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Everything posted by Danny

  1. My last post was referencing how he would feel about perceived racist undertones from fans and the media...hardly appropriate to “poor Paul” it just because he earns a load of money. Of course there would be no racial connotation with Luke Shaw. He’s a white man in Britain. Slating him playing basketball is hardly comparable to slating him for his religious beliefs...
  2. I mean they’re quite clearly trying to negatively portray the contents of that insta post in a bad....if they’re having a dig at a perceived lack of commitment then referencing the contents of that post within that rhetoric is unneeded, doesn’t really compare to them talking about him playing basketball. Not to mention there’s the issue that the general public has with black players dancing when dancing is a key cultural component in a lot of African and Caribbean cultures. I’m not saying there’s not genuine reason to criticise him as I’ve always thought he was overrated though he does possess special talent, and I’m not saying you specifically hold this view but I think it’s ignorant to suggest it hasn’t become deeper than just he hasn’t played well and I think it’s ignorant to suggest that this hasn’t effected his view of the club and most likely the Prem too. I can’t imagine many players would want to stick around at a club where it’s fans and media around them constantly pick things like this apart
  3. Attacking his religion...and people say there isn’t any backhanded agenda against Pogba
  4. I had a great Everton file on FIFA 19 that was unfortunately destroyed and Calvert-Lewin turns into a monster in front of goal
  5. Danny


    Interesting to see how this goes, you look at how GGG was robbed against Canelo and how their careers have panned since and Fury will be hoping to avoid that
  6. Chelsea could have had a mega attacking line up in Hazard, De Bruyne and Salah....fucking hell
  7. This is probably the first big act of Edu’s reign at Arsenal, interesting to see how it pans out. Arsenal’s first eleven isn’t beyond repair it just lacks a spine and for me requires a top class centre back and centre mid to partner Guendouzi. Then they can work the rest of the squad out
  8. Ten to twenty years ago the left would have had you believe we lived in a post-racist society and that level of ignorance is really playing out now. The rise of racism, islamophobia and anti-EU sentiment in this country is becoming a greater threat to those it effects day by day, though for them it’s unfortunately nothing new. Whilst I think Corbyn and Labour would have been better voted in than Johnson and the Tories, the fact that the two biggest parties in Britain have a system issue with racism, islamophobia and anti-semi time in general is daunting. Even the Greens jumped on the classic Islamophobic rhetoric of questioning Halal meat. The worst thing about it all is that largely the people who vote in anti-EU politics, racist and islamophobic politics rarely are effected by the so called issues they raise with EU migrants, African/Caribbean/Asian migrants and Muslim migrants. Look how London voted, we are seen as a metropolitan elite to smear our liberal politics yet when people talk negatively about London in terms of crime, demographics etc they are not referencing anyone that would fall under the bracket of “metropolitan elite”.
  9. I’ve no idea how good or shit Arteta will be but if it’s him or Vieira then you should go for Arteta imo. Vieira’s legend status will get him an interview but he’s not exactly done greatly in France. All the hype behind Arteta, with the views from coaches like Poch, Wenger and Guardiola should be enough for Arsenal to gamble on him. With that said the lack of competition for the role is shocking, barely any big names outside of Allegri.
  10. Not sure if this has been posted but this is a good thread on Mikel Arteta
  11. Let’s see how much coverage this gets going forward...
  12. Shameful on Arsenal’s part, what’s happening in East Turkistan is terrible and for the club to publicly distance themselves from the comments shows a real lack of character. Obviously there is very little Arsenal can do to change the situation there, but all they had to do was remain silent. $$$
  13. I’ve accepted the result mate, unfortunately it is what it is and have to hope the Tories don’t make the country any worse Ive not defended Corbyn’s anti-semitism at any point, just pointed out that Johnson and the Tories racism, anti-semitism and islamophobia is far worse. Not to mention their horrific view of Grenfell, it’s victims and those who support them. But people have their reasons for choosing the Tories either way. I know you’re partly on a wind up which is why I’ll leave it there but the irony of you being a massive Islamophobe and referencing Corbyn’s toxicity through anti-semitism is irony of the finest order
  14. It is my opinion and I agree with you there. I’m not a Corbyn lover personally, his policies I like and I’ve been very wary of his Labour once I was made aware of the anti-semitism that became rife under his leadership...but in comparison to Johnson that’s it. Nobody is safe under the Tories, Johnson’s history of racism is frankly shocking and it’s of no surprise that England has voted him in as people will still stick by him as he plays to a colonial tune whereas England simply can’t stomach the the more socialist and anti-colonial views and policies of Corbyn. This country is well and truly fucked if Scotland leaves, Labour will have no chance.
  15. The thing with Corbyn is how can you genuinely say you could never vote for him and vote for Johnson? Whether people like Corbyn or not Johnson is catagorically more of a cunt. But that sums this country up because Corbyn has put off a lot of older Brexit supporting Labour voters, but he also attracted the youth vote last time around where Labour had a monumental increase. He just couldn’t sustain that this time around and the loss has been pretty shocking. There are a lot of good women that could be in the running for leadership and I look forward to change tbh, a less divisive Labour Party amongst its own voters is the only way they’ll beat the Tories in 5 years time.
  16. England really is done for, time for Scotland get out of this mess
  17. I just said he is more partial than the BBC, not that he is partial. BBC have constantly scrutinised Corbyn to a level that Johnson and co haven’t had
  18. I hope the BBC’s bias against Labour and for the Tories throughout Corbyn’s leadership is reviewed, its genuinely been shambolic from an organisation that is meant to be based on impartiality. The Russell Howard Hour does a better job on scrutinising Labour/Tories impartially and hes a fucking comedian
  19. Danny


    Mate AJ was a mess when they first fought, look at the difference today getting low and grappling to avoid his big hits vs what he was hit with in the first fight AJ treated this like the Parker fight, kept Ruiz at distance bar two rounds and hit him with some big punches hoping for an eventual KO but a definite points win Take Hearn and the Sun out of this and anyone could tell AJ dictated the fight and largely played around with Ruiz The good thing is both men go home healthy and with a big wedge
  20. Danny


    Because AJ didn’t allow it, Ruiz done what he could
  21. Danny


    Boxing masterclass from AJ, and people say he can’t box
  22. Danny

    Off Topic

    Probably best getting it checked out by a doctor...could properly fuck up your bones if you carry on with it broken
  23. Maguire has benefited a lot from there not being many great English centre backs and his ability to run out of defence combined with his absolute breeze-block of a forehead puts him ahead of the likes of Tarkowski, Mings etc...but if you're talking the days of Terry, Ferdinand or Campbell he would not get a look in for England and that's United's issue as they should be targeting absolute world class defenders or players with that potential Leicester have played a blinder
  24. Just don't see how Trent, AWB or James are better than Walker tbh
  25. I imagine Woodward is hesitant to sack him after getting rid of Mourinho, probably keen to find some consistency. I think the odd win between these draws and losses have probably given him some time but you just can’t go into the January window with him still in charge.
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