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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 56 minutes ago, Beelzebub said:

    My analogies between cricketers and football players

    Chris Gayle = Ibrahimovic - journeyman, entertainer, extremely talented, attitude but with a sense of humor

    Tendulkar = Pele - greatest name in his country and for many in the sport but some think others in his team were better

    Warne = Maradona - GOAT, most inspiring, similar lifestyle, died young

    Lara = Iniesta - elegant, respected by all

    Inzamam = Peter Cech - overshadowed by giants who were better than him but doesn't negate how much great he was for his own team

    Kohli = C Ronaldo - superstar, arrogant, easy to hate but good guy in the heart, going through a rough patch

    Warner = Benzema - not a fan favorite and even looks like a snitch but a consistent performer

    Afridi = Ramos - huge personality no matter what you may think of him

    Kevin Peterson = Beckham - slightly overrated media darling

    Ronaldo is a rapist

    Warner is very inconsistent. Benzema doesn't go missing every time Real play an away game.

    Ramos was actually a good player. Not a journeyman.

    KP is the 3rd greatest English batsman of all time. Beckham was a handsome dude who was good at crosses.

    Also. Crouch was tall inzi was fat, and Warne isn't even the greatest spinner much less greatest ever. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 3 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    I dont think Punk can be called a pro. His track record suggests anything but. Every promotion he's been in he's caused problems and at some point he's got to look in the mirror. This situation is hysterically embarrassing for him and everybody else involved.

    They've been hinting at Punk being an arsehole through his previous two feuds. If anything that Page promo felt like a continuation of what has always felt like an eventual heel turn for the smart marks because Punk is inevitably going to turn heel as he's better at it. Nobody was going to not buy the PPV because Punk may turn heel in six months. Everyone wanted to see him become Champion.

    Whilst I hope we get to see FTR vs Bucks III down the line (and I imagine we will) I can't help but feel the trios titles was a good way to segregate what The Elite do from the rest which is what the fan base riled by people like Cornette want. They really should have done it two years earlier.

    He had problems at 1 promotion. All justified. 
    Yeah, hes a bitter cunt, and no, his actions at the conference weren't great, but they were provoked. 

    Yes, and he's always been better as a heel or an anti hero, and of course they would have gone in that direction. 

    And finally, the Bucks hate putting FTR over, (they aren't even in Kennys game) And if there is one thing AEW has shown us, it's that Kenny and the Bucks, ESPECIALLY the Bucks, aren't special. They're a flippy tag team, which are now a dime a dozen. They look like shit, they're aging, they can't promo. They'd be decent in their old role of BC midcard tag team heels. Able to pump out opening matches on PPV, occasionally carry the belts, and have some good matches putting over teams like FTR, The Acclaimed, Swerve + Lee ect. You know, teams who have something interesting going for them. 
    Kenny is a hell of an in ring wrestler, though a bit airy fairy at times (was the same in NJPW). But the guy is not a draw. The over the top heel shit was woeful, and he's never been an inspiring babyface. The best Omega is the best bout machine. You shut him up, wind him up, and put him in the ring against DBry, Cesaro, Adam Cole, Kyle O'riely in 30 minute matches. If the crowd get behind him, he can do short heel promos and put a strap on him.

    Now way should the wrestlers who fit that description be EVPs

  3. On 07/09/2022 at 17:36, The Palace Fan said:

    It's just weird to me that he didn't care about Kingston calling him an arsehole, or MJF bringing up Colt Cabanna, but as soon as Adam Page said: "I'm going to save AEW from you" he turns in to somebody that ruins locker rooms which a small section of insiders have portrayed him as for 20+ years.


    I think the locker room was ruined already. Punk is a pro, he is there to work. The Elite have been elevated to a spot they never should have and are trying to defend it from outsiders. Hence the "I wanna save my toxic environment from people like you" promo, which punk only took exception to, because as he said, he's the top babyface and the PPV didn't need that dark cloud. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, 6666 said:

    The person this has fucked over the most is MJF.

    He did the same to Wardlow so fuck him. 

    To be fair to Punk, in the wise words of the dude "You're not wrong you're just an asshole". Because he instigated none of this and while he shouldn't say the shit he said, none of it missed the mark. 

    If you map the basic timeline

    Tony moves Cobana to impact because he was doing fuck all anyway and he wants to move him away from the incoming Punk pre-emptively.

    Hangman loses his belt and goes off script in a promo crying about "punk getting Cobana fired"... Except Cobana was moved not fired and Punk had nothing to do with it. 

    Punk retaliates by making Hangman look like a pussy, making a call out he knows he can't answer on live TV. To be fair at least this kept things 'keyfabe' rather than airing laundry. 

    The fake wrestling media who are friends with the elite, crucify Punk 

    Punk calls them all out at the press conference, saying Hangman is a dumb cunt who sabotaged the PPV by trying to undermine the companies biggest babyface (he is correct)

    They storm into Punks locker room in retaliation and Punk and Ace fucking belt them. 

    Punk has employed the Israel tactic of getting 7x vengeance for the slights done to him. But the elite have lead this dance every step of the way. 

    • Upvote 1
  5. 3 hours ago, MUFC said:

    Compound exercises which they call the big 5. Deadlifts, squats, bench press, pull ups and military press. Being honest I've not done weights for 3 years.

    For 2 and half years I've just been doing the original insanity and insanity max 30, switching between the 2. All bodyweight exercises and fucking brutal. Stick at it and your fitness will reach a great level.

    Ever done the bent over row? Looks easy but is difficult when you up the weight.

    Insanity has made my butt cheeks firm as anything and shaped very well.

    I used to bent over row sets of 70-80kg for 10 ( I weighed 70-75)

    My ass is famous. Used to have a 180 deadlift at 66kgs. 

    Open photo


  6. If you just want a big ass, doing hip thrusts are number 1. 
    But I would always build any program around doing regular bench, squat, pull ups, ohp, rows and rdls. Add heavy deadlifts if you're looking to become strong. 

    So for maximum ass get your wives doing 
    Back squats (heavy) 
    Rdls (heavy)
    Hip thrusts (moderate, moderate reps)
    Then pistol squats and calf raises. 

    This will give them gun legs, hammys, and a phat ass. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. The online wars between Punk fans and Elite fans are incredible. The indy gang actually think Punk should be fired because... he was assaulted by 3 men in his locker room? 

  8. Episode 2. Girls are used as pawns and playthings, main chick does girl boss thing. Everyone applauds. Again. 
    Also once again, an issue is raised and fixed in the same episode, rather than being built up or requiring an ongoing and laborious resolution. 

    The dialogue improved at least. 

    Rating. 5/10 still slop for the masses. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Waylander said:

    When using the PC a lot started get pains in my fingers.

    I am sensitive to wi-fi and Smart tech etc (childhood head injury) and eventually realised the laser in modern computer mice could give me pain in the fingers.

    I taped a bit of aluminium foil over the top where the gap is and so far so good.

    That's not a thing. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Rick said:

    Just watched this. Agree with everything. Very entertaining.

    Though, I’d have to put it at 7/10 myself. 


    Also recently watched The Lost Boys & Dawn Of The Dead (78). Seen both before many times, and both are 9/10. 

    On the whole I agree, it doesn't realllllly deserve the 8 I give it, but it scratches those particular itches I have already expanded on, which makes me forgive its failings more (like the underwhelming ending sequence)

    • Upvote 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

    I feel that. If you want to have that though the last thing you want to be doing is saying you can never have it. It sounds like you've had a few more knock backs than I have lately which I'm not looking forward to if I end up in the same boat. Got to be tough but mustn't give up!

    I broke up with the first GF that i'd had for over a year earlier this year. Had a few easy lays then dated this girl and got knocked back and it crushed me a bit. 

    I am at uni so lots of 18-21 year olds, so no good for relationships really haha.

  12. 9 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

    I'm 29. I know many will say that that's quite young but I've been single for a long time and I'm much more of a relationship person than a hook up/casual person. I've tried the latter but I knew from quite early on that it wasn't for me. Like you said earlier, nowhere near as fulfilling. A lot of my friends in my age group are getting along now, moving in with girlfriends/boyfriends, getting engaged, married, thinking about kids. I'm usually quite good at saying to myself that I shouldn't let other people's lives affect my perspective on my own but it does rub it in somewhat 😅.

    This girl I only dated for a few weeks so it's not like it's a horrible break up or anything. To be honest, it's less about her and more that just dating someone again has made me realise how much I'd like to have someone and what I'm missing out on. It's just that having been out of the game for so long, I was in some kind of safe equilibrium, then moved into a hopeful/excited place and then it ended up going nowhere. The aftermath is worse than the equilibrium that came before it but I suppose if I want to get into a proper relationship then I'm going to have to get used to the ups and downs and not retreat to that emotionally safe equilibrium again.

    Sorry for ruining your thread @Tommy 😂.

    I'm the same age and that in bold is my exact situation. We dated 6 weeks and it crushed me because it represented this void in my life I can never fill. 

  13. 53 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

    Thanks chaps. I'm alright to be fair. I do need to find a nice girl though.

    Join me my friend. How old are you if you don't mind my asking? 

    Here are some of the specific lowlights from that night. Turns out after she arrived and the girls had a powwow in the bathroom, she told one of the other single girls there that I was a good lay and that she should take me homexD So as I left I specifically remember this girl (decent sort too), asking me to stay and asking for my jacket, but I was sad so left without thinking twice. Oops. 

    Then, my mate who's house party it was (lives 3 blocks away) walked me home. And all coked up he was giving me the "I don't know why you're sad, she's is a hottie ive always wanted to fuck her, if my GF was keen i'd want a threesome " this is after I drunkenly poured my soul out explaining that I was just bummed that another decent and constructive girl the right age had decided against trying a relationship. That I was sick of random hook ups or dating a few months then falling apart, and that I always get left with the bi polar and the anxious/insecure. ect ect. Thanks Adam you fucking plonker hahahaha. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, Cicero said:

    So is Creed to Rocky but I wouldn’t call Creed a bad film because it isn’t as good as Rocky when the latter is a genuine masterpiece. Creed is a good movie on its own. 

    It’s also only the first episode so time will tell. 

    See the thing you're missing here, is that Creed is actually a good movie. The characters and dialogue weren't cringe or as shallow as a puddle. Shit comparison. This is more like Jurassic world vs Jurassic park

  15. 2 minutes ago, Cicero said:

    It’s just the nickname Rick gave you which I thought was a laugh. 

    I do think you are OTT though. It’s not perfect but your review made it out to be as if it was the worst thing ever televised. Unfair to compare it to something that is damn near perfection in GoT opening episode. 

    I'd give it a 4/10. Good production value, average to bad everything else. 

  16. 5 hours ago, Cicero said:

    If Butt Hurt Billie is this critical on House of Dragon I can only imagine his reaction to the Rings of power series. 

    I am highly anticipating the latter to be an abomination of incredible proportion. 


    I don't see why i'm but hurt. It's schlok. I have outlined a few reasons for why I think this and no one has said much beyond "yeah you're right the casting/acting is a bit spotty"

  17. 8 hours ago, Spike said:

    Pretty much. I watched GoT for characters and political intrigue, not tiddies and swords. Those just establish the culture and atmosphere, a cherry on top, not the main draw.

    Game of thrones begins with 3 nameless rangers going beyond the wall, to find some wildlings. They instead find corpses, are attacked by a white walker. Then we cut to the Starks, at home, where it's revealed a deserter from the wall is found. This is the survivor of that ranger party, who reveals that he saw white walkers to ned stark when he executes him. 

    With that, we get the set up to the main villain story, explore both sides of the wall in the north, get some world building and are introduced to the Starks as characters. 0 exposition. The show showed, it didn't tell. It set up, then it waited a LONG time to pay off. 

    In this garbage fucking show we got a few minutes of set up exposition, about how the Targaryans don't make women queens, then a clunky as fuck sequence around our main character and her love of dragons and desire to be a girl boss including some cringe dialogue ("You're a comfortable position" "I wanna eat cake every meal") and then in the very first episode she is made heir to the throne. 
    It told, it didn't show, then it payed off first xD

    Utter fucking dross. Slop for the masses. 

  18. 1 hour ago, RandoEFC said:

    The nuclear button thing is so dumb but the British press are obsessed with it.

    If anyone ever asked me that, I would answer by asking what circumstances in which you'd want to see me press the button. Because we're talking about a genuinely apocalyptic fallout.

    I do understand at least why a world leader can't say they'd never press it under any circumstances because that would be dumb. 

    Would it? Under what circumstances do you send the whole planet into poisonous nuclear winter? 

    • Upvote 3
  19. 4 hours ago, Beelzebub said:

    Like her honesty, none of that it's a grave task that we must avoid bullshit. 

    Nah fuck that. No one should be 'ready' to annihilate the fucking globe. Especially as a petty act of vengeance after someone else nukes you first. 

    Rumor among physicists is that all the modern nukes are duds anyways. I hope she pushes the button one day and has to explain to the press that afternoon why she chose to turn the globe to ashes when nothing happened.

    • Upvote 2
  20. 9 hours ago, Cicero said:

    I'm still skeptical whether or not they got it right with the casting, but thought it was still a good watch. 


    Have you read Fire and Blood? 


      Hide contents

    Her being a woman on the Iron Throne essentially leads to a great battle against her Uncle.


    No I hadn't but that is painfully obviously where the plot was taking us so nothing lost there. 

  21. 22 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

    Just watched the first episode. I'd call it a strong start.


    15 hours ago, Cicero said:

    Hard to get invested in it when I've already read A Dance With Dragons. 

    Still, was a really good opening episode. 

    I'd like to know what you two were watching. 

    Set design, costumes and camera work were great. Sweet. We knew they would be. 

    Dialogue floated between mediocre and rubbish. As was quality of acting. Dr Who had some bright moments and some utterly garbage ones. Characters 2d, i'm  utterly not invested thus far. 

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