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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Well does it matter where the news clip came from? I think it does
  2. A news gaffe shouldn’t get any more attention than it deserves. Who is this twitter cunt anyway? Probably some clown that had no thoughts about Australia till they saw a clip thye could be angry about.
  3. A bit like you, ya ol' codger. Born in England, grew up in Australia, and ended up somewhere in between.
  4. What is the common perception if Merkel? Is she in power because she is backed by strong lobbyists (gas, mining, banks, etc)? Is she Merkel the best choice out of weak candidates? Or is she perceived as a strong leader that has brought Germany forward? The only thing I really know is that her party’s ease on immigration to artificially inflate the economy by importing cheap foreign labour has been seen as controversial.
  5. Spike


    Just found out about this today. Not much of a fan or anything but it rattled me a little. Maybe it's because a young, very attractive, successful young woman killing herself is just mind blowing. She must have had some deep issues that were taken over the edge with this incident.
  6. Unfortunately the results are sometimes necessary; though who am I to say if the ends justify the means? What a pointless war WW1; at least there is some justification for WW2 with Japanese and German imperialism and ethno-facism.
  7. Easy to misunderstand text, no worries. Also apologise for Gallipoli.
  8. I know you are cracking a joke but the topic is a pretty dry well for humour.
  9. The UK should apologise as well.
  10. @Toinho @CaaC (John) @Harry @Devil-Dick Willie Doing a bit of reading on Aussie history and it is mental the stuff that isn't taught in schools. Absolutely flabergasted that Australia nearly blew up in civil/independance war post-WW1. The British Empire was pressuring Australia to payback loans that were used to purchase military equipment, and the Premier of NSW Jack Lang opposed that on grounds that slavery was banned in the Empire and that paying the loans would cripple Australia to the point of economic flatlining, ergo making the people essentially slaves to the loan repayments. He was backed by the courts but he was pressued by the governor of NSW to resign leading to the police under Lang and the (largely depleted) military under the NSW governor having a tense mexican stand-off. Lang backed down to avoid bloodshed but the responce was that 40% of Sydney's population (400,000 people) marched under protest of his forced resignation. Lang at the time was the post powerful politician in Australia being the NSW premier, the first to defy British demands, and the first (sorry Gough) to be *sacked* from his position. The man is considered to have had a personality cult, due to his immense popularity.
  11. I think people are fond of him but he isn't in the hall of fame.
  12. is stronger than Cristiano's man bun.

    1. football forums
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      not ok, this is real fukken serious

  13. What will happen first? Leverkusen seperating from Bayer Pharma or winning a trophy?
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    Kind of on a downer at the moment, a teacher I really respected passed away a few days ago. The ol' codger had been dodging the coffin for several decades at least, especially with his fag and booze habit. The bloke must have ticked off every bucket list ever, or at the very least he was an extremely talented liar and could spin a yarn the size of a metre long spindle.
  15. she whatever the fuck kel is has this mindset on a side not, i do know a filipino whose nickname is chinky lol
  16. Spike

    Off Topic

    Pretty sure I walked past Thierry Henry in Montreal and it didn't click until later.
  17. I remember when devil dick willie will sucked my devil dick willie. It wasn't gay though, because he said no homo afterwards.
  18. I'm taller than that little midget cunt
  19. @DeadLinesman allo allo whats all this then why am i getting a quote notification like
  20. Some clubs have stadiums owned by the fans though.
  21. It's a wee bit shit but it's better than all their wealth hoarded in a bank in Switzerland. I suppose the moving of wealth is a silver lining in a cloud human abuse.
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