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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 2 hours ago, Spike said:

    Yeah I witnessed first hand some bullshit online and I did my best laying smackdown on the Soggy Baguettes of Boganville, but of course they know better. I would encounter faux-bleeding heart smugness ‘well first nation people aren’t voting for it so I won’t either, I’m not a racist that thinks he knows better than them, and I won’t racially divide this country’, despite the fact nah you just are racist and two they aren’t voting because they want sovereignty and you bloody well don’t support that mr. dumb-smartarse.

    what is colonialism, cultural genocide, and stolen generation. Just because you didn’t do it, just because you aren’t responsible doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything to help. It doesn’t even compute at the end of the because yes or no, it isn’t going to affect you mr. Jaxxon Pelly-Smithson from Parramatta, but a yes may help some people that have it real bad. 

    Election results from areas with greater than 50% indigenous peoples indicate that about 80% of Aboriginals voted yes. This was a lie being pedaled by Jacinta Price, an apt last name for someone who sold out her people for 500k and a job in the shadow cabinet. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Spike said:

    also black fellas won’t steal your backyard and labor won’t steal your weekend, our two favourite things, even though most don’t have a yard and work weekends

    I was looking at facebook and it made me sick seeing people celebrating the no vote as if it will improve their lives, I’m stunned 

    People didn't know what they were voting for. The liberals ran the perfect two pronged attack. 
    1. Muddy the waters with lies about the potential powers and roles the voice will take, then use those lies to fuel a narrative about racial division and how it's placing Aboriginals above white Australians. 
    2. Run the campaign on 'if you don't know vote no' as a platform, with people confused due to the misinformation being spread. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Spike said:

    It was well over 70% yes before the cycle began

    Don't worry bro, there are 'intangible upsides' to the liberal party bro, they advance a culture that rewards effort and hard work or some bullshit. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Stan said:

    Not seen Aussies fielding like this for several years. Misfields, dropped catches. 

    SA making them pay, too. 

    TBH the worst of it doesn't matter IMO. If you're gonna drop a couple of dollys, might as well be in the last 2 overs 

  5. Interesting game, if Aus can keep SA to under 320 here they've done really really well. SA coasted a bit at times and now that they need to cash in some easy wickets have been given up 

  6. Bavuma never looked great this innings, had to have a crack at some point and has to go. But SA all the way down to miller are killers. I expect 350 if wickets don't start falling.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Yeah but your statement was absolutely fucking stupid. The shoe is on the other foot, Hamas are backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran - the same people oppressing Iranians. Hamas's leaders knew what Israel's reaction would be because... why the fuck wouldn't they? This isn't their first rodeo. And if Israeli responses weren't proportionate before... it's only going to be worse for people in Gaza now that Hamas has made their worst attack on Israel in history.

    It's the same flavour of oppression the people of Gaza face, they just get to eat a lot more of it because they're oppressed by Hamas AND the Israeli government. These are mostly 15-18 year olds, who've never even been given the chance to determine what kind of government rules over Gaza. They've got less freedom than your average Iranian (which is to say they've got less freedom than people with barely any freedom), they're fed loads of propaganda, and their leaders and "allies" view them as pawns to get slaughtered when it's convenient politically for them.

    So Hamas leaders stay safe in Qatar, while Gaza's condemned to probably the worst brutality it's ever seen. How do Palestinians in Gaza benefit from Hamas's "rebellion"? Their suffering is only going to end if they get killed in Israel's response. Otherwise it's just more death and destruction for Gaza. All for the sake of subverting normal diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

    If you want to be proud of their latest "uprising," you do you. But don't pretend like Hamas didn't know this would result in a heavy handed response from Israel and that they weren't counting on that sort of response.

    Stop projecting these traits to me, I'm not a straw man. 

    Calling what has happened, and will escalate now anything less than genocide is sickening. That is pretty much my only point, that and the huge bias I have seen from the western media. Re read my posts. There is no pride, there is no me supporting the attack, there is no me supporting a genocide, only you. 

    May be a graphic of map and text that says "1946 UN plan 1947 Jewish and Palestiniar land 1949 1967 Jewish land Palestinian and Israell Palestinian 2008 Israell PALESTINE STINE ISRAEL ISRAEL Stage Stage Stage Stage"

    Waiting on the Israelites to get their final solution to the Palestinian problem.  

  8. 6 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    “I love human rights but I also support genocide” :clown:

    Just FYI this attack was probably ordered by the same people that oppress Iranians on a daily basis. If Iran gets bombed, Khamenei and co brought it on themselves.

    I also doubt the government and military that struggled with a few hundred malnourished terrorists in trainers can wipe out a country.

    But you do you, gleefully cheer on the videos of that child being ripped from her mothers arm and having her throat slit & all the other shit I saw this weekend.

    I’m not going to pretend this is a flight between good and evil or oppressor vs oppressed. Hamas and the Israeli government are both bad guys. And a lot of innocent Israelis and Palestinians will die because they’ve got ethnic and racial hatred because of their sad little fairy tales.

    No one is supporting genocide here. Only you sitting there saying "Hamas brought this on Palestine" As Israel prepares to use a militia raid as an excuse to kill tens of thousands. I made a clearly facetious comment on 'maybe if this shoe was on your foot you wouldn't be dancing quite so hard'. 

  9. 18 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    The creation of the state of Israel was obviously a contentious issue. But there’s a reason that Mizrahi Jews, the ones that called pretty much every country in the Middle East home, no longer live in every Middle Eastern country… but only in Israel and Iran, and in Iran… they’re an extreme minority. They may have an MP in the majlis (Iran’s parliament) - but Arabs have 7 seats in Israel’s parliament… and yet Israel’s largely considered an apartheid state.

    Israel’s an apartheid state. They’re also one of the only places Mizrahi Jews can live anywhere near their indigenous lands after centuries of genocide. In an ideal world, they’d be allowed to live in their homelands in peace. We don’t live in an ideal world.

    Is it fair Israeli’s took a bunch of land from people living there and now treats them as a lower class of humans? Obviously not. Is it fair Mizrahi Jews were forced from their lands and can only now call 2 places in the Middle East home now after centuries of persecution? Also obviously not. Israel’s there now - getting rid of them means doing worse than what Israel’s done to Palestinians. This isn’t the black and white issue so many people make it out to be, tbh.

    Israel and Palestine are never going to experience peace if they all continue their human rights abuses. But Hamas has basically doomed Gaza with this action, which I assume was done to throw a wrench in the works of Israel-Saudi relations being normalised. What will happen now is a massive response from Israel, that will kill a ton of innocence and lead to a new generation of radical Palestinians.

    Nobody should be cheering on Hamas after what they did yesterday. They just killed a lot of people and will get a lot more killed in response.

    I hate you so much rn. I'm 20% wishing Israel go full defcon 1 and fucking wipe iran off the map and populate it, just to hear you sob about the injustice of it all, and ask for western intervention that will never come. You should know better, of all people. The jewish dickriding in this thread is immense. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Horrific scenes in Israel. Massive attack from Hamas, drones, advanced rockets, paraglided shock troops… all to target a lot of civilians.

    And what’s it going to result in other than carnage for Gaza? I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel occupies Gaza for the considerable future after this.

    A barefaced lie but okay. 

    "Israel has the right to defend itself, fullstop." Mr joe. 
    Cut to footage of entire Palestinian apartment blocks being leveled in an instant. Interesting self defense mechanism. but after all, the Israeli PM did say "Objective 1 is to defend ourselves and clear out the attackers, objective 2 is to exact an immense price."

    Also the news reports that 'dozens' of militia crossed the border to attack Israel, then that about 2000 Palestinian casualties have been reported. "mostly from the forces who crossed the border". Umm, if only a scant 100 or 200 militia crossed the border, how are most of the 2000 killed and injured made up from that? US just don't like to focus on the fact that when the dust from this settles the main death toll, as ever, will be Palestinian civilian's, as this pseudo genocide continues.


    8 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    And what’s it going to result in other than carnage for Gaza? I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel occupies Gaza for the considerable future after this.

    You are deposed from your home, the invaders who replace you are backed by the west, and you are downtrodden and forgotten, never compensated and scarcely recognized. Would you ever stop fighting? 

    When the Iranian government abuses the human rights of your people it's a travesty, when Israel do it 'stop resisting bro'.

  11. On 04/10/2023 at 21:48, The Palace Fan said:

    I didn't get 'it' with Jay White. In Impact he just felt like a midcarder, but I've been really enjoying him, Juice and The Gunns. They've been a real high point on Colission.

    When Jay arrived in NJPW he was okay, looked mid, had some cool moves but struggled to put them together in matches in a way that felt real or smooth. After bonking Okada on the head and growing the beard something just worked. He lost weight/upped his juice and with the sinister beard looked phenomenal, but also his promos and in ring just seemed to suddenly come together. His WK match to Ibushi is one of my favorite matches ever, I couldn't believe how good his work was, both in terms of him portraying the relentless heel in the first 2/3rds of the match, and his desperation and disbelief in the final quarter as things slipped away from him. 

    Juice is also perfect for American audiences, and he shouldn't be loosing all the time. 

  12. 11 hours ago, Gunnersaurus said:

    @Devil-Dick Willie A lot of labour supporters aren't to keen on starmer because he is to conservative. I'm not to keen on him myself personally. Originally when I read about his policies I thought he was OK but he has gradually got more conservative. 

    You had your messiah in JC. Enough mud was slung that he didn't get there, and the kneejerk response from the party was the safest shittest candidate possible. Small target campaign. 

  13. On 04/09/2023 at 17:36, Stan said:

    More proof that this government just doesn't, and never has, care about the people it governs over... 



    Neither government does. The schools need repair. Neither party is fronting up the bill to repair ALL the schools (not even close). So both parties seem to agree that some schools need to collapse it seems.

  14. 4 hours ago, Gunnersaurus said:

    I think the wrestling is quite good. Be worth it to see osprey but I think he rarely wrestles there. Personally I think he could win the aew championship next year at all in if he signs with aew. Not sure when his contract runs out with njpw but he would only need about 6 months of build up I think.

    @Devil-Dick Willie have you ever been to any independent shows? I figured it would be good live even if the standard of wrestling isn't great.  Although I have heard rev pro is good but I'm not sure what standard a regional promotion would be like 

    Yeah, I have been to a couple. Robbie Eagles headlined both, and one had Ospreay in it too. 

  15. 8 hours ago, Spike said:

    But this cunt might have a history of doing this to people, and will probably do it again. Of course you don’t have to do a thing and I wouldn’t know all the circumstances but wage theft is becoming a normalised plague in the world.

    Anyway my main worry would be this happening to someone that doesn’t have your backbone 

    Oh absolutely. They're a very 'old fashioned' bunch. At the end of my degree I will have the last laugh, but you're right, this mob loves exploiting people.

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