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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. I'm actually kind of mad at AEW for doing so much on TV. Of course the wrestlers are going to pay tribute on social media to their mate, and I have no problem with the armbands. But AEW are leading the charge to be the sadest, and pouring on public announcements and mentioning it on live tv... WHEN THEY REFUSED TO HIRE THE BRICOES!!! They burned them, never featured them, and now they want to suck them off? Get fucked. 

  2. On 16/01/2023 at 03:00, Gunnersaurus said:

    Kushida will be wrestling Darby Allin. Should be a great match. When I briefly watched nxt kushida was my favourite wrestler. Fantastic in the ring. Unfortunately he's not signed with aew permanently 

    I saw Kushida vs Rocky Romero live in Sydney a few years ago at an NJPW night. Was the best singles match I've ever seen live by a mile. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:


    I literally said tories basically control the media xD

    In any case, all Corbyn had to do was do what Starmer did... unequivocally condemn anti-semitism. It's weird that he wasn't able to do so, tbh. And any Labour leader not prepared to deal with a hostile media that will attack them for anything and everything is a woefully unprepared Labour leader who's not suited for the role.

    In my lifetime though, we've never had a good PM. The closest we have to a "good PM" is Tony Blair and Tony Blair is a piece of shit that wasn't flushed down and came to life. I'm sure the next PM will also be a massive piece of shit.

    But you've not the wit to see what role that plays in undermining the strongest labor candidates so you end up with white bread filler like Starmer instead. Shame. 

    You're getting a Joe Biden. A safe stand in that the powers that be will concede to over someone capable of rocking the boat ALA Bernie or Corbyn.  

  4. 7 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

    What I was talking about in my last post about it not being as simple as 'rejoin' or 'stay out' and all the ifs, buts and maybes.

    "Do you wanna save the economic future of the nation?"


    "What if we have to change the notes we tender at the fishy to do it?"

    Oi is u avin a laff m8? wot u fuckin fink me mam would say if she saw me payin for me costco wif a euro?

  5. 1 minute ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    @Devil-Dick Willie if I'd said something like "Milliband can't be PM because he eats like a weirdo" you'd maybe have a point. But Corbyn being inept at dealing with things that should be pretty easy for any "leader" to deal with when they're an opposition party leader and letting that affect how he's viewed in the media is down to his ability entirely.

    He invited pressure on himself and constantly wound up putting his foot in his mouth. And you're right, of course the media will prefer  tories - they basically run the media, including the BBC. Which is why any Labour leader is going to need to have some bit of brains about them to deflect bullshit the media throws at them and reframe media messaging being positive towards Labour. It's literally part of the job because it's not like mass media run by billionaire dickheads is going to go anywhere anytime soon.

    It's probably the most crucial thing needed from a Labour leader in order to get elected, regardless of political beliefs.

    I want to fucking scream at you. 

    The media is soft on the Torries, hard on Labor. I am certain you know this. The media will do ANYTHING in its power to disrupt a dangerous looking Labor leader or potential election winning party. "Oh he should have handled the media that is instructed by its paymasters to shred him no matter what better" Give your fucking head a wobble. And focus on the actual politics and policies of parties. Don't fall into the 'oh xyz has good policies but" fallacy. If xyz has great policies and is being undermined by the media institutions of your nation don't buy the bullshit, it's happening for a reason.  

  6. 2 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    It's not really regurgitating a talking point though, the man was so inept at doing something as simple as condemning anti-semitism. And by not condemning it, he invited pressure on him and his party to be labeled as anti-semites.

    I like his politics, but I think he's more than a bit of an idiot.

    A factional assault on him that was also used to silence criticism of Israels racist treatment of Palestinians. Sky talking points. 

    It reminds me of when Kevin Rudd, the best leader in my lifetime was hacked down at the first sign of electoral trouble by a separate faction within Aussie Labor and replaced by Gillard. She was then outed, and we got 9 years of the libs afterward. With reflections on his time in power being 'in hindsight he did a pretty good job actually'


  7. 1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:


    Granted... he'd probably have done a better job than the horror show the Tories have been serving up for over 10 years. I honestly have no idea how Tories still have anyone supporting them in elections at this point. Basically nobody in the UK can reasonably think "we're better off than we were 10 years ago".... I doubt people can say they're better off than they were 3-5 years ago.


    Because people like you...


    1 hour ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Corbyn would have been a disaster at PM though, the man was shit at leading his own party... I can't imagine him running a government that's not just an opposition government.


    Regurgitate sky news talking points like this.  

  8. 33 minutes ago, Stan said:

    Interesting you say this because some fire Starmer as a Tory-lite individual. 

    I'm not sure what's cowardly about him, mind. 

    I've said this before but I'd rather have boring and effective as opposed to eccentric and ineffective. 

    The fact Labour have made considerable gains in several constituencies is a) because Tories are such a shit show and b) Starmer actually poses as a sensible, diplomatic, calm choice for a leader. When you consider what the Tories have to offer, he's an able alternative. The only problem is that Labour in the past have done so much damage that they lost a lot of core voters (hence the red wall breaking down in the North East). 

    I agreed with some of the Corbyn policies which funnily enough some Tory ministers want to bring in (4-day week was discussed last year, free broadband for vulnerable people) but he is given such bad press (which the Tories run) that people chose to believe those smears as opposed to think for themselves and see what the parties have to offer. 

    People point to Starmer or Labour for ruining this country. Sorry, but the Tories have 'governed' for 12 years and its not up to Labour to bring the solutions to the problems. The problem the Tories have is they create more problems not only for themselves but for the country. Point the finger at the ones in charge, not the ones that can't make any changes and that aren't in power. 

    Fine to say we got stuck with the shit we got, but I pray to God that come the next GE, anyone - be it on the fence, core Labour, Tory or any other voter - sees how badly the Tories run the country and have done for 12 years so far. They've run it into the ground and destroyed the economy in the process. Some might blame COVID but the problems were there long before. 

    We might be fucked now, but we'll be fucked on a grander scale if Tories stay in power. 

    Oh yeah, Torries are worse, but Corbyn is miles miles miles better than Starmer, who absolutely IS Tory-lite. 
    The cowardice is the way he basically hides from divisive issues (like rejoining) and has 0 interesting policies (unlike Corbyn).

  9. 3 minutes ago, Stan said:

    Exactly. I think they'd bag more voters than they'd lose it they stuck to their guns and aimed to rejoin. 

    I fucking hate hate hate to say this, but ultimately the reason you have a moderate, boring and cowardly Kier at the helm is because Corbyn lost his election. Your nation has a fucking mind so narrow I'm amazed anyone can wear a hat, and Corbyn having a challenging list of reasonable policies and riding a red bicycle was ultimately 'too extremist' and you got stuck with the shite you got. 

    We had a similar election 4 years ago. Shorten, full of great ideas, with a policy manifesto as long as your arm with highlights such as manufacturing electric vehicles, ending austerity and privatization  lost the unlosable election to Scott Morrison and his manifesto of 'Australia is the best country in the world, why change anything?" 

    And then we stayed with the shit party, and we were led through the toughest times in recent history by them and they bungled everything. Only now, in hindsight do we change political parties, and the same will go for you. But to avoid catastrophe, Labour will play it overly safe. 

  10. 9 hours ago, Stan said:

    I can't see it happening for a while, at least not this soon. Especially when both biggest party leaders want to still have a go at making Brexit work, in any shape or form.

    Would be great to re-join, but imagine we'd get shafted financially. What's the incentive for the EU to even let the UK back in? And on what terms?

    Which is funny because Labour and Starmer were staunchly anti brexit, but are too scared to run a campaign on rejoining. 

  11. 4 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    I don't think I could have done a worse job at killing Wardlow's momentum even if I tried.



    I actually don't hate the hair angle (though Wardlow shouldn't be doing that job to joe) but they should have saved that for MJF. MJF should have defended his belt once more in a program with someone like Hangman or Darby, and then Wardlow should have got the spot, and this exact post match should have occurred. 

  12. 9 hours ago, Beelzebub said:

    Largely agree with the exception of Mohamed Asif, he was the Asian Glen McGrath. Kevin Peterson, Amla, G Smith and others put him in their top 3-5 they faced in interviews

    Too bad he ruined himself, according to sources his wife is the only one keeping him alive, an addict and a recluse.


    Mohamed Amir was promising before he lost his best years to the betting scandal. 

    • Upvote 1
  13. I definitely use the messaging as a vehicle for an ASAP meetup. That way you're talking to just her, not her and her friendship committee, can see if she can hold down a conversation and is funny without 'memes' and if she acts interested or is passionate about things, rather than being a 'chill' (which is modern day code for boring and dispassionate) and stale. Having a reasonable sense of humor, a hobby, and the ability to speak at length about things she's interested in are my 3 green flags.

  14. 3 hours ago, Toinho said:

    To be fair I do know a fair few people who are already divorced or broke up with their partners from a young age after a fair few years - but the same goes for those who met later, or there’s those who met young and are together. It’s a bit of everything!  Generationally things have probably changed a bit and it wouldn’t be as common now as maybe the generation before me to meet and marry young. Maybe that was the point. 

    It's definitely changed. The digital world has changed everything. 

    Even a decade ago, and certainly before, meeting a partner worked like this 

    "I'm in high school, hopefully I meet someone nice" 
    "I'm in Uni, hopefully I meet someone nice"
    If not? Then
    "I've entered the workforce, hopefully I meet someone nice"
    "Everyone at work sucks, I hope a friend of mine knows someone decent or single, or i'll have to resort to blind dating"

    This no longer applies. There are thousands of single people who are 3 or 4 touches of a screen away from you at all times. There is no pressure to marry early, beyond people who go straight from school to uni who want to get a mortgage by 25. There is no longer little dating pools with their own dynamics and hierarchies. It's one big one.  

  15. 48 minutes ago, Waylander said:

    I know creatine gets a lot of publicity yet also think BCAA or branched chain amino acids are very good, they help repair and build tissue. 

    And they're abundantly found in food. Don't buy the supplements. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Danny said:

    I'm bored at work and have been thinking about the England team. The current strengths that seem to be thrown around a lot is that we have a great squad with players capable of winning a competition and that is what is levelled at Southgate, that he is not using them properly.

    For me when I look at the current England team I can break it down into 3 categories; good players that ultimately aren't that great, top level players and then elite level players. I'll break the starting eleven and subs down into those categories:

    Good: Pickford, Ramsdale, Rice, Phillips, Mount, Shaw, Maguire, Coady, Trippier, Dier, Gallagher, Wilson, Pope

    Top Level: Sterling, Rashford, Grealish, Saka, Foden, Maddison, Henderson, Stones.

    Elite:  Kane, Trent, James, Walker, Bellingham.


    Dier on the same level as Trippier? 

    Trent "I wouldn't know where my near post is if it were lit up in neon but boy can I cross a ball" Alexander Arnold is a world class right back in a conventional system? 


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