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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45641867
  2. If I get the all clear from the doctor that I can play video games tomorrow, my next stop is to go buy this.
  3. The latest excerpts from King Kev's latest book re: his final days as Newcastle manager are very interesting. Paints Mike Ashley as either incompetent or dishonest, you get a really bad impression of Dennis Wise, and Keegan looks pretty believable & to have a lot of integrity as the arbitration panel sided with him.
  4. That’s basically right. We signed him from Charlton and had him play with our kids as a CB. Very highly rated, but the first team opportunities that were available to him were mostly at RB. I was not expecting him to end up ahead of Matip and Klavan in the summer. But preseason happened and Klavan’s been replaced... by Matip because he’s jumped ahead of them. Very impressed with him this season and I hope he can keep this form up.
  5. I wouldn't have laughed. I think Flanagan's lack of finesse was there for all to see - but he always played with a shitload of passion for us. Worked his arse off and stuck to the basics but played with his heart on his sleeve. On Robertson's first match for us I immediately noticed his quality on the ball - something you'd never consistently see from Flano. On another note, I never really liked Gomez as a fullback - weirdly bad at defending crosses for a natural CB out wide. Not the best delivery either... but plenty of pace. But this season he's been a revelation, looks great defending crosses and his pace and strength is used to great effect. I think if he keeps this form up and stays fit, he's better for us than Lovren.
  6. Lol Flanagan was never as good as Robertson, not even comparable. Flanagan was a yard dog people liked because he was Scouse and got stuck in. Nowhere near as good as Robertson going forward.
  7. What I was saying is you empty Trent's pockets and threre's Neymar with his outrageous fee. And Andy's got Mbappe in his with his own ridiculous fee. Not bad for us.
  8. What's the combined value of what's in their pockets from last night?
  9. I think I’m on the 8th mission.
  10. I haven't owned a FIFA game in years, but I'll probably buy this once I can use my left hand again because we're a 5 star side in this.
  11. Yup, some NES/SNES games on my laptop for whenever I'm traveling. Love them.
  12. New York subpoenas every Catholic dioceses in the state https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/national/wp/2018/09/06/new-york-attorney-general-issues-subpoenas-to-every-catholic-diocese-in-the-state/
  13. I’m really REALLY into turn based games mate. Nah I sliced my palm open and severed a tendon and needed surgery, it is shite.
  14. I fucked anything in that game I could, don’t you worry
  15. It looks good, but unfortunately I won't be getting it as its a PS4 exclusive. I've been playing XCOM lately as I can (just about) play with one hand.
  16. Is Burnley Mourinho’s last chance saloon, do you think?
  17. I took Friday off so I could get the surgery I needed. I came in today though, I regret it. They’ve given me some poor unpaid intern to be my assistant for the next few months. I feel a bit bad because instead of getting useful experience for the uni class credits this internship is giving him... he’s basically just going to write emails for me and open things I can’t. Easy job though, I guess, and if he ever uses me as a reference I’ll say he shits gold and they’d be morons not to hire him... so not all bad for the poor fucker.
  18. Meanwhile I'm sat in my office scheming for ways out
  19. Mate, I wish it could even fit into my pants right now fuck this cast, I feel like an utter moron for fucking my hand up so badly.
  20. Being at work with just one usable hand is shite. Typing takes for fucking ever.
  21. I’ve got a big fucking cast on my left hand now, can’t hold a controller and I’m not even supposed to use my hand at all for 8 weeks. Soooooo... is there anything I can play one handed? I imagine I’d be looking at switch games for one handed play — any that aren’t shit?
  22. I remember when he had his heart attack in training. Scary stuff. I’m glad he kept close with John Achterberg though, says something if our former players rating/liking him even though he’s been scapegoated quite a bit. Cool of him to put Alisson in our radar before his move to Europe.
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