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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. Whole thing seems to have blown out of proportion. The kid was stupid to assault the officer, in US and most of the world he probably would've been shot dead for doing that. And yes the officer should be given some suspension fine for kicking in the head.
  2. Azeem

    Paris Olympics 2024

    *one of their prime. Agreed on golf but not on cycling since they have different modules some of them highly valued.
  3. Yes, a 9-10 year gap is basically like starting over
  4. Azeem

    Paris Olympics 2024

    Sports that don't treat Olympics as one of their prime competitions shouldn't be in it that means football, tennis
  5. FIFA is not alone in this expanding their tournaments.
  6. Azeem


    Fielding is set according to the batsman being left or right handed. Once it is set the fielders can't change their position until the bowl is bowled. If the batsman is going to switch just before the delivery is bowled than allow the fielders to do the same. Then there is also the lbw rule of pitching outside leg being not out. Batsmen can switch side, get struck in the pad but not out even though he changed sides which totally flips what was his leg side.
  7. Azeem


    https://cricketaddictor.com/cricket/ian-chappell-urges-icc-to-intervene-after-glenn-maxwell-david-warners-unfair-shots-against-india/ I don't think the switch hit should be banned but it again shows the bias against bowlers cricket has always had as a sport. As opposed to batting where new shots and innovations are encouraged and celebrated, innovations in bowling or anything that gives advantage to bowlers is met with suspicion, scrutinized and eventually banned in many cases. when the slingy action like Malinga first came on the scene in 70s it was banned but later cleared, doosra was deemed impossible to bowl without chucking and everything was done to ban it, mankading, limiting bouncers and one could argue ball tampering in this case too, pacers should be allowed to do it legally.
  8. ICJ has given its verdict that acknowledges pretty much everything about Israel that any person with a conscious already knows. Daily reminder: the issue of Palestine and Levant was also one of the reasons why League of Nations failed. According to League of Nations, in any Mandatory power arrangement the wishes of those being ruled by that Mandatory power must be of priority and upheld. For this a commission was created to find and assert the wishes of the people of Levant who were to be ruled by British and French mandates. This commission is called the King-Crane commission, headed by two American diplomats, it conducted surveys and interviews in the Levant from all communities. The commission gave the final report that a unified Arab state be created and ruled out the creation of a Jewish state, this commission also advocated for an Armenian state to be created. But Britain and France gave two fucks about this commission and divided the ME between them. This violation of international law was one of the first events why League of Nations never really took off. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King–Crane_Commission Now we will again see flagrant violations of international institutions which will most probably lead to same events that happened after League of Nations went kaput.
  9. Azeem

    Paris Olympics 2024

    But were they lobbying to include sports that they were good at like countries are doing recently ?
  10. Azeem

    Paris Olympics 2024

    Olympics are wank. Countries like US China have made it into a dick measuring contest between them inserting sports that increase their chance of winning medals i.e skateboarding ffs and India is also pushing for cricket to be included in it. Also becoming a burden to host these things. Only two cities Paris and Los Angeles applied for 2024, IOC for first time announced two hosts at once awarded 24 to Paris and LA 2028 fearing no one might apply for the next one. That said some sports are interesting to watch and only get prime time attention during Olympics like El Professor mentioned volleyball, hockey
  11. Yes. You have cricket football players saying themselves that even until 2000s you could get a few breaks in between but now you have to play constantly.
  12. The best XI should really be only of players that reached the quarterfinals at least
  13. Olmo. Yamal had some great chances in the final but he put them straight into Pickford's hands.
  14. This is actually a good comeback for the French players. They could just say they are Spanish speaking Italians lol
  15. One can undo that fault by unrecognizing Israel acknowledging it was wrong, like countries have taken back their recognition in many cases. But if one is not going to do that then it at least keep it consistent and recognize others too if they are more or less the same case as Israel. Why is China not really 'that' hated globally as much as say US ? one reason is China is 'amoral' in its conduct. They just don't care, they recognize Israel and don't give two fs what Muslim countries think and also recognize Taliban and don't care what West thinks, they just care business. That is more appreciateable than hypocrisy for many which is 'immoral'.
  16. Brazil because of their pedigree Netherlands because of their kit Portugal because first international tournament I clearly remember is Euro 2004 Algeria because I respect their independence struggle Japan because of their disciplined fans at WC Senegal because of Mane and generally they are a decent team that play with intent Scotland because I like the Scottish Highlands
  17. I've been seeing you make this point time to time that Germany has this responsibility towards Israel due to historical reasons i.e Holocaust. Genuine question if that is the 'only' reason of supporting Israel why doesn't the same support is given to Namibia by Germany where Germany also committed a genocide which is the first of its kind in the 20th century ? Germany only recognized it as a genocide in 2021 which begs to ask why that long ? and still hasn't agreed on any mechanism for compensating those communities which it has done in the case of Israel or there are other reasons involved as well ? https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/13/namibia-calls-for-reparations-talks-with-germany/
  18. If you look at that verse it says don't take Jews and Christians as your allies because they are allies of each other. That doesn't make sense if you look at history, different Christians empires have historically persecuted Jews for 1000s of years as mentioned before in this thread. So it seems factually incorrect, it's like saying don't take US-Russia as friends as they are friends of each other. But the other part of your post suggests it may not be completely wrong. Why has West recognized one human right abuser state but not the other ? is it bcz one is their friend and other is not ?
  19. You mentioned Saudi Arabia too. Explain to me how Israel is not comparable to Saudi ?
  20. Moreover, there have been some cases of journalists or other folks including Westerners being taken captive by Taliban, but surprisingly they became quite pro-Taliban afterwards seeing some of the actual ground realities where Taliban were justified in their fight against foreign powers according to them, which the original post perfectly explains they have a far more legitimate claim to govern their lands than Israel even though both have taken through force. This Australian man is recently one of them, Yvonne Ridley was another prominent women who was taken captive by them but has not been that critical of them ever since even supporting them on some cases. Then you have some US marines who also had similar views after being deployed there. Why ? are they all propagandist or psychos ? if it happened once ok but there have been multiple cases ? or is it that Taliban while no doubt fanatics of their own are not that cartoonishly evil that Rucksack thinks is ridiculous to compare them to Israel that seems no less of a fanatic than them. On the contrary, many people who actually go see how Israel operates turn out to be virulently anti-Israel after seeing first hand what inhumane shit they do. Including this son of an IDF General who openly calls for ending Israel and Illan Pappe, Israeli historian, who got his hands over Israeli archives and wrote the most detailed book on Israeli atrocities in Nakba and he too calls for Israel to end
  21. Speechless. Israel literally does insane inhumane shit which Dr. Gonzo has pointed out on a much bigger scale. Your post again confirms the original post about the double standards of the West and shows the deep rooted belief in the Western mind (long before 9/11) including common folks like you that the epitome of a cartoonish evil has to be a Muslim i.e Trump shooting is a case of 'political violence' but if a Muslim did it, it would've been 'terrorism'.
  22. When are Western countries planning to formally recognize and establish relations with the Taliban ? apart from the succinct point made in the above post, countries already have either formally estb relations with them like China who is digging minerals out of there or are dealing with them indirectly through 'special representatives'. US is also channeling them millions of $$$ per week as per their agreement. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/afghanistan-taliban-tax-dollars-after-withdrawal/ UAE's president (pro-US ally) recently even invited one of the top wanted Taliban leaders and had a soiree with his team With all of this going on in the background then why countries are keeping this pretense ? just formally accept them. As Dr. Gonzo said, Israel has happened despite whatever one thinks of its creation 'undoing' it seems quite hard, then so are the Taliban they are here to stay and as the the original post said they have a more legitimate claim to govern then Israel. Or should another 20 years war be initiated to undo them ? Ah muh but they are tALiBan look what they are doing to women. Look what Israel is doing to women, children and pretty much anyone who's not a Zionist, has been doing since its creation.
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