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Everything posted by Michael

  1. That's a very nice gesture, especially from the people of Idlib who have faced the brunt of the bombings from the Assad regime and the Russians.
  2. A 21 year old by the name of Chloe Middleton, has died of Coronavirus. It is said that she had no underlying conditions and that it was her contracting coronavirus that killed her. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-52041709
  3. No, I don't think that we can necessarily trust countries like China, Russia, Iran and other dictatorships in terms of being transparent with the figures. I mean North Korea would be a prime example of a country that we cannot trust at all regarding the information that they give us. However, most other countries will be giving accurate and up to date information.
  4. Spain has now overtaken China in terms of the number of deaths because of the Coronavirus. Spain's death toll because of Coronavirus is now second behind Italy. The following are the top 10 countries with the most deaths due to Coronavirus to date: 1- Italy 7,503 deaths 2- Spain 3,445 deaths 3- China 3,287 deaths 4- Iran 2,077 deaths 5- France 1,331 deaths 6- USA 1,032 deaths 7- UK 435 deaths 8- Netherlands 356 deaths 9- Germany 206 deaths 10- Belgium 178 deaths
  5. I understood exactly what Nudge was saying, I was just pointing out the fact that the number of people being affected by all of this in Italy is still very alarming. I personally find all of this very sad, there are large numbers of people dying prematurely because of this nasty virus. My heart really goes out to all those affected by this ongoing tragedy.
  6. Yes, you are right Nudge, but the number of people dying in Italy is still shocking. The total dead in Italy because of Coronavirus now reads 6,820 people dead in total(That total is in the last month or so!)! That's more than double the total number of deaths in China because of Coronavirus and China have the most deaths after Italy. I really feel sorry for the Italians and what they are going through, so many families have sadly lost loved ones.
  7. Former Real Madrid president Lorenzo Sanz has sadly died at the age of 76, after contracting the Coronavirus. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/51991851 R.I.P. to Lorenzo Sanz and all the other victims of this horrible virus.
  8. The first identified Coronavirus case in Italy was on the 26th of February. As I write this(21st of March), Italy has confirmed 4,825 official deaths as a result of Coronavirus. If this is not sobering, then I don't know what is.
  9. It's good to see top footballers like Robert Lewandowski donating 1 million euros in the fight against Coronavirus. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/51990098
  10. These doctors are the real heroes in all of this, putting their lives at risk to save others. Then we have the selfish dim-wits still going out to the pubs, claiming there's nothing to worry about. It's all very sad really.
  11. Here's an interesting report on how the Coronavirus outbreak in the UK, could become worse than in Italy. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-whats-coming-is-extremely-big-uk-consultant-says-outbreak-could-be-worse-than-in-italy-11960994
  12. I like to think of myself as an empathetic and an understanding person. But when I see cretins such as this, is it bad of me to think "Shot Gun to the Head!"
  13. Swiss club Sion sack nine players for reportedly not taking a pay cut because of coronavirus crisis. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/51980881
  14. Italy now have 4,032 people that have officially died as a result of COVID-19, overtaking China in this area. I just wish that us Brits would take more note of this and become more sensible. The bars and pubs are still full of people for the most part in the UK. When will the vast majority of people take responsibility and avoid crowded places? Wetherspoons have announced that their bars will stay open, that's the wrong message to be giving out at this point in time in my opinion. If people continue to mix in public with others, then this virus is inevitably going to be with us for longer than most would want.
  15. I 100% agree! There will be too many idiots out there who will fck things up for others, the government should enforce a lockdown for everyone's sake.
  16. Not everyone is selfish, but the selfish and ignorant cunts do fck things up for others and it's at times like these where the selfish show their true colours. That's why it's imperative in my opinion, that the governments intervene with strict restrictions, for the betterment of everyone. We can't rely on everyone being sensible by themselves, because there are unfortunately a lot of idiots out there.
  17. That's quite a high number for a country the size of Portugal. These are indeed worrying times. In Ukraine where I am at the moment, there are 2 confirmed cases of deaths from Coronavirus, while 16 people are said to have this virus. However, it's been reported that the authorities have only tested 640 people in total so far, that's a very low number to have tested. But it is said that they are going to ramp up the testing now and I am sure that they will find that there is a much larger pool of people who will be confirmed as having this virus. I just looked out of my kitchen window this morning and across the road, I saw a man and his son taking 6 litre bottles of water out of the boot of their car. In total I counted 10 bottles. Some of the shelves at the supermarkets are now empty as well and I can see that the situation in Ukraine is only going to get worse as more people start to panic. The UK has got it very bad and I am starting to worry about older family members over there. I just hope that people keep safe and ride this out.
  18. Yes, Northern Italy is very polluted, as that is where many of their industries are located. But the Balkans and Southern Poland are the other areas of Europe that are very polluted.
  19. Yes, the rate of deaths in Italy because of this virus is scary. The total number of deaths in Italy because of Coronavirus, now stands at 2,503 deaths! To put all of this into perspective, the first deaths in Italy(as a result of Coronavirus) were reported on the 22nd of February, that's only 26 days ago. So in other words, there have been 2,503 deaths in Italy because of Coronavirus in the period of only 26 days. It is being reported that the rate of deaths as a result of this virus have slowed down in Italy, but clearly there are still way too many deaths occurring.
  20. The total death count from Coronavirus in Italy is now 1,809 deaths!
  21. Which parts of their reasoning have been debunked?
  22. Good on them for doing so. Containing this bastard of a virus as quickly as possible is the best way to go.
  23. The UK has responded very slowly to this outbreak, considering there are nearly 600 confirmed cases diagnosed and 10 deaths. Many of the people back home, also seem to be quite complacent, with bars and pubs for example, still seeing plenty of customers. I think that some people aren't well informed, while others just seem to have a different attitude towards the virus and it seems like they are not letting it worry them too much. I personally always think that it's better to be safe than sorry, even if that does mean a little temporary change to my lifestyle. Also, I have to say that many of the masks that you see people wearing are useless. There are special masks that need to be used in order to protect oneself from this virus, but rarely do I see people wearing the required types of masks.
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