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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. Our foreign minister has done visits of Hungary, Lithuania, Romania and we are sending arms to Ukraine. Russia aiding India for an aggression in return is likely, like the last Cold War. Educate yourself on how World Wars work
  2. Belarusian airfield reportedly attacked with Russian aircraft damaged. I'm planning to get in shape. This is getting serious I need to be prepared.
  3. Which ones that would merit a great power conflict ? Ukraine isn't Taiwan that has a huge semiconductor industry or some very valuable resources like oil which shapes foreign policies.
  4. If this turns out to be WWIII will it be even more pointless than WWI? No disrespect to Ukraine but at least conflicts in Middle East & Africa are about valuable resources in hindsight. Ukraine just seems a projection of power from both sides.
  5. That video has Mad Max Furry vibes
  6. Abiotic oil theory states that oil is not generated organically through decomposition of living organisms rather it is inorganically generated from multiple cited sources: earth's crust to extraterrestrial
  7. These treaties no matter if being practically breached occasionally at least keep channels of communication open between the two sides. We are now at a point where both sides think the other is bluffing about the use of nukes.
  8. NATO has immediately given a response so its a big thing apparently.
  9. Putin suspended the nuclear treaty that allowed NATO and Russia to regularly inspect each others nuclear weapons in his speech today. He said its suspended until constructive talks on Ukraine which practically means its withdrawn for the time being. This was the last standing nuclear treaty between U.S and Russia
  10. Azeem

    Off Topic

    You are all so ancient
  11. Azeem

    Off Topic

    You've used a typewriter ?
  12. Seigniorage is the difference between the cost of printing money and its face value. Lock and Co. Hatters is the oldest hat shop in the world and still family owned since 1600s. They made personalised hats for Charlie Chaplin, Churchill, James Bond and the Royal Family. Mamluks was a term for emancipated slaves turned nobles in the Muslamic world. There was a time when major dynasties from Egypt to India were all of Mamluks. Most of the world's foreign ministers, heads of states, major bankers between late 1800s to early 1930s were Freemasons. Contronyms are words that have multiple meanings that contradict each other. Left can also mean to leave or to remain. Reuben Sturman is known as the Walt Disney of porn. Dr. Crippins, a homeopathic doctor who murdered his wife and was fleeing to United States was the first person to be captured by wireless telegraphy. There is a hospital named after him in GTA San Andreas. A country can give an application to UN to increase its maritime boundaries by proving that its coastal line has increased over time. Pakistan's maritime boundary was increased in 2015 after an application was given in 2009.
  13. Azeem


    Indian Chief Selector resigns after alleging Indian players take performance enhancing drugs to remain fit that don't get screened in dope tests. I think this is prevalent in all major sports. Human body needs some recovery time that scheduling of elite sports can't afford. Apart from your super professional footballers I bet 2 out of 5 elite footballers do take dope at some point.
  14. Places with incessant history of civil war fall more into tribalism than racism. Almost the same people with minor differences like sect or dialect have tribal fueds which makes them quite bellicose in general. If you go to Belfast and ask the average guy can I be your neighbour ? I'm pretty sure you'll get a hostile response at first.
  15. Completely agree that modern technology is designed to be replaceable but not fix able. I remember reading about an article that Honda in Pakistan did a research around 2008 why their new car models weren't selling as much as the target market is present. They concluded that the mechanics here were adroit in fixing old cars so people didn't just go for new cars. So they started making cars whose spare parts you couldn't get.
  16. Aliens are just checking out what's the right place to land.
  17. I was Googling whether someone ever played the character of my name Azeem in movies and only result was Morgan Freeman played a Moorish protagonist named Azeem in a Robin hood film. Going to watch it
  18. I learned the term 'Empty Battlefield' browsing through Ukraine war which means 70% of the time in modern warfare soldiers and equipment just sit idle hidding, but the logistics of it costs more than actual fighting. Bring back swords and cavalry charges !
  19. NASA called on a meeting of theologians last year about the reaction of public on possible existence of aliens and now these strange objects being shot down.
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