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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Juventus v Atalanta sums up exactly what is wrong with the sport.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. football forums


      Sick of this corrupt sport now.

    3. football forums


      @Dan it isn’t corruption this time though mate, because even Juventus have had awful penalties given against them, this is sheer incompetence in the face of the rules of the sport

    4. football forums


      I always thought Cricket was the worst manipulated sport but it's a close call between football and it

  2. It's funny, when Jorginho was subbed on Chelsea had 80% possession and dominated Crystal Palace. Some people just don't get it. Is it opposite day where this chap lives?
  3. I like him but he is frustrating. He has the pace, the technique, the flair, the effort, and the drive...but he still puts each shot right into the GK's chest. He should be in the triple digits with the amount of chances he has had. I can't speak for anyone else so I won't but Wilian is a fine player that I admire but not one that I idolise. People are often too vitriolic with their hatred of players, mistakening it for passion. Everybody slags off everyone unfortunately. Time is kind to a lot of players and I reckon people will be more fond of him in the future. I remember people disliking Drogba once upon a time, pathetic really, but I do suppose that was back when he was seen as a diva and linked to leaving the club every other week.
  4. Barcelona are one of the worst run clubs in the world. They should just blow up the team like they did in 2008/09.
  5. I give it ten weeks before a mining magnate anihilates it to scounge a couple of kilograms of medicore pig iron.
  6. Spike


    I don't get the Undertaker love. He has been a rotting zombie since 2008, his dead dude gimmick was boring as shit, I used to hate watching him take 8 minutes to walk to the ring, only to see a red headed man with his mullet and beard dyed black, covered in eyeliner like an overweight Robert Smith. Oh, and for years he didn't do shit outside of PPVs, pretty much post 2005 he exclusively wrestled once a month. Ministry Taker was cool though, fucken hell he crucified Stone Cold, cheated, attacked people, seemed actually like an evil character.
  7. Spike


    Midcarders? Yeah Orton sucks, 'another headlock randy?' CM Punk if the last decade didn't happen. Rob van Dam Chris Jericho Christian Main Eventers? Stone Cold The Rock Bret Hart Kurt Angle
  8. Is their a cup compeition that is equivalent to the FA Cup or Copa del Rey?
  9. @El Profesor What is held to a higher importance to the average Brazilian fan? The state championships or the Serie A? Or are the state championships only important to the Paulistas?
  10. Surely there has to be more to this transfer than simply financing? Barcelona are only recieving 10,000,000 Euros for the deal.
  11. I don't use Tik Tok but I do know people make comedy sketches on it because comedians I admire use Tik Tok. Besides, the Tik Tok was designed (read: copied another app) for lip syncing music, not sketches.
  12. @El Profesor are the rumours true that Barcelona are doing to Arthur what they did to Ronaldo? An ill disciplined party boy that needs to be removed?
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    bon hiver That's barely an English word.
  14. Spike


    I don't watch any of it anymore.
  15. Spike

    TF365 Memes

    Call him a lil' bitch then and move on, because obsessing over it is making you the bitch.
  16. Spike


    Kinda gutted the slim chances I had of rooting Hana are simutaneously higher and lower than before.
  17. Spike

    TF365 Memes

    Or he thinks it is funny ffs
  18. Spike

    TF365 Memes

    I honestly didn't https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1160077-australian-shitposters
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