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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 11 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    Check out the "media scrum" last week if you haven't. The bloke has lost the plot.

    Cocaine khan and the artist knows as Chris Jericho 

  2. They're both shite in their own ways, and good in their own ways. 

    WWE has some good big star matches, and a better big fight feel. They also throw in the odd AEW style workrate match for fun and it fits better surrounded by different match styles. 

    AEW is grossly self indulgent. 

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  3. I don't know who it is who decides which NJPW 'stars' appear on AEW. But they should be fired. The only one they have gotten right so far is Rocky Romero. 

    Suzuki, Ishii, Kenta and now Tanahashi are all one foot in the fucking grave and 5 years OR MORE past their prime. Jeff Cobb can pop a crowd but has a boring personality and O'Khan is only watchable when he's in the ring with a technical wrestler. 

    Where is Sanada? Where is Ibushi? Where is Zack and Taichi? Where is even Okada? Fuck me Naito or Shingo are past their very best but still would get the job done. Naito especially as he has a personality. 

  4. For my English chums. Here are some ideas to survive the energy crisis. (a reminder it's summer and you'll all die in winter if you don't adopt one of the following strategies)

    1. Be a rich Tory cunt. 
    2. Become a long distance runner to raise your core temperature. 
    3. Get so angry at insulate Britain for trying to get in front of a huge problem that your temperature rises so high you survive another night. 
    4. 21st century prostitution. 
    5. Argue over why Labor would be worse until the hot air fills the room. 

  5. 4 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:


    Hopefully Bryan gets a win over Jericho and we get Bryan/Punk at All Out. People will moan its two ex-WWE guys but they're the best two guys they've got at the minute.

    Other than Darby, MJF, Wardlow, who the fuck does AEW have that's 'homegrown' that's any good anyways? Penta and Rey are decent I guess. Same with Hangman. 

    Kenny was used poorly. The fat fucks were goofy from the starting gun. 

  6. 4 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    MJF not turning up at the meet and greet for fans is causing a lot of speculation.

    Guess we will find out at the PPV if there's anything to it.

    I doubt it. AEW is full of obvious works.

  7. 7 hours ago, Spike said:

    Gun buy back wouldn't work. Cunts would fucking hide them like Anne Frank. You could offer these cunts a million bucks per gun and they’d still clutch onto them

    There's no such thing as too many guns to regulate. 

    Step 1. New laws restricting who can and can't own guns. 

    Step 2. Gun buyback for those who didn't make the cut

    Step 3. Cops visit everyone who didn't deregister their gun in the buy back "Excuse me sir but we have you as a former firearms owner. You no longer are allowed to own none, thus you can either give us back the gun, or you've sold it illegally and can deal with the consequences of the new laws."

    Step 4. Huge fines and community service for anyone found with an unregistered (but formerly registered in their name gun) 

    A couple of years down the line, anyone found with an unregistered firearm goes to jail for a couple of years. 

    Done. Takes a few years, but its done. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Viva la FCB said:

    Gotta love the GOP responses to the latest tragedy. Suggestions of arming teachers, creating only one entrance to schools and keeping armed police by said door and even the Texas Governer General saying laws dont matter xD 

    Way too much money involved to ever try and change anything. So very sad. 

    "So the problem we have is guns right? Too many to regulate and too many fucked in the head cunts to wield them. You might think a gun buy back, a heavy tightening of restrictions and a few adjustments to laws around being found in possession of an illegal firearm are the ticket here, but you'd be wrong. We need to put GUNS ON OUR GUNS AND INTO THE GUN HANDS OF MORE SKETCHY GUN HOLDERS SO WHEN A KID WANTS TO SHOOT UP A SCHOOL HE'S GOT TO HAVE A GUNFIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO DO SO LETS FUCKING CHANGE THE ENTIRE FABRIC OF OUR SOCIETY TO ADRESS THIS PROBLEM WHY THE FUCK NOT"

    Gun lobbyists. Every time.

    "if there had been a responsible gun owner there at the time they could have killed the miscreant" 

    Funny how there never is though. 

    • Upvote 3
  9. @RandoEFC You've fallen for the classic Murdoch trap. Saying 'it's an open goal' As others will say that "Labour messed it all up for themselves" in previous elections. 

    When in reality it's a no win scenario. Murchoch is in the brains of a huge chunk of the nation through their eyes and ears. Tv, radio, papers office conversations, all dictated upon. So Labour come forward with great policies? They're undermined as being 'costly' Slightest bungle at a press conference? "The leader is incompetent" 

    They cycle is such that you have to wait for the self-serving, corrupt nature of the Tory government is so bloated and disfigured by its own baggage that it sinks itself. 

    It's like that episode of southpark where cartman finds the treasure, and because he doesn't want to share it he eats it all and becomes a burden to the other kids, claiming that 'he's sick' until the episode ends and he shits out the consequences of his own greed. 

    Just replace the gold he's hiding with inflation, unemployment, brexit consequences, youth poverty, homelessness ect.  

  10. 6 minutes ago, Spike said:

    stop fucking everything, sell the bike, and talk to your professor about your  group assignment 

    join the army reserve

    No, I'll sell my old bike because it's less money but also less of a waste of money and I've had ongoing talks about the group project but I'm not convinced they're gonna fucking do anything. 

    "working as part of a group is part of the challenge"  

    Fuck you you rat mole why should I be punished ( for the 3rd time) for being paired with a couple of actual Soggy Baguettes who should be in the arts building putting crayons in their nose and finger-painting the walls with their shit. 

  11. I broke up with my live in girlfriend after a year of living together at the beginning of the semester, moved out mid semester over my birthday weekend, am currently about to receive (and pay for) a motorcycle that was for getting me up and back too and from Narooma (4 hour drive) because that's where her parents lived and she would stay there when her mental health was poor. I'll sell my current bike but it's still 5-6 k I could have done without spending, and the reason is moot now anyway. So the bike stresses the fuck out of me financially and reminds me of the ex. The semester is going... okay. Marks are good, but one subject is enormously complex (matrix algebra, lagrange multipliers differential calculus) and it has been delivered horridly and I'm shitting myself over the final exam because I lost the plot of what the fucks going on in the subject 2 weeks ago. It's week 12 of the 14+exams week semester, and everything is coming to a head. I have a group project due that I have done plenty of work on but my 2 partners are Phil's bald head and lazy and the whole thing is shit and is going to undermine my mark for the subject. 

    I could deal with the uni stresses but the bike thing on top plus the average level of mental health post break up have conspired to create a monster. 

    Also I had sex with my new housemate just after moving in here. Again. G E N I U S. 

  12. I'm stressed to the point of physical illness recently. I'm going off at inanimate objects and thinking about harming myself or others daily. Been years since I felt this way. Just a huge pile on of shit that seems insurmountable from where I'm at currently. 

    • Sad 1
  13. 3 hours ago, RandoEFC said:

    I've just flicked from the UK Politics thread to this one using the next unread topic button. I think that's the biggest dose of complete right-wing shite I've been exposed to for a long time and that's coming from someone who frequently sees Daily Mail front pages shared on his Twitter feed.

    The trans debate is such an unbelievably fringe issue that 99% outside of people screaming (on both sides) on social media don't even know what it is, much less decide which they're going to vote based on it.

    trans issue is classic dead catting. 

    Create a massive culture war over something that effects less than 0.5% of the population so that the voters forget the supply chain issues, the falling GDP and GBP, the fact that over 1 in 3 English children are being born into objective poverty. 

    • Upvote 3
  14. On 16/02/2022 at 22:34, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    This is a consistent gripe I have with the company. 

    Every belt, when you think about it, is defended 90% of the time against scrubs. 

    Cody and his line up of one timers no one has heard of to wrestle for the TnT championship every week
    The tag belts get mostly defended against AEW dark guys
    Even the main strap. Names in bold are matches against stars(at the time) or where you actually think the belt might swap hands. 

    Jericho beat Paige, Cody, Darby and Scorpio Sky, Moxley
    Mox beat Hager, Brodie, Cage, Darby, MJF, Eddie Kingston, The butcher(wtf?) Lance Archer, Kingston again, Kenny Omega 

    Omega beat Rey Fenix, Moxley, Rich Swann, Pac and Cassidy, Jungle Boy, Christian, Hangman

    Hangman beat D Bry and Lance Archer. 

    25 matches, 6 of them put 2 stars in the ring. 
    Scorpio sky, Hager, Cage, The Butcher, Rey Fenix, OJ Cassidy, Jungle Boy and Eddie Kingston are all jobbers or low midcard singles who should be NOWHERE near the fucking thing. So that's 9 matches that are throw away matches. 

    So 25 matches, 6 are actually competitive and leave you wondering who will win, 10 are against decent tallent to prop them up, to put the champ over or set something up for the future, and 9 were basically pointless. 

    The ration should be more like 10 competitive (3 times a year) 10 enhancing upper midcard guys or using them to put the champ over and 5 or so throw aways ( once or twice a year for tv matches) 

    There it is. 

    • Upvote 1
  15. 4 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    I can't see it happening with Tony Khan's booking. He will probably wrestle John Silver.

    I didn't have a problem with Adam Page winning the title at Full Gear. His first two matches with Bryan Danielson were very good too, but to not build up potential challengers after that has been foolish and made his run feel flat.

    At no point did Lance Archer, a man whose lost all the big matches, feel like a credible threat. At no point did Adam Cole, who lost to a hug against Orange Cassidy, feel like a credible threat. Now he's about to face his second legit challenger and everybody thinks he should lose.

    MJF looked like the man after he beat CM Punk, Keith Lee had a solid debut before he was having a 50/50 match with JD Drake three weeks later, people were behind Malakai Black until he started doing all this on/off hocus pocus shit, Adam Cole didn't have to lose to Orange Cassidy or Jungle Boy. There was enough people he could have made look like a legitimate threat instead of having Jay Lethal ranked number two because he won six matches on Dark nobody bothered to watch.


    This has been a HUGE ongoing problem with AEW, I have a post about it from a few pages ago that I will quote for convenience. Way too many challengers are shit, and don't belong near the title. There are 4 PPVS per year, so 4 title matches per year should be huge matches between 2 credible wrestlers, plus maybe 1 or 2 on TV, then maybe 2-3 per year TV title matches that are against a midcarder with a good run behind them. 

    Instead most matches are against a midcarder with no booking behind them at all. 

    • Upvote 1
  16. On 12/02/2022 at 05:53, JoshBRFC said:

    Just going through some of my old works do photos from the company I left before Christmas. Met some good people there who I’ll be definitely be staying in touch with including these in these pictures. Yes I like ripped jeans and no I haven’t fallen over. 

    It was a messy day and night :x


    I know it's a coinkydink but that girls looks like a 30 year old version of a girl called jess I knew.xD

    Looking schmik as ever mate. 

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  17. On 09/05/2022 at 07:48, MUFC said:

    Back to training in the morning. Brought all my nutrion over the weekend. I love the fast pace and adrenaline when training. The heart pumping like subwoofer while fighting to carry on and never quitting. 

    Which form of exercise do you enjoy? I only do intervals and HIT cardio now. I've always been hooked on exercises which are fast paced and full on with short breaks. Been this way since my teens.

    Calisthenics or powerlifting 

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