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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Fabinho’s was dirty but I’m pretty sure it was right after James had faked a head injury which wound us up. The thing is what Fabinho didn’t wasn’t a foul, but what Choudhury did was definitely a foul.
  2. I’d like Choudhury if he wasn’t so fucking reckless. He’s young though, so he can learn that you can be physical as fuck and also not dangerous to play against. He’s also going to pick up a few red cards while he learns that I imagine. Playing Maddison on the left got you a goal against the joint best defense in the league (no not Sheffield United, but us) - so it can’t be all bad. Granted you lot hardly created a thing against us, which might have meant maybe he’d have had more chances centrally. So I’m guessing it’s the 4231 when Rodgers thinks you need to control a match, 433 when you’re expected to beat a side?
  3. How does he normally line you lot up? I haven’t seen too many of your matches this year, really just the match against us and I doubt you’re usually that shithousey because I imagine at this point you’re favourites against your opponents. I notice you said “wingers” so I’m assuming he’s not going with the 442 diamond he loved so much with us.
  4. Okay usually whenever Sajid Javid is criticised… this is usually what's thrown back at anyone - so let's get it out of the way now. "BuT hE iS tHe SoN oF aN iMmIgRaNt BuS dRiVeR" Right now that that's out of the way, let's talk about his absolute dereliction of duty as Chancellor. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/oct/21/sajid-javid-refuses-to-assess-economic-dangers-of-brexit-plan So he's refusing to do an assessment of the economic impact of Brexit, instead reassuring people that it is "self-evidently in our best economic interests." So here we are, facing more economic uncertainty than we had pre-referendum. And we're being told by this fraud not to worry about anything and he won't even make his own assessment because "it'll be fine." In a normal world, this would rule him out from any important position in government ever again. Sadly, we don't live in a normal world. But hey, who cares about the substance of his politics.... hE iS tHe SoN oF aN iMmIgRaNt BuS dRiVeR
  5. Not often do I commend Man Utd... but well done to them for taking the alleged racial abuse seriously and swiftly beginning their investigation. Also well done to them for swiftly kicking the fucker out of the stadium, and well done to the fans sitting around him that didn't tolerate his bullshit and reported him.
  6. He’s such a weird player. Sometimes he looks genuinely awful and yet he’s also been crucial
  7. No. And I think you know I’d like there to be one. I can’t see a second referendum happening. The only things I can see are kicking the can down the road and try to negotiate further or a hard Brexit on the 31st. The only way I really see us remaining is if we perpetually kick the can down the road. But how long can we do that?
  8. If it passes narrowly, it will be over mate. Long term maybe the UK rejoins the EU. But in doing so, we probably won't get any of the concessions the EU gave us when we first joined... so we'd still be comparatively worse off to how we are currently as an EU member. No disproportionate say in finance regulations and no pound sterling either. I've heard some remainers think this is the best option for us. I don't know why though.
  9. May's deal was better than Boris's for us economically, so I have a hard time understanding why exactly Tories who weren't willing to back May's deal would be willing to jump onboard with this... other than election posturing. I think the Brexit party just want a hard Brexit so their commodities trading leader can make an absolute killing, and in the alternative if that's not going to happen they'd prefer to stay in the EU (which sounds like a paradox at first)… but because if we're still in the EU they still have their mission to get us out of the EU, thus they have political capital & Farage can still be paid handsomely to do nothing but stick two fingers up to the rest of Europe (and our country) as an MEP.
  10. This shit is fucking crazy: https://www.kusi.com/mexican-president-defends-retreat-in-face-of-cartel-violence/ Mexico's government needs serious help.
  11. Oh I hadn't seen this til just now - so sorry for bringing discussion back to something you said a month ago @Teso dos Bichos, but the homeless problem in California is a super tough issue to face. And it's not just California's fault that the big cities are flooded with homeless people. We've got to deal with people from shittier states sending their homeless people to California because they don't want to deal with them: https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Nevada-Settles-Homeless-Dumping-Lawsuit-369736411.html California's got the economy to provide a better social safety net for the extremely poor, so other states feel like it's okay to dump homeless people in California. But what they're doing is creating an unfair burden on California, when really they should be looking at what makes states like California (and New York... and even Texas, so there's a red state model for the red states as well) have strong economies so they can better provide for themselves. It's a ridiculous situation these other states have created for themselves. California pays in more money to the IRS than any other state - they also invest heavily in themselves with their own taxes. This gives the state the ability and resources to provide better services than other states. Meanwhile states that put in far less money to the federal government than they take out from the federal government. They don't invest in themselves, they just want to let the wealthy of their state get richer while the state overall struggles... and then they pass off their homeless problems from their crumbling economy onto California. And then they have the fucking nerve to complain about the homeless problem in California that they've exacerbated. There's a rising hatred in California for these states that don't invest in themselves, take out more money than they put into the IRS per year, and try to shift their problems to California. And it's just getting worse - and it's also dangerous as fuck for these poor people they're dumping onto our streets. A few years ago, basically right after the homeless population had a massive explosion, there was a serial killer here in San Diego. He was hammering a railroad spike through homeless people's heads... then lighting their bodies on fire. One of the murders was actually a block from my condo and I remember hearing the police and firefighters come at 3AM so I went outside for a cigarette and to see what was going on. Don't think I'll ever forget that night. And it's also dangerous for the people just trying to live. San Diego, LA, and San Francisco all had hepatitis outbreaks because of the recent homeless population explosion. I think it was Georgia that released a serial rapist from prison and then bussed him to San Diego... where he then raped some young woman at a trolley stop. This rising tide of resentment towards the rest of the country is growing pretty rapidly here, and I don't see it changing unless these other states start pulling their weight more. But I also don't see those states ever really pulling their weight. It's an interesting dynamic - but it's probably not great for the USA as a whole.
  12. What a great stat. Looking at all of the other clubs that have been in the league the whole time and me being able to say: wow, you dirty fucking bastards. Blackpool and Barnsley are pretty fucking impressive as well.
  13. Will this deal pass parliament? I don’t think so. The EU always had most of the leverage with Brexit. So I wouldn’t take people too seriously when they blame anyone else with the poor hand we were dealt.
  14. Cheers @CaaC (John), now I Feel Free will be stuck in my head for hours
  15. So uh... Bill Gates hung around Epstein a lot, it turns out. After his conviction too, so while he was a known sex pest. And he set up a charity where Epstein was the beneficiary. Sad to say, the circumstantial evidence points to Bill Gates being a pedo
  16. Video footage of Turkish forces executing Kurdish prisoners was posted to social media by a Turkish soldier...
  17. That lineup is 100% one of the best in metal history. And Rust in Piece is an absolute fucking masterpiece
  18. Turkey knows where all the US bases are/were in Syria. So for them to bomb close to one doesn’t strike me as much of an accident as much as it strikes me as a threat to the US military to clear out and leave the Kurds to be slaughtered
  19. I feel fortunate that I haven’t enjoyed a game made my Activision-Blizzard in some time (well I liked the latest CoD for about 4 weeks before getting tired of it) - cos I feel inclined to not buy any of their shit for a while after this. And if I do get the Modern Warfare reboot out of nostalgia, I’ll buy it used so they don’t get my money. The situation in Hong Kong is fucked up, and all of these western companies bending to China’s censorship is also fucked up. South Park has it right, they just need Tegridy.
  20. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Yeah definitely do not take that shit before driving mate
  21. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Codeine's in that shite, so watch out with drinking on it. Or if you're an alcoholic: Zapain helps you get drunk quicker. But it's also quite habit forming mixing codeine with drinking, so still be careful.
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