I have empathy for both sides, which is why I think this whole conflict is fucked from the start.
Antisemitism meant the Jewish people couldn't live in peace. They'd get killed by Stalin and Hitler in Europe, then they'd move to the newly created Israel and get killed and chased out in MENA. They needed their own country. Where Zionism fails for me is that they wanted a very specific spot which was always going to be a disaster. Hell in most places it would have created problems but especially in a place where religion is taken to the extreme overlooked by the big daddy (the Saudis), it was a big risk to take, and while it worked for them, it came at the expense of someone else.
On the other hand, I also have empathy for the Palestinians. You can't just take somebodies land just because you used to live there, or does the law really think it'd be OK for me to kick the people living in my old home just because I used to pay for it?
As a result, this is a never ending loop, and I don't agree with radical decisions from either side, but I do have sympathy with both to some extent.