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Question a Member: Deadlinesman

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On 22/01/2021 at 13:49, Bluewolf said:

What's been the single biggest change to your life you have encountered since having kids??? I’ve got zero time to do anything I want. It sucks balls. I’d be fucking muted as well. Wouldn’t have it any other way though.

Why would you consider Australia as a place to live where they have spiders as big as dinner plates and their armed forces are so weak they couldn't win a war against a load of Emu's??? Sun, sun and more sun. Spiders are a massive concern though 😂

If you were offered a car or a motorbike to complete a round the world trip which would you choose??? Car, but a soft top 😎

Two part question:-

Option A - Leave Solskjaer in charge for the remainder of this season and see what happens Have to keep him right now. Can’t argue with top of the league no matter what 

Can I please stop sending you nudes via PM as the wife is getting suspicious now??



19 hours ago, Lucas said:

Have you asked anyone in real life other than those on the Internet to Die in a House Fire? Only my closest friends. 

If you could live the life of one poster for a day, who would it be and why? My true love @Toinho

What are the first three things you'd like to do post Covid when everything goes back to normal? Beer with the lads, get down to OT for some football and invite some friends for a massive fuck off chinese

What is your missus' favourite posi...meal that she cooks for you? Cooks for me............lol

If you could go back and change one thing you regret (there's always at least one) what would that be and why? I’d try harder at school. I always slacked off and still did well. Always wonder what could have been had I actually applied myself.


11 hours ago, McAzeem said:

Favorite part of UK and why ? Lake District. Love going for walks, hiking and getting in the lakes in a boat. 

Arrange these in order of preference    

  • Growing hair back
  • Beating Liverpool
  • Scotland
  • Genghis Khan
  • Throwing a shoe at Trump

Correct order first time 

Any conspiracy theory you believe is likely true? I reckon Diana was murdered. 

Do you think Manchester United will go as long as without a league title like Liverpool did? Fuck me I hope not. However, I’d never say no because it’s profits over prizes at the club now.

Arrange these in order of blame of spreading the corona virus in UK

  • Bats
  • UK Govt
  • China
  • Public 
  • Immigration
  • Solskjaer

I’ll keep it in that order :ph34r:




11 hours ago, Mel81x said:
  • Have you ever been to Asia? Are we classing Turkey as Europe or Asia? 
  • What got you to start watching the NFL of all sports? Watched the 2000 Super Bowl at uni with some mates. Haven’t stopped watching since.
  • If you didnt support England at the Euros who would you support? Nobody. Not that arsed with the national teams if I’m truly honest.
  • What is the biggest issue with Rugby today? Money, and the disparity between League and Union. 


40 minutes ago, Cazza said:

Please feel free to delete as appropriate/comfortable with.


Favourite house hold chore. Sex

Pay on a first date or go dutch. Always pay.

Limited overs or Test match or both. Test

How many boys/girls have you kissed Genuinely couldn’t count

Favourite colour. Purple

Describe your perfect boyfriend/girlfriend My Wife

Have you ever gone commando. Every day

Early riser of sleep in. Early riser but not by choice. 3 young kids keeping me on my toes every morning 

Favourite other sports. NFL and Rugby League 

Do you take a teddy bear to bed with you. I do not 

Have you ever wore a onesie Yes

Bad habits. This forum

Long sleeves or short. Short

Do you prefer your hair up or down You bitch

Do like skirts or trousers Trousers

Do you like prefer tights or barelegged. Tights

Do you sing when cooking. I actually do 

Do you swear when driving. Every fucking day

Are you accident prone. Yes

What are your nicknames. Pippin

How many units of alcohol can you drink. Too many

Favourite drink. Whisky for alcohol, cherry coke for pop.

Do you like to show flesh or cover up. Show that dad bod off

What do you feel most proud of? My degree

What do you want your tombstone to say? He was a Lover, not a Fighter.

What was one of your most defining moments in life? Probably being at the birth of my children. 

What are you most afraid of? Spiders

What feels like love to you? Having my kids jump on me

What is your strongest personal quality? Communication skills and empathy

If you were president, what is the first thing you would do? Play golf

If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be? The Moon Landing  

What car do you drive. Hyundai Tucson and Cintroen Space Tourer

Flowers or chocolates. Choccies 

Best tip for heavy flow Pad Up

Best tip for cramps Decent massage and a hot water bottle 

Ikea or traditional furniture. Traditional 

How long do you take on the lavatory. Fucking ages, usually 10/15 mins

Favourite food. Lasagne 

Do you sleep naked or with PJ's. Just boxers

Do you know what Netflix and chill means. Oh yes 

Wet shave or electric. I don’t shave 

Night owl or early to bed. Night Owl


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