15 of them just stood having a casual chat and not observing any kind of distance. Only two of them lived in the house they were stood outside of.
  18. Seen a lot of people say this. What have they done? I had to switch from World Class to Professional as I just couldn't win. Then I switched it back a few games later and I was winning again.
  19. 3 more weeks for the UK at least. Not sure how to feel about it but it's the right call.
  20. It's just stupidity. For the most part, everyone I know seems to be dealing with it the right way and only going out for the essentials. There's still a few on Facebook who are idiots but they always have been so natural selection will deal with those eventually!
  21. All that whilst there's people near where I live saying they've been at home for 2 weeks now so it's okay to ignore the restrictions...
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