Uhh, a singles match between cody and roman that cody wins, with bloodline interference of course, but with cody triumphant, Basically last years match but with Cody winning.
The more special guests run ins and fan service you get the more it does 2 things,
1. Distract from Codys win. Here we are talking about who turned up for the match, rather than the result.
2. Undermine Codys win. Beating Roman is supposed to be final boss stuff, but this is more like a WoW dungeon raid where your mates carry you through, and whos to say that Zayn, Owens, Logan Paul, or whoever else wouldn't have beaten Roman too if every man and his dog had come to help them? What did Cody do here that makes him special?
This was supposed to be about Cody and Roman. Instead we're all looking at the rock, Cena, and the return of the cumdertaker.