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Devil-Dick Willie

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Everything posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. She reminds me of big Mal @Spike @Toinho @Harry Long story short, Mal announced he was running for a spot in parliament as an independent. During his radio announcement of his run he said the following "And the thing about that is, I guess, I was a public figure and I was put on the podium where I was just a person out there ... I'm buggered, I'm sorry, I have to resign." And then he resigned. About 20 seconds into his political career.
  2. She'll buy some rental properties instead of course! But she should.
  3. His main event with PAC for the championship did 857k viewers. This is less than the quarter before, 15 minutes with the girls tag which did 879k. Yes, he went on directly after a girls tag team match and still lost numbers. Most of the show was a million viewers, or just above. No one is tuning in to see Cassidy.
  4. Also, Cassidy is a ratings drain, not draw. He's the perfect posterboy, along with the bucks for "Our established audience of 800k people love him, but the general population we're trying to draw don't"
  5. If she had a single ounce of 'leadership' in her fucking body she'd donate every cent of that every year to food bank or the homeless, at least until the country has reversed the damage that she and her party have done this last decade.
  6. A pearl necklace. Is it? He wasn't gonna win the title anyway.
  7. Overproduced and empty headed, but fuck me if its not one of the most catchy choruses of all time.
  8. @Spike played the nice boy card with the good reasoning that abuse victims form toxic dependent bonds to their abusers. Here's the cynical card. She also stood by Greenwood when him and Foden tried to break covid quarantine to bring some slags back to shag in their hotel room. Fodens gf ALSO stood by him. This girl, and Fodens girl, are nobodies, who are dating millionaire superstars. The second Greenwoods career is destroyed that's over. The second she leaves his life that's over. The glitz, glamour and the fame. Done.
  9. @Carnivore Chris Yesterday was day of dance festival at uni. I ate no food all day. Started drinking at 10.30. First lines at 11.30. Had a bag to myself. MD at 5pm, smoked weed at a couple of points through the day. Was home reasonably early (midnight). But to say I feel like death is an understatement. My soul is withered. Desiccated. A husk. Also a fucking bee got into my bedroom at 7 am what a fucking spectacle that was. Hope I made you proud.
  10. I compared the 2 major wrestling companies. Obviously. I don't like WWE either. But that was an excellent PPV. AEW aren't gonna pay you for blowing them my guy. If you don't like my opinion ignore it.
  11. But again, not wrong.
  12. Extreme rules was a better PPV than AEW has EVER done.
  13. Due to shit booking. You don't book a babyface to be inseparable from his annoying GF who he cheated on with over his fiancé who he proposed to on national television
  14. Sammy is obviously a real cunt, as everyone wants to bash him.
  15. If I earned 200k a week and my boss asked me to stand still for 40 minutes I'd make my atoms stop fucking vibrating.
  16. Apparently the pagan medicine is a media beat up, but yes, drill instructor. Worked back in the day but you'd never get the kids away from fifa and the couch
  17. You've also got to balance it with not upsetting them. There's very little accountability for footballers. Felix Magath was very successful as a manager in the 00s. But as footballers became more and more powerful within the hierarchy he got worse and worse results, as players don't want to have to train harder, eat better, and be more disciplined and accountable than the team down the road.
  18. About 6-8 years ago our conservative treasurer said something along the lines of "if young people can't afford houses these days it's only because they eat too much avocado on toast" Well luckily you're in a free trade union that allows foreign labor access to your country to.... wait a minute.
  19. "The population is more productive than ever!" Because technology is better than ever Because the number of workers in the population is higher than ever Because the cost of living is higher than ever and everyone is working more hours Because everyone has record debt, moving more money through more hands But hey, the population is more productive than ever!!
  20. Shovel face was bland. Don't know why so many were sucking him off. Probably a dr who thing.
  21. Ramires was a confused player ahahaha. An absolute donkey. But occasionally sublime.
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