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Everything posted by Spike

  1. If I were famous, I'd be as insufferable as Morrissey  

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    2. football forums


      Not a fan of Morrissey's solo material and I like some songs by The Smiths... This Charming Man, Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now et al.

    3. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      I hate Morrissey and his music more than words can express.

    4. football forums


      He'd prefer it that way. 

  2. DO IT If I could ride a bike without being hit by a two ton Ford F150, I'd totally do it. Take a photo of it when you buy it though!
  3. I went to a "German Bier Garten" over the weekend. By German it means Bavarian. Everything was described as 'Bavarian'. Had a pretty good hefeweizen, though.
  4. Nooo, stay at Sociedad!
  5. To be honest, Adams may be bitter but he is probably right on a lot of his statements about Arsenal and Wenger. The later probably isn't a very good coach these days, or manager for that matter (there is a difference). When was the last time you thought to yourself 'Wow, Wenger really has pulled the rabbit out his hat with this player, transformed them into something new'? Cesc Fabregas? Maybe Wenger was never a good manager but at one point was a great coach and a great scout.
  6. Spike

    Rugby League

    Fucking selectors. That is what I expect from NSW
  7. Spike

    Rugby League

    What the hell happened to Cherry-Evans? His hype was unreal a few years back
  8. Spike

    Rugby League

    The NSW players all look like a bunch of poncey tradies that just spent 75% of their last paycheque on a pair of white Oakleys and said 'yeeeeeeeeeeew' afterwards
  9. Spike

    Rugby League

    Get fucked. I haven't seen QLD play this poorly since I was a kid. The fuck is this?
  10. Spike

    Rugby League

    lmao Pearce gets a bloody concussion and is made to walk off the field, in soccer he'd have been airlifted to the Royal Hospital.
  11. Spike

    Rugby League

    Ao I notice the latest fashion is to have the socks pulled all the way down to show off the leg tatts. These cunts have the mindset of highschoolers
  12. Spike

    Rugby League

    I thought it was Bird on the left.
  13. Spike

    Rugby League

  14. I want the next UK PM to have a Scouse accent. 'I'm like proper devoed abar the last terroist attack, we need to fookin rumble the cunts, la'.

    1. football forums


      Da posh twats are proper on top te fuck, la. May needs to do one, la.

    2. football forums


      Plazzy bastard.

    3. football forums

      Burning Gold

      Paul Nuttal then?

  15. I know that now but my point was that I didn't know that going into the movie blind.
  16. I couldnt' tell if the first was sincere or not.
  17. Someone never watched the Evil Dead unaware.
  18. Because he seems like the type of guy that would pull a Carlos Tevez and fly back to Brazil and refuse to play. People don't feel secure with his unpredictable personality.
  19. Spike

    Off Topic

    It doesn't matter if the person letting their porche sit in a garage is deriving equal or more pleasure than a person driving. Just because you don't like it and disagree with how something is done; doesn't mean someone can't derive similar or greater pleasure. Just because it's a 'waste' from your perspective doesn't mean it's true for others. For me it'd be a waste to cook a steak rare because I don't like that, around medium is perfect for me. For me it'd be a waste to put cola in fine scotch but I don't care if others do that, because we are all free to consume any product in whatever manner we choose. Though in certain circumstances, I do agree with you. If I was at a party and there was two bottles of Johny Walker, one blue and the other red and only myself and one other person were drinking them, I'd tell the other person to fuck off and drink the red label if they were planning on mixing cola in. If it was their bottle alone, I wouldn't care but in a situation like that, I would.
  20. Spike

    Off Topic

    All the work and resources have been justified by being paid for. It isn't a waste.
  21. Spike

    Off Topic

    It isn't a waste of anything, for both the meat and the drink. The only thing that matters is the person consuming it enjoys it. Taste is completely subjective, while you and I will agree mixing cola with Johnny Blue is just ridiculous it doesn't matter if the person enjoys it and it never is 'waste' unless it isn't being consumed at all.
  22. Iniesta definitely needs to be in reduced capacity. Not just so the club can begin preparing for life post-Iniesta but so he doesnt burn out as quickly.
  23. The Big Lebowski is the most intelligent comparison of masculine and feminine identities ever written. Most people don't even realise the strong themes!
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