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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Bet 31 people died in Chicago last minute.
  2. What was silly was using deus ex machina twice in ten minutes. The chains was just a stupid oversight, lazy writing. Having Danny arrive in perfect timing and then having Benjen arrive in perfect timing is just bad writing, it is forgivable but poor regardless. I've never liked the trope of deus ex machina as it usually comes of real hammy and I csn't actually give a good example of it.
  3. I watched Alien again last night and my eyes were literally glued to the screen. Nothing broke my belief and concentration, that is what that dragon scene did to me, it brought me out of the scene and made me realise how ludicrous it all is. Anythingnthat makes me second take or think 'hang on a sec...' is awful.
  4. Because it is so cliched and I saw it coming a mile away. It also reminds me of this. Just because it is a fantasy show doesn't mean it doesn't have an internal logic. If suspension of disbelief is broken by something so mundane it just proves that the writers aren't that considerate. Same goes for any film in any genre. Everything fits together like a puzzle, that was a serious scene and I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of a frozen dragon zombie breathing blue fire (is it meant to be cold fire, or fire even hotter than the other dragons?). It stood out like a sore thumb, it'd be like Little Finger letting out a large fart before getting killed. GOT is a serious show, so I take it serious, if it were just a simple high fantasy action show wouldn't care but this really does seem against the grain of the show's atmosphere.
  5. The ending was so stupid. Instead of ending the show on the big reveal they fuck around and end it with an action scene. These fuckers can't sequence for shit!
  6. I've read a couple before and I can't say that were exactly the chummiest people. Something very... odd about them. Speaking English yet deriding all the Barca 'gloryhunters'.
  7. Watching a team implode so gloriously has never made me this sexually aroused before
  8. Marco Asensio could very well be the next great forward disguised as a midfielder. That fucking finishing is something else.
  9. When I was a lad learning about The Beatles, I thought the town 'Liverpool' had the most repulsive name in the world. Little did I know, it is an apt name.
  10. Much like Arsenal of the past 12 years.
  11. Whomever the best is player is changes like the eb and flow of the tide. Yes, Modric is the best... for now. Who is to say that in six months Iniesta goes through an unreal revitalisation and drags Barcelona to success? Or that someone new doesn't usurp that title? For instance: overall I'd pick Messi; right now I'd pick Cristiano. Perhaps in six months I'd choose Zlatan or even Morata.
  12. Spike

    Off Topic

    Ever get caught wagging school?
  13. Gomes is also an attacking mid that Enrique thinks is a defensive mid because he is tall.
  14. I guarantee you that Barcelona won't sign all three of those players. Deploying four forwards will destroy Barcelona in the middle of the park, Real Madrid already walkover Barca and that would only exasperate the weakness. That is a very weak team that is top heavy and very vulnerable on the flanks, Barcelona doesn't need that much reinforcement in the forward areas.
  15. Iniesta would be the rotation for me. I'm looking at the future not what is best right now. ALSO: maybe I am harsh on Munir but Barca are stacked in the forward department and I don' tthink they need him,.
  16. Old-man Iniesta can't be a starter. That is suicide, he doesn't have the legs anymore.
  17. My dick is a ladder. Why don't you climb onto it?
  18. @The Rebel CRS @SirBalon @Savvy Xavi @FCBNick What players need to be culled from the squad? Barcelona is aging and perhaps a season or two of mediocrity would allow the club to return to something it was. My proposals: Sell Mascherano. He is very much on the wrong side of 30. There won't be much return from him and unless he reverses the aging process, his wages are too high to keep around for sentimentality. Samper could replace him as team rotation. Sell Alba. I don't like Alba, I haven't liked Alba since Euros 2012. I think he is an average player that has nothing besides pace. Also he cheats too much. Sell Turan. He has never established himself and never will. Assassinate Paulinho. Sell the gutter rubbish of Vermaelen, Munir, Douglas, etc Give Gomes and Vidal one more season to prove their worth otherwise sack them. Resign fucking Bartra and Grimaldo. Shit even Fontas or Inigo Montoya (EDIT: It's actually Inigo Martinez) could work. The defence is paper thin. Stop playing Roberto as RB. The midfield and forwards are stacked, forget about signing those players. A new formation could work, I hate to be the twat to post starting XIs I really do but to illustrate my opinion I have to.
  19. Dunno mate, but nations like Wales outperform the sum of their parts because they are a TEAM.
  20. Perhaps well-drilled mediocrity will outperform incohesive stars?
  21. I think we should all accept that Dele Ali isn't a midfielder and is, in fact a very solid deep-forward.
  22. What happened to Howedes? Why isn't he captain of Schalke anymore?
  23. Not that I want to watch Barcelona crash and burn, especially under the circumstances of corrupt Qatari scum, but there are levels of humour to be find in a club like Barcelona going into meltdown mode harder than Valencia. The squad has nearly as much bloat as Inter Milan.
  24. The circus that Barcelona has turned into is truly hilarious.
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