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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike

    Off Topic

    I had a virus that emulated glandular fever when I was 17. I lost over 10kg, I could barely walk, I couldn't eat without vomitting, and I survived purely on Lucozade. I was so ill, it was a disgusting haze. I remember being so ill, I was lying in my bed sweating violently but and I couldnt' get up to turn the air-conditioner on.
  2. Bet more than a few of the boys can relate to this
  3. Spike

    Off Topic

    Sounds like my home town.
  4. Spike

    Off Topic

    You probably don't have the intuitive sense of how to avoid the worst parts of the summer yet. North-QLD isn't as bad as west QLD. You should try to pick up a few backpacker's jobs out west to experience the the sheer brutality of outback living. It won't be something you'll regret. Work out in the shearer's sheds, or on the farms. If the heat doesn't get you, the flies will.
  5. Cool. I always thought you were a first-generation Chicano for some reason (maybe I was confusing you with someone else I know?), do you ever pop back down to Mexico? Funny story, one of my friends looks like Canelo.
  6. btw football is a 'fag sport' in my hometown. Rugby or get out! That is the Aussie outback mentality.
  7. Now you're just being silly, I was playing around with you (don't forgot most of the time I actually like you!). Hometown!? I thought you were an Atlanta boy!
  8. Nah, mate you're just a chicano obsessed with a couple of Europeans cities you aren't from
  9. He is also guilty of manslaugter by drink driving. Okay set the triangulation sights on lads, we got this.
  10. @Teso dos Bichos you never did answer me. Why are you so obsessed? Makes you seem small-time.
  11. Gotta remember English is like his 3rd language
  12. Gotta remember English is like his 3rd language
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    The most stressful moments of my life are now over. The house is sold, we've packed up, and we've left. It's Chicago time and I hope for an exciting new chapter in my life! end blog post
  14. With his latest comments, I believe Mourinho would be very successful as a NT coach.

  15. Spike

    Off Topic

    I prefer white people tbqh
  16. Spike

    Off Topic

    How much do the whores cost?
  17. Spike

    Off Topic

    I wish to travel to Argentina one day.
  18. Spike

    Off Topic

    The walls sounds better and better.
  19. Spike

    Off Topic

    I didn't know there was particular preference for knives. I thought it'd be rife with illegal American guns.
  20. Spike

    Off Topic

    Hear the UK is ripe with knife attacks
  21. Spike

    Off Topic

    The fuck would you stab someone in the neck?
  22. Biggest waste of talent: Gascoigne v Cassano

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. football forums


      Gascoigne without a doubt. Cassano was a little chubster with a bad attitude but he had a bad attitude because he wanted to play. Gascoigne is/was just a mess of a human when he played and after.

    3. football forums

      Carnivore Chris

      I agree with Cicero, had @Fusion not started smoking crack and sniffing glue, he could have become one of the best players of his generation.

    4. football forums

      Honey Honey

      Gazza was in his 30's when the lifestyle caught up with him. It's injuries that held him back if anything. He was still the best player on the pitch when hungover in his 20's.

  23. Spike


    I would berry my cock so deep in that ass whoever pulled it out would be crowned King Arthur.
  24. Spike


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