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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Yeah, the battle was very poorly written. My wife for instance wouldn't shut up about how there is no logical or possible reason an undead army has access to large iron link chains.
  2. Never laughed so hard at this show.
  3. Pique is the only player in those pics that isn't dressed like a fucking moron. Messi possibly has the worst leg tatt Ive ever seen.
  4. Didn't see the game but it has further reinforced Alonso's importance to thr attack
  5. Confirmed that the attacker was targeting women. We can probably know accept that it was a sad sexually frustrated bastard
  6. Yeah, you're the first Englishman to make that sort of joke.
  7. Tensions are rising and military conflict is looking likely between the two nations.
  8. Unconfirmed if it is related to terrorism. Not long for ISIS to take responsibility though. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/18/finland-police-report-multiple-stabbings-in-city-of-turku
  9. Can't blame the writers for fucking up really. They were given fantastic source material for years only for it to dry up because the fat cunt is lazy. They don't know what is going on in the bastards head so they can't reach those expectations, nor can they balls up and do what he does. GRR is ballsy enough to kill off a character like Tyrion but the show writers aren't because Tyrrion is $$$. They are in a rock and a hard place, they have to create a narrative that is kosher to the source material but without straying to far from it. They can't introduce too many new characters because they'll fuck off a lot of people, they can't kill off established characters because the same will happen. So what they have to do is hamstring something that fits in what the books have set up, so they don't have much room for expansion thus limiting a lot of interesting developements.
  10. We are just sour cunts that turn every you English wankers think you are known for up to 11.We are like a parody of the UK. Everything from the bastard Cockney X Irish accent, to the alcoholism, and 'cheeky' banter. We just use different words, ya filthy cunt.
  11. Nail on the fucking head. These writers can't create an coherent character or dialogue to save their lives. They can do melodrama perfectly but they are so fucking bad at everything else. For instance, Ellaria Sand's reason for revenge on Cersei Lannister is fucking laughable Euron Greyjoy is built up to be a badass but turns out to be a goofy villain more at home in Adam West's Batman! I don't even read the bloody books but I can tell bad writing when I see it and the latter seasons have that in Aces. I loved this show but my god it has gotten bad. Yeah, I hate this fucking fad of 'banter' in film. It works in real life because it's fun between your mates, its just cringe when I see it on the TV. I remember the commericals for The Avengers on tele and every time it showed that stupid fucking scene between Loki and Ironamn 'I have an army'- - 'We have a Hulk' and I cringed every time.
  12. How far will Asensio go? Will he falter like many before him? Sergio Canales, Guti, Jose Jurado, Thomas Graveson, Antonio Cassano, among others, all have failed to reach their potential at Real Madrid. I've known about the bloke for a while now, since Mallorca but I didn't know he was going to be the real deal. It is always easy to spot talent but it's hard game to know that they are going to make a mark. This RM team is close to being on level with Pep's Barcelona and I feel if they win La Liga and the CL again, they have easily trounced them. It is unbelievable, the quality of this team, they can almost feel like two clubs at some points. The youngsters breaking through and the established stars, Pep's Barca never had that depth. That is saying a lot as well, not many teams throughout history can hold a candle to that Barca team.
  13. Inter sold him and then bought him back. I mean he shouldn't have been sold in the first place.
  14. Pirlo, Seedorf, Cannavaro, Roberto Carlos, Ronaldo, Adriano, Bergkamp, Simeone, Motta, all sold too soon. Imagine still having the last one, the club wouldn't have waszted money on players like Kondogbia.
  15. Shame his dad was a prick that forced a move. Should have been a Chels legend.
  16. Nothing like the mass suffering of others to run a political agenda into the ground. Got morons like TYT trying to dance around the subject while they wank their socialist agenda in the ground, while people on the other side of the river are gleefully wanking over how another socialist country has fucked it's citizens into poverty, starvation, and death.
  17. Weird. I'd call GoT the opposite of epic. Nothing ever seems grand in scale at all. We mostly only ever see intimate conversations between a few people and we never really experience the extent of large the world exactly is. LOTR makes it look like skidmarks.
  18. Spike

    Off Topic

    Maybe get a second opinion on this issue? Seeing as you were fucked the first time you cannot be too careful.
  19. I don't think anyone has an issue with Dany going mad, just how it's presented.
  20. I was hoping they'd discuss the moral dilemma of using dragons in battle. It is one thing for two men to square off, they are equal, a man kill a man but a man cannot kill a dragon. It's different to slaughter a thousand men face to face, than to burn them alive like ants.
  21. The writers post-Martin are just poor at world creating, politics, and characters. They write some lovely melodrama but everything since Dorn has been very poor. Their are so many characters I don't care about and a many that I just don't like at all. I don't care at all about Greyworm, Bronn, Sam, Gilly, all the Dornish (save for Oberyn and his crippled brother), the Greyjoys, and a few others that I can't even recall. Sansa irritates me, I really liked Quasimodo before she was a kick-ass badass, I really liked Cersi as a villain before she was queen, I enjoyed Tyrion far more when he was surrounded by his family as they acted as a foil to his intellect, I try to enjoy Jon Snow and Daenyrys but their acting and dialogue is just very bad, I especially hate how the later is has become the 'perfect good guy' of the show despite the fact she is quite tyrannical (I wish they would dive more into her hypocrisy concerning 'giving people a choice, fearfully following her or death). I do enjoy Jaime, Gendry (despite it feeling like fan-service for him to be in the show), The Hound (though he should be dead), Mormont (he should have disappeared into the horizon with ambiguity surrounding his fate), I loved Ned and Rob (I especially love how their honour, and their love killed them respectively, stupid decision get people killed!), Petyr Baelish, Roose Bolton (Ramsey was too comical at times for me), and a few other characters. I just feel so disappointed. There was a time I was hooked but I feel like the show jumped the shark during season 5.
  22. God, this show has gotten fucking horrible since it deviated from the books.
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