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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Do you not get them round your way then... We have plenty of Snowflakes where we live
  2. When Debbie Harry met Alien artist H.R.Giger and made front cover of Heavy Metal Magazine....
  3. Could you imagine that... winning that and having a colony design built and put into place on Mars many years into the future... It would be an accomplishment just to get it in the book....
  4. This made me laugh the first time I saw it....
  5. The other thought would be if we were able to somehow create life on otherwise dead planets by using any existing liquids, soil that are already there like the Genesis Device used in Star Trek for example.. If we were able to kick start life somehow it would mean that we wouldn't need to spend hundreds of years searching for ideal planets as we may be able to use planets that were closer to us... Not sure if the research is already out there or how much funding that would need for such things but would at least give us 2 options to consider..
  6. I feel fairly confident that if you can survive the surroundings of a cockroach infested den of iniquity that you can survive this...
  7. Behind the Scenes of 'UFO' SID ( Space Intruder Detector ) Moonbase ( Shado ) Interceptor Specs... Skydiver... Sky 1 Mobile And of course that car... Anyone like to hazard a guess who's Mother this is???
  8. It is a scary thought to think that if we were indeed the only planet in the entire reaches of space that is capable of supporting life as we understand it then we are indeed doomed.. I find that scenario very hard to come to terms with.. Although our initial findings so far point to maybe being alone I would find it hard to believe that we were just a random one off event in all that space... There must be other planets out there that can sustain us or at least have life in some form or another. Depending on the conditions the life would obviously vary. Some planets may be capable of only being able to support the life found on it where we might struggle or even find impossible.. If we could find any evidence from anywhere out there that there may be other life regardless of what type of life it is then there would be hope... Given the distances required to travel in order to find such places great technological leaps would need to be made in space travel like hyper speed, warp drives etc, It may be some considerable time before any of that becomes a reality and if you think about how far we have managed to go over all those years it's still only baby steps in such vastness that it seems almost impossible to calculate... Space is so big and seemingly endless that it could take hundreds of years before our signals or probes reached something that might be able to respond to it, if at all.. Who knows maybe if we have not received a signal or found a planet capable of life by the time our planets resources have run down or overpopulation renders it uninhabitable we may yet end up cruising through the universe on big ships like Battlestar Galactica hoping to one day find a planet that can support life.. If we are indeed the only form of life then eventually we will die out if the tech does not advance quicker than our ability to consume..
  9. I should imagine an evening with you would be a very interesting one indeed...
  10. Dipping a toe in the Psychology field now... You are talking about just saving the hard data in the event or should I say inevitable demise of the body but you would still need to transfer all this once the body had ceased to be.. unless you just plan to be carried around in Hard Drive for all eternity...
  11. Interesting.... Let's just say the technology/advancements were in fact available, would you opt for a clone of yourself as you are now? Would you go for some robotic upgrades to improve your speed, strength and thinking skills or would you go totally the other way and give the male body option a whirl???
  12. The Next Generation was ok but I was never an avid follower.. Never seen Voyager or Deep Space Nine other than through adverts for it...
  13. Better hope they get a hoof on with immortality then... Although if we die and are then reborn into the next generation then maybe you will... However, if that's true you are highly unlikely to remember this life other than through strange flashbacks and of course this very conversation...
  14. Glad I won't be around to see that lot....
  15. Excellent... After watching the first episode I realised that I had seen it before and it looked very interesting back then but for some inexplicable reason It dropped right off my radar... Thanks to you though it's back to the front of the queue.. Quality viewing it has to be said...
  16. Snap... just started episode 1 of Season 2 last night
  17. Agreed, I only partially got into the revamped Star Trek and I really didn't follow any of the spin offs as it seemed too many to be keeping up with but watched the Season of Star Trek Discovery and enjoyed it..
  18. Quality acting.... in it's time
  19. Don't make me call security again... Science Fiction is made up of real things that already exist, like Space Travel, Rockets, Planets, Distant Worlds, Other things to be taken into consideration are the elements that are around but not yet realized to their full potential... AI, Robots, Space Stations, Advances in Lazer Technology so on and so forth... Unicorns don't exist at all.... I have never seen one, I know they didn't die out from over hunting or a comet hitting the planet and it's unlikely I will get to see one before I die... It's possible that they may yet clone such a beast in the future although I am not aware of such a project or indeed seen a mass of funding for the Unicorn cause... so it remains along with King Kong, Godzilla and a woman I can understand, a myth, a fantasy....
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