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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. Parts moving don't matter when every country has parts that is the most defining of that country. Turkey is 90% in Asia but largely seen as European for obvious reasons. Like how people see Pakistan as just similar to India when it simply doesn't just belong to Indian subcontinent. West Germany is the most defining part of Germany, it qualifies more to be part of West Europe, simple
  2. There aren't too many guns to regulate. Post 9/11 US law and intel agencies enforced mass surveillance over anyone sounding Muslamic, the exact extent of which is scary. They can do that with guns too if they want.
  3. West Europe. Because post union Germany is a successor state of West Germany, East Germany is a relic of the past.
  4. It faded after WW2 and CIA revived it because they prefer some terms over others in their security divisions of the world, like Middle East over West Asia
  5. Mount Kemukus is a ritual site in Indonesia where people go to have sex with strangers in remembrance of a couple who tried to do it in the woods but were killed by local tribemen, half way during the act. Its mostly underground now because of spread of STDs and social backlash
  6. Why do people like Bush Kissinger live so long !? Fucker is touching 100
  7. Only by CIA who popularised CE as a term for altogether. Actual argument is England is in Northern Europe
  8. Egypt is technically Middle Eastern while Algeria Morocco Tunisia are North African ' Maghrebi countries ' Egypt doesn't share a border with any of them but their matches are derby by all means. Being in close proximity is enough in international football.
  9. No but its fixture with all " South Asian " countries are more of a highlight than playing Macau cause the same region. Like all SE Asian playing each other is more of interest. Germany England may not matter more for Germany but its a spicy fixture on a matchday nonetheless
  10. Its international football so such little details don't matter. Germany England are West European teams with history on and off the sport. Netherlands Germany rivalry is just because of being neighbors or the WW2 history ?
  11. Germany fans in denial that England vs Germany is spicy at the end of the day. Its common in football to have teams with history between them but not much even competition, Barcelona Espanyol, Liverpool Everton, England Scotland. Netherlands Germany also have a huge titles gap.
  12. Azeem


    That's not just you but most of Australia and top three countries you mentioned. This is what I hinted towards in the unpopular sports opinion about cricket, cricket fundamentally has a super league where no one gets in or gets out.
  13. Azeem

    Off Topic

    I once prepared a whole project and presentation all by myself, the other two members at least did the part I prepared for them. I can work with untalented people if they are at least responsive and don't argue much. Whenever I was put in charge by teachers to form groups for project I did the drafting way, bright kids get to pick choose from average and dumb categories.
  14. Since Eco is not active, can we name this thread Sleepy Joe and Yank Politics thread ?
  15. The idea remains that Juventus period of dominance which started from the same time as Bayern has been broken. Someone needs to fo that in Bundesliga now.
  16. Now even Serie A has a new winner in Milan. Bundesliga needs to introspect
  17. About dozen other countries too
  18. Punjabi regiments were heavily deployed by British everywhere. Punjab is the most defining part of subcontinent. Most of the things people from outside see as Indian-Pakistani is just Punjab.
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