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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. Arming Palestinian and other proxies against Israel. Those drones by Iran have been very lethal
  2. Same with humans but someone invented makeup.
  3. In contrary to so many poems written about nightingale, the females actually are mute and only the males sing.
  4. 100% sure it is an underlying factor.
  5. Make Southgate the in term PM until the World Cup ends
  6. Such nuts exist in almost all countries but only in America they have this much influence on 'state policy' which should be a concern for everybody.
  7. I'm seeing some American evangelical opinions that are saying this war is also going in accordance with another one of 'prophecies' that a nation in the extreme north of Israel (Russia) would attack Israel aided by presumably what they perceive as Iran. Wouldn't be surprised if years from now it is found this impulse was also behind escalating this conflict.
  8. Google Genie feral child case study. Shit
  9. Mansa Musa, the King of ancient Empire of Mali is believed to be the richest man in history. He was very well known for his philanthropy.
  10. In 2017 daughter of convicted Pakistani PM submitted 2006 documents showing money trail of her property in London in court, but the font used in the documents was Calibiri which was not commercially available until 2007. She is also now on bail and in London. Sad
  11. contronyms are words that have two meanings which contradict each other sanction - to approve something, to disapprove/stop discursive - to move away from the main subject, to be right on subject
  12. Azeem


    There is a bias against Misbah in Pakistani cricket circles from day one. My possible reasons for it a) He made some enemies due to his habit of not minsing words b) He made his breakthrough quite late in 30s so some people got pissed that an old guy got ahead of them c) He tried to woo some important guy's wife
  13. A suspension bridge on river bure in England collapsed in 1845 because a crowd gathered to watch a clown in a bathtub being pushed by four gooses, 79 people died.
  14. Azeem


    Not hopeful because Cricket is a closed end game but Namibia needs better support than was given to Kenya, Zimbabwe or Ireland. Afghanistan got lucky because they had free exposure to subcontinent which helped developed their game.
  15. Ashoka the Great was an Emperor of ancient India. He converted to Buddhism after the battle of kalinga where he saw million dead on the battlefield and vowed to promote peace and live a mystic lifestyle. The symbol of Indian government – three head lion – was adopted by him.
  16. Azeem


    I would still fall in the water
  17. Cook pines leane eight degrees towards the equator no matter where they are planted.
  18. This is how see the English speaking world. USA - The snobbish elder brother who everyone dislikes but he pays the bills so UK - The old dad who likes to think he is in charge but the big brother actually runs everything Australia - The weird uncle who acts racist but is nice New Zealand - Step brother whose presence often goes unnoticed Canada - The nice caring aunt who is a bit eccentric in private life when you get to know her more personally
  19. Azeem


    Not that much as compared to past considering this particular generation is used to losing more often than not. There is also more consciousness about player's personal space and mental well being across world sport now so apart from social media you won't see much vitriol.
  20. Azeem


    Yeah I understand being a captain requires a lot more of effort than being one in football. Babar is a good personality to command respect but doesn't have the brains to lead. Honestly I think we are not that vindictive about team performances as compared to Indian fanbase but yeah we are above than average.
  21. Azeem


    Viper dogfish, rare specie found in deep oceans. They eject their jaws out of their mouth. Looks like How to Train your Dragon.
  22. Azeem


    Babar is a poor captain he sticks to whatever game plan is given to him, makes no tactical changes depending on the situation. This has happened too many times to say he's in the learning phase. Make Shadab the captain. This is why I mentioned bowlers being permanent captains being a rarity as far as I've seen the game. It's standard to make your best batter the captain.
  23. Romans used human and animal urine as mouth wash for teeth whitening because it contains ammonia – a whitening agent. It was so popular that Nero imposed a tax on it.
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